UNDG JOINT FUNDING APPROACHES Orientation session for Donors Joint Funding sub-committee [New York, 5 November 2014]


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Presentation transcript:

UNDG JOINT FUNDING APPROACHES Orientation session for Donors Joint Funding sub-committee [New York, 5 November 2014]

UN Funding Architecture 12% inter-agency pooled Funds 5% inter-agency pooled Funds

Overview UN Interagency Pooled Funds > 1.5 billion

Programme Drives Funding Joint Assessment Joint Strategic Planning Common Budgetary Framework Joint Resource Mobilization Implementation Joint Monitoring & Evaluation Programming priorities should drive the selection of a funding mechanism(s). Decision Point

10 per cent rule for pooled funds  Inter-agency pooled funds supplement and build on existing agency funding mechanisms  To act as centers of gravity for aligning overall assistance, pooled funds should channel at least 10 per cent of total aid in a particular area.  Some facts on inter-agency pooled funds: UN humanitarian pooled funds: 12 % of total non-core UN development pooled funds: 5 % of total non-core Only one out of > 20 Delivering as One Funds has consistently reached 10 % benchmark of total expenditures

UNDG Joint Funding Mechanisms 1.Joint Programmes – 3 ways to manage Pass-Through (MOU & SAA) Pooled (agencies work with same implementing entity) Parallel 2.Multi-Donor Trust Funds (MOU & SAA) Country-level (incl. DAO/One Funds) Global-level 3.Bilateral UN to UN Transfers

Joint Programme, using pass-through Two to five UN Organizations develop a JP with common results framework, work plan, budget and governance structure Joint Resource mobilisation to meet funding gap Donors agree to channel funds through Administrative Agent with total contributions of more than one million per PUNO (threshold)

Multi-Donor Trust Funds Multi-agency, uses the pass-through mechanism Supports a joint strategic UN programme of more than one UN organisation, such as: - global / country level thematic objective - One Programmes (Delivering as One) Used in humanitarian, recovery / transition, development and climate change contexts Joint resource mobilization & joint reporting Encourages multi-year un-earmarked contributions Threshold for establishment: 5 million USD / year

MDTF Governance Architecture Steering Committee Secretariat Administrative Agent (1%) Participating UN Organizations (‘7%’) Implementing Partners Task Teams/ Program Groups Donors MOU SAA

Global MDTF architecture

One UN Fund architecture

Country level MDTF with > 1 window

Common in all Funds: three distinct roles in Fund Management Fund design and administration Role of Administrative Agent (Trustee) Fund allocation and operations Role of Governance body / Steering Committee Supported by Fund Secretariat / RC Office (DaO) / Convening Agent (JP) Fund implementation Participating UN Organisations, working with other implementing partners including NGOs

Revision UNDG standard legal agreements for pass-through arrangement  What drives the changes ?  What donor comments have already been taken on board?  What type of inter-agency pooled funds are affected?

Revision of UNDG Standard Legal Agreements: what drives the changes? Draft revised MOU & SAA New guidance on Joint Programmes, DaO (SOPs) & thresholds UNDG experience with pass-through arrangements QCPR and Executive Board decisions Donor comments 2010 – 2013 Inter-agency work on joint audit & investigations

Revision of UNDG Standard Legal Agreements: incorporating donor comments Strengthened results reporting Review or evaluation by donor Sound risk management Counter terrorism FraudAnti-corruption Disclosure of agreement Transparency Due diligence SAA not a treaty Subject to Parliamentary appropriation Draft revised MOU & SAA

Taxonomy of Pooled Funds with UN implementation Impacted by change in UNDG standard legal arrangements

Overview UN Interagency Pooled Funds > 1.5 billion 0.87 billion

Available Resources The UNDG Joint Funding sub-committee is the central place for training, guidance and support on UNDG joint funding mechanisms. Online resources: o UNDG Guidance Note on Joint Programmes (2014)Guidance Note on Joint Programmes o UNDG Standard Operations Procedures for Delivering as One (2014)Standard Operations Procedures for Delivering as One o UNDG Guidance Note on establishing, managing & closing MDTFs (2011)Guidance Note on establishing, managing & closing MDTFs o UNDP MPTF Office GATEWAY: o UNRIAS: Framework for Joint Internal Audits of UN Joint Activities (2014)Framework for Joint Internal Audits of UN Joint Activities

MPTF Office resources: GATEWAY