Pairwise Priority Graph The priority or weight of a parent criterion is determined by its relationship to the other parent criteria If a criterion has children, the weight of the parent does not change when we complete Pairwise at the child level 2 Priority Graph INCONSISTENCYALIGNMENT
Understanding the Priority Graph 3 Click Sort Ascending or Descending to change the order of the graph. Note that you will see the weights for the comparison set that you have just completed Click either the Global or Local Priorities radio button to change how the weights are shown in the tree view. Global shows overall weights of sub factors. Local shows how sub factors are distributed within that node only Click either the Global or Local Priorities radio button to change how the weights are shown in the tree view. Global shows overall weights of sub factors. Local shows how sub factors are distributed within that node only
Inconsistency and Alignment 4 Total Inconsistency measures the logical coherence of the group’s set of judgments. Click to View will open the Inconsistency View Alignment is an index shown as a percentage to indicate how much consensus there were around judgments
Inconsistency and Alignment Alignment measures the relative difference between group votes and individual votes on pairwise comparisons Maximum alignment is 100%. Is this desirable? Minimum alignment is 0%. What might this suggest? Ideally, alignment ranges from 40% to 80% Inconsistent comparisons are presented and the top 3 are the ones with the most inconsistency. The acceptable threshold of inconsistency is.10. This may require changing one or more judgments. If the Inconsistency is fairly close to zero, no action is necessary. 5
What is Inconsistency? Inconsistency measures whether voters followed a logical thought process during Pairwise comparison This is not logical! 6 A C B A is more important than B B is more important than C What if C is judged to be more important than A?
Inconsistency Analysis Window 7 Decision Lens will display the top three Pairwise comparisons that are contributing the most to the inconsistency ratings resulting from the most recent voting. For these comparisons, the system will show the effect on inconsistency if it is resolved through re-voting on that specific comparison
What to do about Inconsistency When we integrate new ideas and experiences into our consciousness, we tend to rearrange some of our preferences Perfect consistency in our judgments isn’t necessary, as long as we maintain coherence Conversely, if consistency is too low, judgments may appear random Individual judgments tend to be more inconsistent than the group Group inconsistency should be 10% or less 8
Inconsistency and Alignment 9
The 3 Part Test After addressing Inconsistency and Alignment, when viewing the final Priority Graph ask participants to reflect upon these 3 questions: 1)Can I live with the decision made here today? 2)Can I refrain from behaving or speaking negatively to others about the decision? 3)Can I readily support the decision and devote the resources necessary to make the decision successful? If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” further discussion or review is necessary. 10
Establish Priorities Summary 11
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