1 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory Spring 2015 ECE Senior Design Topic Design of a Smart Home with Remote Monitoring and Control Faculty Advisor Dr. Gangbing Song Tel: Graduate Student Advisor Ning Wang (ECE PhD Student) Tel:
2 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory An example model of a smart home Objectives What you will learn Hardware design Software design Outline
3 3 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory 3 An Example Model of a Smart Home An Example Model of the Hardware Platform of a Smart Home
4 4 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory Design and develop a visually impressive hardware platform (model) to test the independent remote control platform based on the novel unified framework that has been developed Dr. Song’s group. Integrate the hardware with the remote control software platform. Demonstrate remote monitoring and control of the smart home model using a variety of devices including intelligent phones. Objectives of this Senior Design Project
5 5 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory What you will learn Various sensing technologies Interfacing hardware with a real time data acquisition and control system Remote monitoring and control via internet
6 6 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory A smart home mode that has Temperature sensor Humidity sensor A fan Small bulbs for heating Piezoceramic sensor on a window Data acquisition and control system (with LabVIEW) Any impressive functions that you can add Hardware Requirements
7 7 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory Develop a LabVIEW monitor and control application to interface with the sensors, fan, small bulbs, etc. With the LtoN (LabVIEW to Node.js) protocol, the LabVIEW control application will be integrated into the remote control software platform. Test the entire experiment. Please note that Mr. Ning Wang will work with your team closely on software integration. Interface of Hardware with Software
8 8 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory Using HTTP-Node- Proxy to share Port 80 Using remote control module which was developed based on Socket.io protocol. Using LtoN Module which was developed based on Socket.io Protocol
9 9 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory Software Architecture The client web application uses the Web 2.0 Technology. The client web application uses the Server-based Mashup technology for user interface integration. The server application is directly built on the top of a novel assembled server engine scheme, and it includes two server engines working together, Apache HTTP server engine and Node.js server engine. It uses Web Service technology based on the LabVIEW running in the workstation
10 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory NameTechnology/Protocol/SoftwareRemark 1Http ProxyNode-Http-ProxyPart of Node.js 2Data ProtocolSocket.IOPart of Node.js 3Real-time experiment video Transmission Http Live Streaming Protocol /FFMPEG /Segmenter software package 4DatabaseMySQL 5.5 5Client – User InterfaceMashup technology, JavaScript 6Server - Web ServiceApache(2.2), Node.js (V1.0), JSONLtoN (LabVIEW to Node.js) 7Equipment ControlLabVIEW (V2013) Technology/protocol/software list was used in the new platform
11 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory We use the Web 2.0 Technology which includes HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JQuery/JQuery-Mobile JavaScript libraries to implement the Client Web Application Layer. We use server-based Mashup technology to generate our client application. Server-based Mashup analyzes and reformats the data on a remote server and transmits the data to the user's browser. Client Web Application Layer NameTechnology/Protocol/SoftwareRemark 1Development LanguageHTML, CSS, JavaScriptUsing HTML5 2Real-Time communication ProtocolSocket.IOPart of Node.js 3Integration technologyMashup technology 4WidgetsJQuery/ JQuery-Mobile Technology/protocol/software list for the Client web application
12 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory The server application is directly built on the top of a novel assembled server engine scheme, and it includes two server engines working together, Apache HTTP server engine and Node.js server engine. We implemented the experiment scheduler system and user management system on the server-side. For the data management, we use the MySQL 5.5 Database management system. Server Application Layer NameTechnology/Protocol/SoftwareRemark 1Server EngineApache 2.4.6, Node.js Using the newest stable version 2Real-Time experiment data Protocol Socket.IOPart of Node.js 3DatabaseMySQL 5.5 4HTTP ProxyNode-HTTP-ProxyPart of Node.js 5Real-Time video transmissionHttp Live Streaming Protocol /FFMPEG /Segmenter software package Technology/protocol/software list for the Server application
13 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory It uses Web Service technology based on the LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench) running in the workstation. We design and develop a new real time protocol to implement the LtoN module for the real-time communication between the workstation of the experiment and center server. Experiment Control Application Layer NameTechnology/Protocol/SoftwareRemark 1Experiment equipment control LabView (Version 8.6) 2Real-time experiment data communication module LtoNA new experiment data transmission protocol based on Socket.IO Technology/protocol/software list for the Experiment control application
14 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory Sample Paradigm on Desktop Sample Paradigm on iPhone Sample Paradigm in iPad Remote SMA Experiment Sample Paradigms of the novel solution comparison in different devices
15 Department of Mechanical Engineering Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory Thanks and Questions?