Azure’s new NoSQL PaaS Offering A Lap Around Azure DocumentDB Louis Berman National Architect


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Presentation transcript:

Azure’s new NoSQL PaaS Offering A Lap Around Azure DocumentDB Louis Berman National Architect

© Copyright 2014, Neudesic. All rights reserved. 2 Who? Me!! Louis Berman National Architect, Applications Platform, SDG Cell: Blog: Downloads Blog Item: documentdb-that-aint-quite-true/ documentdb-that-aint-quite-true/ Source:

© Copyright 2014, Neudesic. All rights reserved. 3 What? (1 of 2) A managed, highly-scalable NoSQL (JSON) document database service Schema-free storage of arbitrary JSON docs. Automatic indexing supports complex queries. Transaction support with ACID semantics. Service-side programmability with JavaScript. Write-optimized, SSD-backed and tunable via indexing & consistency. Built to be delivered as a service; pay as you go. A complement to SQL Server, Table Storage, Blobs, etc.; not a replacement.

© Copyright 2014, Neudesic. All rights reserved. 4 What? (2 of 2) Open-source Client SDKs (with more to come!) For the highly motivated, there’s a REST API NuGet Packages Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client –Pre Newtonsoft.Json Tunable consistency Levels: Strong, Bounded, Session, and Eventual. Still trying to figure out what this means in the real world.

© Copyright 2014, Neudesic. All rights reserved. 5 DocumentDB Resources

© Copyright 2014, Neudesic. All rights reserved. 6 Capacity Units (CUs) See for (Preview!) pricing details I have no real-world experience with this one, but my chief fear is that the entire CU scheme put developers in the economic hot-seat.

© Copyright 2014, Neudesic. All rights reserved. 7 Consistency? Eventual Consistency All changes will be propagated at some time in the future Quorum Consistency Response after data is written on ((Factor / 2) + 1) nodes Consistency level can be weakened per read / query LevelWritesReads StrongSync Quorum WritesQuorum Reads BoundedAsync ReplicationQuorum Reads SessionAsync ReplicationSession Bound Replica EventualAsync ReplicationAny Replica

© Copyright 2014, Neudesic. All rights reserved. 8 What’s Important (for Developers)? JavaScript UDFs, Triggers, Stored Procedures Language Integrated Transactions The entire procedure is wrapped in an ACID transaction JavaScript exception results into aborting the transaction “Document-oriented” SQL HTTP/REST APIs and Client SDKs,.NET, Node.js, JavaScript, Python; C++ & Java soon Async support for all operations POCOs, inherited document types and dynamics LINQ, LINQ and MORE LINQ; did I say LINQ? A bit to get your head around but easy to get going It’ll take a bunch of experimentation to get exactly right.

© Copyright 2014, Neudesic. All rights reserved. 9 Limits (Preview ONLY!) EntityQuota Max database accounts per subscription5 Number of databases per account100 Maximum number of capacity units (CU) per database account5 Number of collections per capacity unit5 Attachment storage per database account2GB Maximum request units (RU) / sec per collection2000 # of stored procedures, triggers and UDFs per collection25 Maximum request size of document and attachment256kb Maximum request size of stored procedure, trigger and UDF256kb Provisioned document storage / capacity unit10GB

© Copyright 2014, Neudesic. All rights reserved. 10 When You Should Use DocumentDB In General You don’t want to do replication / scale-out by yourself You want to have tunable consistency You want to do rapid development You want to safeguard against significant change You want to support massive (gargantuan!) scale Compared to relational database You don’t want predefined columns or relationships You sick and tired of database versioning issues Compared to other document stores You want to use an SQL-like query grammar MongoDB vs. DocumentDB:

© Copyright 2014, Neudesic. All rights reserved. 11 I Hate Slides!! Let’s go to the portal, then create a new account I have too many demos (let’s see how far we get!)

© Copyright 2014, Neudesic. All rights reserved. 12 Resources Azure Friday - DocDB w/Ryan CrawCour (101, 102) Azure Documentation – Tutorials & GuidesTutorials & Guides Introduction to Azure DocumentDB Get started with DocumentDB DocumentDB resource model and concepts Develop an ASP.NET application with DocumentDB DocumentDB.NET code samples.NET SDK reference REST API Reference DocumentDB SQL reference Scott Gu – New DocumentDB NoSQL ServiceNew DocumentDB NoSQL Service AzureConf – Azure Document Database Deep DiveAzure Document Database Deep Dive