General Knowledge Heredity or Environment Characteristics of development Areas of Development The Brain
Heredity or Environment or Both– 10 Points QUESTION: Eye color ANSWER: (heredity)
Heredity or Environment or Both– 20 Points QUESTION: Weight ANSWER: (both)
Heredity or Environment or Both– 30 Points QUESTION: You can change ________ but not ________. ANSWER: (environment/heredity)
Heredity or Environment or Both– 40 Points QUESTION: Skin color ANSWER: (heredity)
Heredity or Environment or Both– 50 Points QUESTION: Height and weight ANSWER: (both)
Characteristics of Development– 10 Points QUESTION: What characteristic of development does the following demonstrate? All the children in the preschool can hang up their jacket, get their library book out, and hang up their book bag. ANSWER: (Develoment is similar for everyone)
Characteristics of Development– – 20 Points QUESTION: Why does Shae-Imam knows his numerals from 0 to 10 while Bruce is still learning them? ANSWER: (Development proceeds at an individual rate)
Characteristics of Development– – 30 Points QUESTION: Mary tripped over a chair in class and all the other children began to laugh. Mary cried and wouldn’t do her work the rest of the day. ANSWER: (The areas of development are interrelated)
Characteristics of Development– – 40 Points QUESTION: If a child must learn how to identify letters and their sounds before they can read, this demonstrates which characteristic of development? ANSWER: (Development builds on earlier learning)
Characteristics of Development– – 50 Points QUESTION: Which characteristic demonstrates that each time a new version of the iPhone comes out, everyone is able to figure out how to use it in a few weeks, even my 91 year old mother? ANSWER: (development continues throughout life)
Areas of Development– 10 Points QUESTION: Sitting up ANSWER: (physical)
Areas of Development– 20 Points QUESTION: Associating letters with sounds ANSWER: (intellectual)
Areas of Development– 30 Points QUESTION: Learning to control temper tantrums ANSWER: (emotional)
Areas of Development– 40 Points QUESTION: Learning to raise your hand instead of calling out. ANSWER: (moral)
Areas of Development– 50 Points QUESTION: Asking someone to play blocks with them ANSWER: (Social)
The Brain– 10 Points QUESTION: What is the name of a brain cell? ANSWER: (neuron)
The Brain– 20 Points QUESTION: The space between the axon of one cell and the dendrite of another cell called. ANSWER: (Synapse)
The Brain– 30 Points QUESTION: Sends messages from one neuron to another ANSWER: (Axon)
The Brain– 40 Points QUESTION: A chemical needed for information to be sent from neuron to neuron. ANSWER: (Neurotransmitter)
The Brain– 50 Points QUESTION: The branch like feature that receives information from another nerve cell ANSWER: (Dendrite)
General Knowledge– 10 Points QUESTION: Often the cause of poor student grade ANSWER: (low self-esteem)
General Knowledge– 20 Points QUESTION: Examples are: reading to a child, singing and listening to music, playing games, a colorful environment. ANSWER: (stimulation)
General Knowledge– 30 Points QUESTION: Mrs. Bowler explained the answer to the question. ANSWER: (moral and social)
General Knowledge– 40 Points QUESTION: What are the tiny gaps between neurons called? ANSWER: (synapses)
General Knowledge– 50 Points QUESTION: Label the brain. State each parts purpose. ANSWER: (1. dendrite receives info, 2. neuron stores info s, 3. axon sends info, 4. myelin protects axon helps speed transmittion, 5. neurotransmitters help info to be relayed, 6. synapse space between axon and dendrite that info must jump.)