My best 3 rd grade every! By Lauren Victoria Moskowitz
Lauren Lauren is awesome, sweet, smart, and nice. I am so funny and silly at the same time! I am so silly!!!!!!!
My super school! One time I read my story to the principal it was cool! I know all the assistant principals but I was never bad. I have a super teacher Mrs. Ferguson she is the best!
F unny times It was so funny when Olivia sat on cake. Chandler was about to fall when we were going to jump Izzy called Italian ataion
Best moment ever!!! Meeting someone new and becoming best friends
Stuff I will remember Mrs. FergusonArt class my best friendsfield day market day Math Computer student Council Star student PARTY!
Favorite I like bobby pendragon. He is going to save time and the world. He is a fourteen year old boy and he plays basketball.
ABC A-Awesome M-MasterY-Year B- Best N-NeatZ-Zabest C-Cool O-Outstanding D-Discover P-Proud E-Excellent Q-Quick F-Fantastic R-Respect G-Graduating S-Sweet H-Helpful T-Terrific I-Intrusting U-Useful J-Joyful V-very cool K-kind W-Wow L-Laughter X-X-special
Summer I might go to the beach. I will go to the pool.
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Class Pictures
Class pictures
Girl pictures
Best friends
The End My best third grade ever! By Lauren Victoria Moskowitz I love doing this there always so fun. love third grade I will miss Mrs. Ferguson This is the end bye