user data store
{ "id": "AzureDocumentDB", "servicetype": "Data Platform", "servicename": "Azure DocumentDB", "releasetype": "Preview", "public": true, "regions": [ { "name": "North Europe", "visible": true, "capacity": }, { "name": "West US", "visible": true, "capacity": }, { "name": "East US", "visible": false, "capacity": } ] } { "id": "MS_125734", "name": "John Macintyre", "jobrole": "Program Manager", "companyname": "Microsoft", "photo": null, "bio": "John builds stuff at Microsoft.", "topicids": [ "MS_Azure_12", "MS_Azure_23", "MS_Azure_44" ], "sessonids": [ "MS_TEE_DBIB318", "MS_TEE_DBI212" ] } { } JSON
{ } SQL
{ } JS
Transactionally process multiple documents with application defined stored procedures and triggers JavaScript as the procedural language Language integrated Execution wrapped in an implicit transaction Preregistered and scoped to a collection Performed with ACID guarantees Triggers invoked as pre or post operations