Desk review of literature on Intergenerational Learning, Social Innovation and Volunteerism involving Old and Young People Desk Review by Margaret Kernan, Giulia Cortellesi & Esther Miedema Presentation by Remi Goossens ICDI ComeON! Second Interim Meeting Madrid September 29-30, 2014
Outline of the presentation Key concepts Overview of results desk studies Conclusion
Key concepts (1) Intergenerational learning (IGL) involves different age groups learning together and from each other. This is seen as important in Europe of today as it facilitates a form of learning that might otherwise be diminished due to a growing age segregation. Experiential ‘education for life’ refers to comprehensive development of a person’s capacities during the full course of her/his life, no matter her/his circumstances. Social Innovation are strategies, ideas & activities which bring about positive change in communities, satisfying needs of all social groups & reinforcing civil society capacity.
Key concepts (2) 21st century volunteerism: Volunteerism characterized by choice, solidarity & generosity. New type of formative volunteerism - systematically develops & pursues social learning & innovation, merging formal education with development of both life competences and critical norms and values. Phyrtual: the integration of physical + virtual (= phyrtual) elements in the pursuit of social learning & innovation.
Key concepts (3) Intergenerational Solidarity refers to a ‘mutual support & cooperation between different age groups to achieve a society where people of all ages have a role to play in line with their needs & capacities, and can benefit from their community’s economic & social progress’ (Robertson, 2012: 86).
Overview results: IGL in educational policy & curriculum IGL not explicitly named in policy or curriculum guidelines for any type of secondary education. But, in all countries (excl. Romania) social studies is included, addressing e.g. human rights & responsibility for others. Varied delivery across countries, e.g.: -Italian Liceo’s – emphasis citizenship. All schools can propose projects linked to community needs. -Hungary & NL – compulsory community service & ‘social internship’.
Social innovation in educational policy & curriculum Explicit reference: -Italy: MoER 2013 guidelines for social innovation, e.g. creation of social innovation labs/zones. More implicit references in: - Hungary: social inclusion & cohesion - NL: social change
IG initiatives at a glance 16 IG initiatives (IGIs) in the 5 countries involving YP between years & seniors over 55 ICT formed an important aspect in 8 IGIs & attempt was made to integrate virtual with face-to-face interaction, primarily to close digital gap (YP EP) Face-to-face contact in other 8 IGIs - focus on transmission of history, values & professional skills (EP YP)
Benefits The focus & approach shape the type of benefits: some initiatives emphasise on skills & learning outcomes (e.g. ICT), while others focus on social cohesion & fun (e.g. through culture). Seniors: ICT, mentoring skills, sense of worth; YP: develop social & professional skills; Community: challenge stereotypes, tackle ageism, reduce isolation, improve cohesion, active citizenship, sense of belonging, ownership & fun.
Skills Organisational: preparation of participants and partners, ability to create synergies across generations & different types of organisations, content knowledge Seniors: openness to working with YP, tolerance, empathy, facilitation skills, pro-activity Young people: openness to working with seniors, punctuality, pro-activity, teaching skills, patience
Preconditions for success (1) 1)Preparation, coordination and communication Clear criteria to select volunteers, e.g. teaching skills, openness to IGI & IGL, project idea Clarity on aims, roles, activities Location - level of comfort & facilities, flexibility to address health issues & other unexpected circumstances Clear communication plan and its effective delivery - essential to smooth running, creating & sustaining interest in, and support for projects.
Preconditions for success (2) 2) Partnership, understanding and commitment Quality of partnership between & commitment of, organizations/institutions and individuals Clarity on level of understanding of, and commitment to, IGI & IGL more broadly, e.g.: Schools aware of educational potential of IGL projects Elderly people’s homes open doors to learners & schools and able to engage young volunteers on long-term basis Active involvement of communities, schools and parents.
Conclusion None of IGIs to be defined as ‘phyrtual’; Virtual components – where present – tended to be limited to provision of ICT lessons by young people to seniors; Social innovation is weakly embedded in formal secondary school policy & curricula in most of countries studied; Additional skills and preconditions required to ensure successful ‘phyrtual’ IGL initiatives.