THE NEED AND DRIVE FOR HIGH QUALITY DATA PUBLICATION Iain Hrynaszkiewicz Head of Data and HSS Publishing, Open Research Nature Publishing Group & Palgrave COASP, Paris, September 2014
Publishers and data/reproducibility Policies on access (to data, code, reagents etc) Supporting funder & community needs Format and amount of content Methodological details, supp info, data integration and links to repositories Licensing for reuse Incentives to share Data citations Data journals and articles Quality assurance through peer review 2
Data/reproducibility and NPG Some important events 1996: Bermuda Principles – prepublication sharing 1998: Structural data accession codes (Nature & Science) 2002: MIAME-compliant microarray data deposition 2007: Removal of limitations on Methods sections online 2009: Ioannidis et al. Nat Gen 41, 2, 149 (2009). 3
Data/reproducibility and NPG Some important recent events 2013: Reproducibility checklist, source data from figures 2014: Endorsing the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles 2014: Launch of Scientific Data 5
Role of data journals/articles Credit Unpublished data Peer review focus Value of data vs. analysis Discoverability Reusability Narrative/context “Intelligently open data” 6
Data, data (journals) everywhere? 7
Scientific Data 2011 Market Research Scope of survey How much data researchers produce, in what format and what they do with it Perceived availability of public repositories Perceptions of the Scientific Data concept Level/nature of data journal peer review Respondent characteristics 387 respondents (329 active researchers) Physics (24%), Earth and environmental science (21%), Biology (20%) Chemistry (19%) Others (16%) 8
Scientific Data 2011 Market Research Key survey data 60% share their data with their colleagues 50% look at other researchers’ datasets at least once a month 45% unaware of a repository for some of their data 90% reacted positively to the concept of Scientific Data 80% believed Scientific Data would increase data deposition rates 9
Scientific Data 2011 Market Research Key survey data – what do researchers want from a data publication? 96% - increased visibility and discovery 95% - increased usability of their research data 93% - credit mechanism for deposit of data 80% - peer review of content/datasets 10
Get Credit for Sharing Your Data Publications will be indexed and citeable. Open-access Creative Commons licenses (CC-BY/CC-BY-NC) for the main Data Descriptor. Each publication supported by CCO metadata. Focused on Data Reuse All the information others need to reuse the data; no interpretative analysis, or hypothesis testing Peer-reviewed Rigorous peer-review focused on technical data quality and reuse value Promoting Community Data Repositories Not a new data repository; data stored in community data repositories
Scientific Data Scope An open access, peer-reviewed publication for descriptions of scientifically valuable datasets. Our primary article-type, the Data Descriptor, is designed to make your data more discoverable, interpretable and reusable. Editorial team Managing Editor (Andrew Hufton) Editorial Curator (Victoria Newman) Honorary Academic Editor (Susanna Sansone, Oxford) Advisory Panel and Editorial Board Open access article processing charge $1,000 USD / £650 GBP / €750 for each accepted article 12
Sections: Title Abstract Background & Summary Methods Technical Validation Data Records Usage Notes Figures & Tables References Data Citations The ‘Data Descriptor’ article Detailed descriptions of the methods and technical analyses supporting the quality of the measurements. Does not contain tests of new scientific hypotheses
Peer review at Scientific Data Focuses on: Completeness (can others reproduce?) Consistency (were community standards followed?) Integrity (are data in the best repository?) Experimental rigour and technical quality (were the methods sound?) Does not focus on: Perceived impact/importance Size/complexity of data
The ‘Data Descriptor’ article Experimental metadata or structured component (in-house curated, machine-readable formats) Article or narrative component (PDF and HTML)
Zehr et al. Scientific Data 1, Article number: doi: /sdata
Stem Cells Associated Nature Article Data at figshare & NCBI GEO Integrated figshare data viewer
Neuroscience Code in GitHub New Dataset Data in OpenfMRI Source code in GitHub Big Data
The right licence Data: depends on public repositories. Partner repositories figshare and Dryad both use the CC0 waiver. Metadata: released under the CC0 waiver to maximize reuse and aid data miners Data Descriptor article: Licensed under one of two Creative Commons licenses, by author choice:
For more information please contact IAIN HRYNASZKIEWICZ Head of Data and HSS Publishing, Open Research M: +44 (0) T: +44 (0) E: Thank you