Main tasks Job Club
Registration Registration is required for all clients before they commence their job club activities. Registration cannot take place unless we are in receipt of: Full name Address Date of birth NI number Contact number Emergency contact details Employment status CLIENT COMMITMENT !!!!!
Address An address is key to all online job search activities – most jobs will use s to apply for or be the first point of contact Staff will assist in creating an with Google (gmail) or Hotmail (outlook) if needed. Ensure address is suitable for potential employers!
Creating an up to date CV Clients’ CVs need to be created or checked to ensure they are current and with sufficient detail. These can be created for them if necessary. A CV template can be provided. CV needs to be stored by the centre or on a client’s USB stick
Register for Government Gateway To use Universal Jobmatch a Government Gateway ID needs to be created The client must Register for a new account and enter their own name, their address and create a password
Gateway ID It is very important that the client doesn’t lose their ID and so it needs to be written down or printed out. Losing the password can also create problems so write this alongside the gateway ID Tick the (I have a note of my user ID) then Click on the Return to Universal Jobmatch link to complete the client’s profile
Completing the profile Continue entering the personal details (and the same address used to create the account) Create 2 or 3 skills (types of job they are interested in) It isn’t mandatory to authorise DWP to view the account (only the items with the orange * next to them are mandatory, regardless of what Job Centre staff may say) Click Create account to complete
Questionnaire sheet On this step you have to click on what ethnicity you are. Then further down the page there are options to click which gender, religion and age band you are.
Verification of account In case of future problems it is essential that the new gateway account is verified. An will have been sent to the client’s inbox. Open the and click on the link to verify.
Uploading a current CV Upload the current CV to Universal jobmatch by clicking on the CV link Select to Upload CV Give the CV a title and decide if potential employers should be allowed to view it Choose file and locate the CV to upload Finally click Upload CV
Cover Letter This is optional and can be changed to suit application
Searching for Vacancies Type in boxes appropriate job and postcode of area the client would like to work in
Applying for vacancy Sometimes the vacancy can be applied for by clicking on the apply button and pressing submit, however on the right hand side the method of application will be there
Applying Click select
Activity History Fill this in everytime You can screen print it for evidence This proves the clients have completed job search. Clients can fill in ANY activity they have done
Screen print Highlight all activity and screen print this put in everything the client has done including: CV drops, telephone calls etc
Evidence This will help prove the client has fulfilled the client commitment, make sure all staff members read the client commitment form to minimise the chances of the client getting sanctioned!!
Contact details Pallion Action Group 5 Eastmoor Road Sunderland SR4 6QW Tamanna Begum – Job Club Worker. - Contact number: Karen Wood – Community Development Officer -Contact number: