Modeling with CAMEO Les Benedict St. Regis Mohawk Tribe
3 Modeling Tools Computer Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres (ALOHA) Mapping Applications for Response, Planning, and Local Operational Tasks (MARPLOT)
4 CAMEO Chemical search engine Linked to chemical-specific information firefighting techniques, cleanup procedures, and protective clothing Basic information on Tier II facilities that store chemicals Emergency planning resources
5 ALOHA Atmospheric dispersion model used for evaluating releases of hazardous chemical vapors
6 MARPLOT Allows users to "see" data (e.g., roads, facilities, schools, response assets) Display information on computer maps Overlay areas contaminated by potential or actual chemical release Maps created from U.S. Bureau of Census TIGER/Line files
7 Statutes Clean Air Act section 112(r) Section 112(r) of amended Clean Air Act (CAA) signed into law November 15, 1990
8 Managing Risk Risk Management Planning Affect facilities that produce, handle, process, distribute, or store certain chemicals
9 Health and Safety Objective of section112(r) is to prevent serious chemical accidents Potential to affect public health and the environment
10 Health and Safety (cont.) Broadest sense risk management planning Relates to local emergency preparedness and response Pollution prevention Worker safety
11 Regulated Substances 139 regulated substances 77 acutely toxic substances 63 flammable gases and volatile liquids Division 1.1 high explosives as listed by DOT
12 Quantities Threshold quantities For toxics ranging from 500 to 20,000 pounds For all listed flammables, the threshold quantity is 10,000 pounds
13 Range of Regulation EPA estimates approximately 66,000 sources will be covered Compliance as of June 20, 1999 (40 CFR part 68)
14 RMP RMP (risk management plan) basics Offsite consequence analysis Evaluates specific potential release scenarios Worst-case and alternative scenarios 5-year history of certain accidental releases
15 RMP (cont.) RMP basics Integrated prevention program to manage risk Emergency response program Overall management system to supervise implementation of these program elements RMP revised at least once every 5 years
16 Modeling
17 Web Resources It’s… Free On the web Easy to use
18 Modeling
19 Modeling
20 Modeling
21 Chemical Library Use CAMEO for CAA-related projects Check substance's Chemical Library record Covered under Section 112®? If so, check threshold quantity
22 Offsite Consequences Analysis Screening & Scenarios module NOT for offsite consequence analyses required under Section 112(r)
23 Gas Density Screening & Scenarios makes only Gaussian dispersion calculations, but… RMP Rule specifies you must "appropriately account for gas density.” Another technique required for modeling heavy gases (Gaussian calculations designed for neutrally buoyant gases)
24 Other Models SLAB: dense gas dispersion DEGADIS: refined, models short-term ambient concentrations and expected area of exposure for toxic chemical releases Many commercial model$ available
25 Modeling: The Big Picture Main purpose for this class Visualize changes Weather Surface roughness Terrain Chemical characteristics Relate impacts to geography
26 Demonstration