Apprentice, Slave, or Indentured Servant Pgs. 233, 236-237 Worksheet.


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Presentation transcript:

Apprentice, Slave, or Indentured Servant Pgs. 233, Worksheet

Apprentices Apprentice – a person who learns a trade by living with the family of a skilled worker and working for several years.  Printers  Shipbuilders  Tailors

Indentured Servants Indentured Servant – a person who agrees to work for another person without pay for a certain length of time.  People who wanted to move to the colonies but had no money.  A planter or business owner paid for the trip, and the person agreed to work without pay from two to seven years.  After this time passed, the person was free.

Slavery Slavery – the practice of holding people against their will and making them carry out orders.  Broker – paid to purchase slaves for planters.  Auctions – public sale of enslaved Africans.

House Slaves Africans who were house slaves were usually better off than field slaves. House slaves had better food, clothing, and living quarters. They also learned more about social customs and the English language.

Field Slaves Field slaves lived under worse conditions; working from sun-up to sun-down. Field slaves received clothing and shoes once each year. They lived in one-room wooden huts with dirt floors with up to ten other people. Beds were usually made of straw and old rags.

What’s the difference? Apprentice Indentured Servant Slave