A Collaborative Approach Differential Response
The involvement of Family and Children Services (FACS) with families experiencing domestic violence can prove to be challenging. Traditional approaches have left dad out of the picture creating the misconception by dad that he has no responsibility in the protection concerns for the children. The Early Years
This also left mom feeling helpless, isolated and responsible for dads behaviors and actions which often without the right supports can lead to further victimization. Each system and service worked in silos The Early Years cont’d
Dads were not being consistently assessed or held accountable for their behaviours. They often evaded meeting with FACS therefore felt they were not accountable to anyone, this left mom being responsible to keep children safe. Comments such as “she has involvement with Children’s Aid but I don’t” If there were charges and dad was before the courts, the courts would send dad into programming such as PAR (Partner Assault Response). The Early Years Cont’d
Nova Vita would get female referrals for counselling, but follow through was not consistent, or clients were stating that they are unaware as to why FACS wanted them to attend counselling. With everyone working in Silos, it allowed for denial and minimizing of the situation to continue. Often this led to arranging case conferences to clarify what the concerns were and how to effectively address them. Such as – we know that if couple separate- this is a high risk time for mom and children where at times others could think that if dad is not in the home the risk is lowered. (as long as mom keeps him out – holding mom accountable for dads actions/behaviours) The Early Years cont’d
According to the CFSA – the Ministry has the following Service Objectives Improved outcomes for child welfare clients, at the individual and system level Implementation of evidence-based services Increased access of child welfare client to community services and supports Reason for Change
The goal is to improve outcomes for child welfare clients through increased access to service. Improvements in the areas of safety, permanence and/or well- being must be sought; other areas may also be targeted as appropriate to the clients and service. Realistically, the aim is to increase access to services as much as possible. Brant Family and Children’s Services and Nova Vita developed a collaboration for engaging families where domestic violence is suspected or identified. This collaboration is called Differential Response. Program Goal
Criteria Cases are new openings to both agencies, e.g. no current involvement with FACS or Nova Vita and the client is not residing at Nova Vita at time of report. or The cases that would be eligible for Nova Vita participation would be those coded any of the following under the Eligibility Spectrum: 33 A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, I or Cases that are receiving protection services that now have identified domestic violence concerns or If the case is open already at Nova Vita, it is an expectation that Nova Vita and FACS work collaboratively (reference: CAS/VAW Collaboration Agreement) Brant FACS and Nova Vita Protocol cont’d
Program Process Nova Vita worker to partner with FACS(Intake/FSW) worker from the point of referral through to the Service Planning process (if children deemed in need of protection and further FACS involvement warranted) Standard #1 Receipt of Report: Collaborating with the Community D.V screening tool implemented. Standard #2 Disposition of the Referral: Determining the Most Appropriate Response ‘For D.V cases- consideration of child protection investigation/involvement and /or community link
Standard #3 Developing the Investigative Plan ‘D.V considerations- traditional or customized? D.V. Interview order: 1. Alleged victim 2.Child 3.Domestic Violence Perpetrator INTERVIEW SEPARATELY Program Process (cont’d)
Standard #4 Conducting the Child Protection Investigation ‘If information is obtained during course of investigation that perpetrator may place anyone in danger, that person, and the police will be notified immediately’ Standard #5 Conducting the Safety Assessment and Developing the Safety Plan. The Safety Plan for D.V. situations utilizes interventions specific to achieving safety for the child from the domestic violence perpetrator; safety for the adult victim should be a goal whenever possible’ Program Process (cont’d)
Standard #6 Conducting the Risk Assessment: Collaborating with the Family Standard #7 Concluding a Child Protection investigation. Standard #8 and Standard #9 Standard #10 Case Management Standard #11 Case Closure Program Process (cont’d)
Differential Response Program Worker from Nova Vita works collaboratively with Children’s Aid Society child protection worker Danger assessment, Safety planning, Plan of service Brant FACS and Nova Vita Protocol
Nova Vita worker will explain to the client- their purpose at the meeting and explain the consent form and request for the consent to be signed. Normally the consent is signed. There have been a handful of times when the client (usually dad) will state that he wants his lawyer to look at the consent. CONSENTS
To establish a coordinated, collaborative effective approach to involvement with clients (offending perpetrators and non-offending parents) in our domestic violence cases from point of referral regarding a domestic violence incident. To enhance service planning coordination. To provide ongoing cross-training to FACS workers and Nova Vita workers regarding each others roles as it relates to domestic violence and appropriate/effective intervention with perpetrators. To provide education to worker regarding FACS role in domestic violence cases. Goals for Differential Response
To reduce the number of domestic violence cases that transfer from ‘intake’ to ‘ongoing’ through better initial collaboration and coordination with family and services thereby reducing risk of harm to children at the outset and minimizing need for continued child welfare involvement. To enhance the service co-ordination and safety planning when both organizations are involved. Goal for Brant FACS cont’d
For myself – I have been a worker in the Differential Response Program since it began in 2007, it has been beneficial for naming domestic violence for individuals who are in denial and offering services to heal from the impact of domestic violence, reduce risk and become healthy. Clients who want the relationship to remain intact – may not seek services. This program works with the whole family making services available to everyone. (reducing the stigma that if a woman seeks counselling at a women’s shelter with “man haters”, reducing shame that you are staying in the relationship, increases connections when both mom and dad are receiving services Outcomes
Making connections with individuals sooner in the process, with dads- during the court process- connecting them with information such as the FLIC clinics, lawyers, discussing PAR, informing dads of the process when FACS and Nova Vita are involved, creates transparency. Connecting with moms right after the incident to begin the process of education around the cycle of violence, connecting mom to appropriate services that will support her during this critical time. Creating a plan of action for mom and dad, connecting with each client to provide a pathway to support. Outcomes cont’d
FACS are involved with these clients due to safety concerns for the children. Often clients get their backs up when FACS are involved initially, Nova Vita is there to support client through the process needed to reduce the concerns. Nova Vita is there to support the individuals/families to create a safe and healthy environment for the children and themselves. Gain insight in the difficult role that FACS have with these clients. Often clients will not be truthful as they are fearful that they will lose their children. Clients see that we are there to put appropriate services in place to assist in supporting the clients goals, addressing safety concerns, and that Nova Vita and FACS are being transparent. Outcomes cont’d
Collaboration between FACS and Nova Vita leads to better client engagement, effective safety planning for the whole family and allow service providers to engage clients in a client centered approach. The Differential Response program works with the whole family in order to help people work towards leading healthier lives. This lowers the risk for women, children and men. Presentation Summary
Sue Longtin Caroline Gordon CONTACT INFOMRATION