HB 5 Community and Student Engagement Campus Report Rev. 9/15/14 Indicator: 21st Century Workforce Development Campus: _________________ Principal: __________________ Campus Rating: __________________
Metric Campus Level Compliance Indicators Requirement Due By May 8, 2015Completed C_CW1ALL Campus College & Career Week Campus creates and implements Campus College & Career Week Action Plan aligned to April 2015 designated city-wide College Week activities. C_CW2ALLCollege Awareness Campus displays college pennants, diplomas/degrees earned by staff, or participates in regular college dress days. C_CW3ALL 21st Century Workforce Development At least one performance objective to increase 21st Century Workforce Development is included in the Campus Improvement Plan. C_CW4MS Personal Graduation Plan 95% of rising 9th graders and their parents complete a Personal Graduation Plan and select an Endorsement Pathway. C_CW5HS Personal Graduation Plan All 9th graders have completed a Personal Graduation Plan and selected an Endorsement Pathway by the end of the year. C_CW6HS Campus College & Career (C2) Team Campus College & Career (C2) team meets monthly to plan and implement campus college & career activities. Metric Campus Level Recognized/ Exemplary Indicators Requirement Due By May 8, 2015Completed RE_CW1ALL Campus College & Career events Campus implements at least two college/career events in addition to city-wide College Week, such as Career Day, Job Shadowing events, Career Interest Inventories, etc. RE_CW2ALL Community Partnerships Campus partners with a business, college or university. RE_CW3ALLCareer Day Schedule and Implement an additional Career Day outside of Citywide College Week activities- Students Dress for FUTURE Employment, etc. RE_CW4ALL Access to College Information Outside of Citywide College Week activities, Campus provides students and parents, especially first-generation college students, information about postsecondary opportunities, through newsletters, conferences, alumni panels, presentations, etc. RE_CW5ALL 21st Century Skills in the Classroom Counselors embed 21st century skills in classroom guidance presentations/lessons. RE_CW6 ECEC, ES, MS Career GuidanceCounselors implement a monthly career guidance lesson. RE_CW7 ECEC, ES, MS Career Guidance Counselors provide career interest and exploration activities throughout the year. RE_CW8HSBridge Workshops Senior Parents attend Bridge Workshops in collaboration with University of Incarnate Word. RE_CW9HSAccess to Dual Credit Campus provides a minimum of two opportunities for students to enroll and complete dual credit courses. RE_CW10HS Access to Industry Certifications Industry certifications are available through each CTE Pathway and Endorsement. 21st Century Workforce Development Roxanne Rosales, Senior Executive Director, Academic Support, HB 5 Community and Student Engagement Campus Report Campus Self Rating - Please Circle one: Exemplary Recognized Acceptable Unacceptable Not Rated Campus Coordinator/Department Chair Signature_________________________________________________ Date ____________________ Principal Signature__________________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________ Verified by: ___________________________________________ Title _________________________________ Date ___________________ Rating Verification – Final Campus Rating: Exemplary Recognized Acceptable Unacceptable Not Rated For District Department Use Only Rev. 9/30/14 Campus:_______________________ Principal: _______________________