How can you link the two items below?
Poetry of the Land Today’s main event: How to explore connections and achieve top band AO3 Side shows: Reviewing last lesson and looking at the additional resource on the blog Naomi’s Beeny Cliff pics (and baking competition from 12A) Linking Gary Barlow to Poetry of the Land Assessment Three ‘surgery’
Let me take you back to….. Our last lesson before half-term…. You received your essay feedback and grade and next step You stuck into your assessment book various resources to help you improve in the next assessment: 1) Green ‘Vocabulary wall of fame’ – increasing the sophistication of your expression (AO1) 2) Blue ‘How to write an intro and establish a line of argument’ (AO1) 3) Purple planning template (AO1) And you were given the title for your next essay ‘Poets writing about land frequently explore the theme of loss’ which will take place on Tuesday 11 th (remember your assessment books please)
Beeny Cliff Binsey Poplars Interruption to a Journey As the Team’s Head-Brass Nutting ?
Exploring connections – band 5 (17-20 marks) Beeny Cliff and Binsey Poplars both present loss by juxtaposing death with images of life. Hopkins resurrects the poplars as the ‘growing green’ and similarly Hardy recalls a time when his wife was alive and her ‘bright hair flapping free’. The vibrancy of the images and the use of present continuous tense in ‘growing’ and ‘flapping’ bring their subjects to life as a poignant reminder of what once was. However, whilst Hardy concludes resignedly she is gone forever and ‘will laugh there nevermore’ Hopkins instead ends on a nostalgic note recalling through memory the ‘sweet especial rural scene’. For this reason, it is Hardy who foregrounds loss in the present tense, in contrast to Hopkins who withdraws to the past.
Assessment 3 surgery Do you understand your feedback from assessment two? Which resource will help you most? What do you intend to do before next Tuesday to prepare? What else do you need help with?