C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Thursday 18 September 2014 Transfer of Statements to Education, Health and Care Plans Thursday 18 September 2014
C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Status of existing Statements Until 1 April 2018, Part 4 of the Education Act 1996, associated schedules, the SEN Regulations 2001 and the Code of Practice 2001 will continue to have an effect in relation to children and young people Statements of SEN.
C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Status of existing Statements (continued) Existing Statements will remain in place until such time as: the LA decides to cease the Statement (and where no appeal has been lodged) the Statement lapses when the young person leaves education The Statement is transferred to a Final EHCP
C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Timetable for transfers…. DFE guidance In LAs must aim to convert the following: Children and young people with SSENs issued with EHCPs before 1 September 2014 Children moving from EY setting to school Children moving from Infant to Junior School Children moving to secondary school Young people transferring to Post 16 provision Children and young people moving from one LA to another Children in Year 9 Transfers will continue between 1 September 2015 and 31 March 2018
C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Medway SSENs for transfer…numbers 1 September 2014 to 31 August (275 by 15 February 2015 to coincide with statutory dates for issue of Final EHCPs for secondary, infant to junior and Post 16 transfer in September 2015) 1 September 2015 to 31 August September 2016 to 31 August
C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Medway SSENs for transfer….targeted groups Year 6 (for secondary transfer) Year 11(for Post 16 transfer) Any child/young person with a SSEN who moves to Medway during the Year (average of 70 per year) Any child/young person who has an EHCP issued under the Pathfinder process (i.e. before 1 September 2014) following next Annual Person Centred Review Any child or young person (outside the Year 6 and 11) who transfers to another provision during the year.
C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Medway processes for conversion APCR to inform on secondary and Post 16 transfer (presently held in Year 5 and Year 10**) will be used to consult with school or provision of parental or young person preference for secondary or Post 16 placement. The APCR will be used to convert the Statement to an ECHP with the aim of issuing the Final EHCP by 15 Feb in the year of transfer. We may ask schools or Post 16 provision to hold an APCR for a child/young person “moving in” where there is not enough information to convert a Statement to an EHCP properly. We are going to “target” schools and provisions through the 3 years so that we can carry out a “block” conversion.
C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G What Medway SEN team will do….. The SEN team will advise parents of children and young people in Statements in Year 5 and Year 10 about the transfer to secondary/Post 16 education and the process, and the intention to convert the Statement to an EHCP. The SEN team will advise all parents (outside of the year groups above) when we intend to carry out the “block conversions”. The SEN team will advise parents of children and young people moving in that we will convert the Statement to an EHCP. The SEN team will advise schools when we intend to convert as detailed above. The SEN team will advise schools about any other conversions we intend to make**
C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G What we are asking schools/educational provision to do…. Regardless of the fact that SSEN may have advised parents that we intend to convert the Statement to an EHCP, we are asking schools and educational provisions to make it clear in the invitation to the APCR (that must go two weeks before the meeting) that it is intended to make the conversion. The SEN team will advise SENCOs and Inclusion Managers of the names of children and young people.
C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G The Annual Person Centred Review.. Invite all involved with the child or young person to the APCR (two weeks before) and advise that this is a “Transfer (to an ECHP) Review”. The new form is self explanatory: please complete all sections fully where relevant. Review each objective on the Statement and record the strengths and difficulties in on the APCR form. (Years 5 to 10) In line with the objective, record a desired outcome that the child will be able to reach by the end of Key Stage 4. e.g Objective says “ To make 2 sub levels of academic progress per year” an outcome would be “(Child) will have literacy skills to enable him/her to access everyday life”.
C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G The Annual Person Centred Review: reviewing Personal Budgets A costed provision map must be available at each APCR and attached to the forms return to the SEN team. Schools and educational provisions will only be able to review any Personal Budget (already granted) for education. This can be done reviewing the support detailed on the provision map and detailing if changes need to be made. (If an increase or decrease is noted please note on Record of Meeting form and return old and new PM to SEN team with the completed forms)
C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G The Annual Person Centred Review: reviewing Personal Budgets Personal budgets for health or social care will only be able to be reviewed if related professionals attend the APCR. Therefore, details will only be able to be recorded in line with the same details on an existing (non stautory) EHCP, or as reported by parents or the young person. If the parents or young person provides details of a personal budget for health or social care, please detail on the APCR as being reported by parents or the young person.
C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Questions?