$200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 That product is junk! Did you test it? I have rights you know I just wanted my western bacon cheese burger
$200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $600 $800 $400 $1000 That product is junk! Did you test it? I have rights you know I just wanted my western bacon cheese burger
Category 1 $200 Retail stores that emphasize lower prices and offers little personal services?
Category 1 $400 The stage of the purchase decision-making process where you shop for the products and services that could satisfy your needs.
Category 1 $600 Traditional retailer that has an extensive product line and emphasizes service
Category 1 $800 The stage of the purchase decision-making process where you state why you intend to buy
Category 1 $1000 Small food store with accessible location and long operating hours that stocks popular items at higher prices.
Category 1 $200-Answer Discount store
Category 1 $400-Answer Evaluating alternatives
Category 1 $600-Answer Department store
Category 1 $800-Answer Identify needs and wants
Category 1 $1000-Answer Convenience store
Category 2 $200 Type of sale in which regular merchandise is sold with short- term price reductions
Category 2 $400 The final stage of the purchase decision making process
Category 2 $600 Large, full-service food store that carries many brands.
Category 2 $800 Type of sale used to eliminate merchandise that stores no longer wish to carry.
Category 2 $1000 The stage of the purchase decision-making process where you answer questions such as, “how much am I willing to pay?”
Category 2 $200-Answer Promotional sale
Category 2 $400-Answer Make the decision
Category 2 $600-Answer Supermarket
Category 2 $800-Answer Clearance Sale
Category 2 $1000-Answer Determine desired satisfaction
Category 3 $200 _____ ______ _______ can provide helpful information about businesses to consumers.
Category 3 $400 Comparison shoppers com pare ______, ______, ________, and _______ of products.
Category 3 $600 Because of the consumer movement, President John F. Kennedy created a consumers _____ ____ ______ describing what every consumer can expect from a business.
Category 3 $800 Advertising is largely regulated in the U.S. by the _______ _______ ______
Category 3 $1000 An ______ warranty is a product guarantee made orally or in writing, a _____ warranty is imposed by law and applies even if it has not been stated.
Category 3 $200-Answer Better Business Bureau
Category 3 $400-Answer Price, Quality, Services, Brands, (Sales)
Category 3 $600-Answer Bill of Rights
Category 3 $800-Answer Federal Trade Commission
Category 3 $1000-Answer Expressed, Implied.
Category 4 $200 A legal action by one party on behalf of a group of people who all have the same grievance.
Category 4 $400 If you complain about an unsatisfactory purchase by writing an angry letter to the store clerk threating to have her fired, you are violating the consumer responsibility of ______
Category 4 $600 A promise by a manufacturer or dealer that a product is of certain quality is called a _____
Category 4 $800 This federal agency has the power to set safety standards and ban or recall hazardous products.
Category 4 $1000 This product testing organization publishes a monthly magazine called Consumer Reports.
Category 4 $200-Answer Class action suit
Category 4 $400-Answer Being Reasonable
Category 4 $600-Answer Guarantee
Category 4 $800-Answer Consumer Product Safety Commission
Category 4 $1000-Answer Consumer Union
Final Jeopardy Complaint
Final Jeopardy You have 1 minute to consult… If you have a complaint, what actions should you take to try to remedy the problem?
Final Jeopardy You have 30 seconds to consult… If you have a complaint, what actions should you take to try to remedy the problem?
Final Jeopardy You have 15 seconds to consult… This insurance provides cash payments to individuals who are out of work
Final Jeopardy Time Is Up If you have a complaint, what actions should you take to try to remedy the problem?
Final Jeopardy - Answer 1)Contact Place of Purchase 2)Contact headquarters 3)Involve Consumer Agency 4)Take legal action
Jeopardy Thank you for playing another fine round of America’s favorite question and answer game.