Objective: Work with the WRAP, CenSARA, CDPHE, BLM and EPA Region 8 to use satellite data to evaluate the Oil and Gas (O&G) modeled NOx emission inventories within the major O&G basins in the US and conduct high resolution air quality modeling to assess the impact of O&G emissions on US Air Quality High resolution OMI NO2 retrievals for urban scale AQ monitoring using VIIRS day-night-band radiances Brad Pierce NOAA/NESDIS VIIRS DNB cloud free composite from NOAA National Geophysical Data Center Air Quality Applied Sciences Team 9th Semi-Annual Meeting (AQAST 9) June 2-4, 2015 St Louis University
Sub-divide each OMI pixel into 4x8 subsectors Using VIIRS Day Night Band (DNB) radiances to add sub-pixel (~4x4km) variability to native (13x24km) OMI NO2 retrieval Denver, CO VIIRS Day Night Band (DNB) nighttime lights
Denver/Denver-Julesburg August 02, )Compute mean DNB radiance for each 4x8 subsectors 2)Compute linear regression between pixel mean DNB radiance and OMI Standard NO2 for each swath 3)Use linear regression to redistribute OMI NO2 over sub-pixels 4)Adjust mean of sub-pixel NO2 to original pixel NO2
Validation for Denver, CO July-August 2014 FRAPPE/DISCOVER-AQ Map of DISCOVER-AQ flights 8km DISCOVER-AQ Spiral on August 02, 2015 Integration of airborne insitu NO2 profiles collected during DISCOVER-AQ over the depth of the profile provide column NO2 measurements for validating the OMI Standard, and OMI Enhanced NO2 retrievals. 2x variation in NO2
Out of 220 profiles there were only 10 coincidences which were near the center of the OMI Standard pixel and within +/- 3 hours which had cloud radiance fractions of less than 0.3. The OMI Enhanced retrieval shows somewhat lower correlations with the insitu NO2 columns (0.66 vs 0.80), but has lower biases (1.44 vs 2.16 x10 15 mol/cm 2 ) and similar RMS errors (5.6 vs 5.9 x10 15 mol/cm 2 ).
Histograms of the airborne NO2 columns (black) show a long tail towards higher values from profiles over the Denver metropolitan area which is better captured by the OMI Enhanced retrieval (green) than the OMI Standard retrieval (red)
Focusing on the July 17, 2011 event 12km CONUS and 4km Midwest runs for July 01-31, 2011 Application to Wisconsin DNR/LADCO Lake Breeze Study (July 2011) With Rob Kaleel (LADCO) and Angie Dickens (WDNR) From Angie Dickens, WDNR
MODIS Image July 17, 2011 From Mike Majewski, WDNR
Prevailing winds Lake Breeze Front MODIS Image July 17, 2011 From Mike Majewski, WDNR
12km WRF-CHEM Surface O3 22Z (5:00pm Central) July 17, km run significantly under predicts surface ozone along Western Shore of Lake Michigan – Shows minimum ozone along coast where highest ozone is observed R=0.55 Bias(obs-mod)= 9.19ppbv
4km also significantly under predicts surface ozone along Western Shore of Lake Michigan – Captures SE Wisconsin better but shows lower minimum in ozone North of Milwaukee 4km WRF-CHEM Surface O3 22Z (5:00pm Central) July 17, 2011 R=0.67 Bias(obs-mod)= 9.68ppbv
12km WRF-CHEM Tropospheric NO2 Column 22Z (5:00pm Central) July 17, km Tropospheric NO2 column shows values in excess of 30x10 15 mol/cm 2 North of Chicago
4km WRF-CHEM Tropospheric NO2 Column 22Z (5:00pm Central) July 17, km Tropospheric NO2 column shows values in excess of 25x10 15 mol/cm 2 only immediately offshore of Chicago
Comparisons between near nadir OMI Standard and Spatially Enhanced NO2 column retrievals and 4km WRF-CHEM NO2 columns
4km WRF-CHEM Tropospheric NO2 Column 18Z (1:00pm Central 07/05, km Tropospheric NO2 column shows values in excess of 30x10 15 mol/cm 2 over Chicago, IL and Gary, IN
Chicago OMI Standard and Enhanced NO2 Columns 17:47Z July 05, 2011 OMI Enhanced Tropospheric NO2 column shows values in 15-30x10 15 mol/cm 2 over Chicago
4km WRF-CHEM Tropospheric NO2 Column 18Z (1:00pm Central 07/30, km Tropospheric NO2 column shows values in excess of 30x10 15 mol/cm 2 over Chicago
Chicago OMI Standard and Enhanced NO2 Columns 17:39Z July 30, 2011 OMI Enhanced Tropospheric NO2 column shows values in 15-25x10 15 mol/cm 2 over Chicago
Histograms of the 4km WRF-CHEM NO2 columns (black) show median values that are 2x larger then either the OMI Enhanced retrieval (green) than the OMI Standard retrieval (red)
4km with reduced Chicago NO emissions shows higher O3 over Southern Lake Michigan but still shows low minimum in ozone along coast North of Milwaukee 4km reduced Chicago NO WRF-CHEM Surface O3 22Z (5:00pm Central) July 17, 2011 R=0.70 Bias(obs-mod)= 8.49ppbv
Conclusions: Comparison between airborne NO2 columns over Denver, CO during FRAPPE/DISCOVER- AQ shows that the long tail towards higher values from profiles over the Denver metropolitan area is better captured by the OMI Enhanced retrieval The utility of using the OMI spatially enhanced NO2 retrieval to understand urban NO2 distributions is demonstrated by looking at the impact of NO2 columns on ozone enhancements associated with lake breeze circulations along the western shore of Lake Michigan High NO2 emissions in the Chicago area lead to excessive ozone titration within a lake breeze driven plume of high NO2 column for both 12 and 4 km simulations Comparisons between OMI Standard and Spatially Enhanced NO2 column retrievals and 4km WRF-CHEM NO2 columns over Chicago during July 2011 shows that the WRF- CHEM NO2 columns are high by a factor of 2 Sensitivity experiments show that reductions in Chicago NO emissions by 50% lead to higher surface ozone over Southern Lake Michigan but little improvement in surface ozone predictions North of Milwaukee We are currently conducting sensitivity experiments with 50% reductions over Milwaukee and Chicago
Future Validation Plans The NOAA/ESRL SONGNEX 2015 Shale Oil and Natural Gas Nexus field campaign was conducted in March-April, The primary goal was to quantify emissions from oil and gas basins in the western U.S. We intend to use NO2 profiles obtained during SONGNEX to continue our validation of the enhanced OMI NO2 retrieval.
The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) is a European satellite instrument on board of the Copernicus Sentinel 5 Precursor satellite to be launched in 2016 for a mission of seven years. Spectral bands in ultraviolet and visible (270 to 495 nm), the near infrared (675 to 775 nm) and the shortwave infrared (2305 to 2385 nm) at a high spatial resolution of 7x7 km 2