Teori komunikasi Anne Suryani Dani Vardiansyah Novita Damayanti Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
Theory Theory: a set of systematic, informed hunches about the way things work (Griffin, 2009, p.4)... educated guesses...an integrated system...multiple ideas & relationships between them 2
Images of Theory Theories as Nets Theories as Lenses Theories as Maps 3
Communication “The relational process of creating and interpreting messages that elicit a response” (Griffin, 2009, p. 6) Characteristics Messages Creation of messages Interpretation of messages A relational process Messages that elicit a response 4
Different perspectives Griffin, 2009, pp Objective approachInterpretive approach Truth is singular and is accessible through unbiased sensory observation Multiple meanings or truths are possible
Epistemology: the study of the origin, nature, method and limits of knowledge Determinism vs free will Purpose of theory – Universal law vs interpretive guides Research methodology – Qualitative vs quantitative 6
Some common contrasts between quantitative and qualitative research (Bryman, 2008, p. 393) QuantitativeQualitative NumbersWords Point of view of researcherPoints of view of participants Researcher distantResearcher close Theory testingTheory emergent StaticProcess StructuredUnstructured GeneralizationContextual understanding Hard, reliable dataRich, deep data MacroMicro BehaviourMeaning Artificial settingsNatural settings
Some similarities between quantitative and qualitative research (Bryman, 2008, p ) Both are concerned with... data reduction answering research questions relating data analysis to the research literature variation the importance of transparency
Popular research methods in communication studies Experiment... manipulates a variable in a tightly controlled situation in order to find out if it has the predicted effect Surveys... uses questionnaires and interviews to collect self- reported data that reflects what respondent think, feel, or intend to do Textual analysis... describes and interprets the characteristics of any text. Ethnography... participant observation designed to help a researcher experience a culture’s complex web of meaning 9
Mapping the theories 1. Interpersonal Communication Objective Interpretive Symbolic Interactionism O Coordinated Management of Meaning O Expectancy Violations Theory O Constructionism O Social Penetration Theory O Uncertainty Reduction Theory O Social Information Processing Theory O Relational Dialectics O The Interactional View O Social Judgement Theory O Elaboration Likelihood Model O Cognitive Dissonance Theory O 10
11 Mapping the theories 2. Group and Public Communication Objective Interpretive Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making O Adaptive Structuration Theory O Symbolic Convergence Theory O Cultural Approach O Critical Theory of Communication O The Rethoric O Dramatism O Narrative Paradigm O
12 Mapping the theories 3. Mass Communication Objective Interpretive Media Ecology O Semiotics O Cultural Studies O Cultivation Theory O Agenda-Setting O Spiral of Silence O
13 Mapping the theories 4. Cultural Context Objective Interpretive Communication Accommodation Theory O Face-Negotiation Theory O Speech Codes Theory O Genderlect Styles O Standpoint Theory O Muted Group Theory O
Summary Theory Communication Objective vs interpretive approach Popular communication research methods Reference: Griffin, 2009; Bryman,