The Rotary Foundation 101
HISTORY 1917 convention - Outgoing RI President Arch C. Klumph proposed to set up an endowment “for the purpose of doing good in the world.” 1918 - First contribution - $26.50 from the Rotary Club of Kansas City, Missouri, USA. 1928 - Endowment Fund $5,000 – Renamed The Rotary Foundation 1930 - First grant of US$500 to the International Society for Crippled Children.
HISTORY January 27, 1947 – Paul Harris dies – Foundation contribution come flowing in 1947 – 1st Foundation Program – Fellowships for Advanced Studies 1957 – 1st Paul Harris Fellow – Al Brush, Rotary Club of Laurel Mississippi 1985 – Announces PolioPlus Program 2014 – South-East Asia Region declared Polio Free by WHO
World Understanding • Goodwill • Peace OUR MISSION “The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance, World Understanding, Goodwill and Peace through the Improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty.” We accomplish this by using the expertise and compassion of Rotarians who foster effective and sustainable projects around the world. We are looking to the future and incorporating projects within the 6 areas of focus bringing us closer to our mission while supporting the amazing work of Rotarians. Through OUR Foundation, we reach out to both our local and international communities enriching the lives of millions. World Understanding • Goodwill • Peace
OUR FOCUS Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Disease Prevention and Treatment Water and Sanitation Maternal and Child Health Basic Education and Literacy Economic and Community Development Whether it’s eradicating polio in India, digging water wells in the Philippines, providing dictionaries to a local elementary school, or educating a scholar in peace and conflict resolution, Rotary creates the environment and circumstances to promote peace throughout the world. So I ask you, what makes Rotary special? [Encourage Audience Participation] Thank you for your comments. I encourage you to share your stories with your fellow Rotarians, and with The Rotary Foundation – so we may share them with the world.
DISTRICT 7750 – CONTACTS District Rotary Foundation Chair (DRFC) Past District Governor (PDG) Gary Goforth Annual Fund Chair (AFC) District Governor Elect (DGE) Terry Weaver Endowment Fund Chair (EFC) District Governor Nominee (DGN) Lance Young Paul Harris Society Chair (PHSC) Past District Governor (PDG) Rich Waugh Polio Chair Past President (PP) Amelia Nelson
EVERY ROTARIAN, EVERY YEAR The Rotary Foundation -Addresses all of the greatest educational and humanitarian needs -Its world reach is greater than the United Nations -We can go where politicians and religious groups cannot The Annual Fund is the primary source of funding for the programs of The Rotary Foundation. The Annual Fund is the cornerstone for these programs; for the beneficiaries, and why we give. It is for the stories these programs permit us to tell. For us to continue doing so much good in the world, it is necessary for Every Rotarian to participate in the programs and to support our Foundation Every Year. If Rotary is to be there to: Teach children to read, build wells, feed the hungry, care for the sick, shelter the poor; then Every Rotarian is invited to support the Annual Fund with a personal contribution, Every Year. Check if your Rotary club has a club fundraising goal for the Annual Fund this year, and help achieve it with your personal gift. The 2013-14 worldwide Annual Fund goal is US$120 million. 100% Member Participation With a club per capita giving to Annual Fund – SHARE of at least $100
$100 Per Year = Sustaining Member US$100 HELPS PROVIDE School supplies Malaria tests Water-hygiene training $100 Per Year = Sustaining Member Here are some examples of what your annual contributions can help provide: Three backpacks filled with school supplies for primary school children in Honduras Fifty malaria diagnostic tests to prevent, diagnose and treat malaria in Mali One biosand filter and water hygiene training for a family in Peru
$1,000 Per Year = Paul Harris Society US$1,000 HELPS PROVIDE HIV antiretroviral drugs Mobility for disabled youth Domestic abuse education $1,000 Per Year = Paul Harris Society PHS Chair District 7750 – PDG Rich Waugh These are some examples of what your annual contributions can help provide. Fourteen anti-retroviral drugs to prevent the transmission of HIV from infected mothers to their babies in Liberia One bicycle to play sports for youth with disabilities in France Sexual assault and domestic abuse education for young women in Texas, USA
$10,000 One Time Donation or Multi-Year Pledge = Major Donation Major Donation – DGE Terry Weaver Worldwide, 75 million children — 41 million of them girls — do not have access to basic education. (World Bank) It is not just children who are held back by lack of access to basic education and literacy. More than 1 in 4 adults cannot read or write, 66% of them women. (End Poverty 2015 Millennium Campaign) Education is one of the basic human rights. However, access to that right is severely limited for many children and adults by factors that are out of their control. Factors such as geographical location, gender, ethnicity, societal standing, and language all contribute to children’s and adults access to education. IMAGE: In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina flooded 80% of the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. The storm destroyed 110 public schools, displacing nearly 400,000 students. With help from The Rotary Foundation and volunteer labor, everybody collaborated to rebuild the schools and the city, supplying momentum to others that wanted to come back. Basic education and literacy The Rotary Foundation promotes education and literacy for all by Ensuring that children have access to quality basic education Reducing gender disparity in education Increasing adult literacy Strengthening the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy Supporting studies related to basic education and literacy Please note that areas of focus designated contributions are not included in a district’s SHARE calculation and do not generate any DDF. $10,000 One Time Donation or Multi-Year Pledge = Major Donation ** Must be Cash – Not Points
$10,000 Donation = Major Donor Major donor – DGE Terry Weaver 536,000 women and girls die every year as a result of complications during pregnancy, childbirth, or the six weeks following delivery, a rate of more than one per minute. For every woman who dies, an additional 20 to 30 will have short- and long-term disabilities. Pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death and disability for women in developing countries. (WHO) IMAGE: Haiti has the highest infant and maternal mortality rates in the Western Hemisphere. To help prenatal care providers reach remote areas of the country, The Rotary Foundation provided a fully-equipped medical jeep that can carry 11 volunteers anywhere they are needed in the country. The world needs Rotary and The Rotary Foundation to help with Maternal and Child health! (optional information) We are determined to save more lives by providing women with better facilities in which to deliver their children. If we can prevent complications and effectively treat the effects of childbirth, then more women will be alive to raise their children. By training nurses and midwives, women and children will benefit from the improved health that comes with this including greater access to routine immunizations and important prenatal health care. Maternal and child health The Rotary Foundation improves the lives of mothers and their children by Reducing the mortality rate for children under the age of five Reducing the maternal mortality rate Improving access to essential medical services and trained health care providers for mothers and their children Supporting studies related to maternal and child health Please note that areas of focus designated contributions are not included in a district’s SHARE calculation and do not generate any DDF. $10,000 Donation = Major Donor ** Must be Cash – Not Points
$250,000 Donation = Arch C. Klumph Society Arch C. KlumpH Society – DGE Terry Weaver Worldwide, 2.6 billion people — 72% in Southern Asia — lack access to improved sanitation facilities, and 884 million — 37% in sub-Saharan Africa — do not use improved sources of drinking water. (WHO/UNICEF). This year, 2.2 million children will die from diarrhea and related diseases. (Rehydration Project). The dual focus of clean water and sanitation must be taken on together by Rotarians. When people have access to clean water they have better health; sanitation facilities lead to less spread of diseases; hygiene education leads to disease prevention. IMAGE: The Rotary Foundation and its partners supplied water filters to 5,000 families in Lima, where over 70 percent of their drinking water comes from the polluted, Rimac River. “They are not just giving us a concrete box. They are giving us health and our children a better quality of life.” Water and sanitation The Rotary Foundation ensures that people have sustainable access to water and sanitation by increasing equitable community access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation Strengthening the ability of communities to develop and maintain sustainable water and sanitation systems Educating communities about safe water, sanitation, and hygiene Supporting studies related to water and sanitation Please note that areas of focus designated contributions are not included in a district’s SHARE calculation and do not generate any DDF. $250,000 Donation = Arch C. Klumph Society ** Must be Cash – Not Points
ENDOWMENT FUND – DGN Lance Young Benefactor $1,000 left to The Rotary Foundation Bequest Society $10,000 or more left to The Rotary Foundation Methods Life Insurance 403b Retirement Account IRA or Stocks Will
50% District Designated Fund (DDF) The Annual Fund-SHARE System HOW WE FUND PROGRAMS 50% District Designated Fund (DDF) 45% World Fund 5% Administration Fifty percent (50%) of all Annual Fund – SHARE contributions come back to our district through District Designated Funds (DDF) in three years to spend on educational and humanitarian activities chosen by us; even grants that may be used for projects in our local community. Of the other 50%, 45% goes to the World Fund and is used to fund other Foundation programs in which we can participate, and is the source of matching funds we receive from our Foundation to implement some of our international projects. The remaining 5% goes to administration of The Rotary Foundation. So the funds we have access to this year are a result of our contributions three years ago. New Annual Fund Giving Opportunities: Rotarians and friends of Rotary can also direct Annual Fund contributions to any of the Foundation’s six areas of focus: Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development These additional opportunities are intended to attract new donors, including non-Rotarians and other organizations; Contributions directed to any of the six areas of focus are included toward a club’s annual giving goal and per capital calculations. Likewise, they are eligible for all APF recognition opportunities. Areas of focus designated contributions are not included in a district’s SHARE calculation and do not generate any DDF. Because SHARE contributions are the primary source of funding for Foundation programs, SHARE-designated contributions from every Rotarian, every year remain crucial. The Annual Fund-SHARE System
ANNUAL FUND - SHARE $300,000 AF – SHARE 2011-12 50% 45% 5% $150,000 District Controlled Trustees Controlled Administration District Designated Fund World Fund Other (Cash, DAF, Permanent Fund) 50% (max) 50% (min) $75,000 Now, how do we fund the grant structure? The current DDF/SHARE system will remain—Annual Programs Fund contributions still will be invested for a period of time and in the third year will be split 50/50 between the DDF (the District Designated Fund) and the World Fund. Within the DDF, each district may elect to receive up to 50% of the available DDF for Rotary Foundation District Grants. At district’s direction, the remaining DDF—that is at least 50% as districts can choose to use up to a maximum of 50% for district grants— along with the World Fund, cash flow through from contributions, permanent fund earnings, named gifts, and donor advised funds will support Rotary Foundation Global Grants. Keep in mind that the current World Fund matching concept will remain in the funding model. All club- and district- developed global grants will provide a World Fund match to DDF, cash and Donor Advised Funds, regardless of activity. The Foundation will no longer provide a World Fund match for smaller, less strategic projects and activities that will be undertaken by district grants. Packaged grants will be primarily funded solely from the World Fund. However, there may be circumstances the clubs and districts may also use DDF and cash to develop packaged grants. $75,000 District Grants Global Grants (World Fund match to DDF and cash)
HOW THE ANNUAL FUND SUPPORTS POLIO DDF World Fund Contributions to Annual Fund-SHARE assist in helping support Rotary’s number one priority of a Polio free world. The perseverance of Rotarians working toward eradicating a devastating disease has shown that 1.2 million friends can change history. Every district has the ability to contribute their District Designated Funds (DDF) to help End Polio Now. As we work towards eliminating Polio in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria every DDF contribution made gets us closer to making history and saving lives. Consider working with your district to have a portion of your DDF contributions help with Polio eradication. Triple the impact to end polio while supporting other local and international projects. Lastly, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has agreed to match 2:1 all contributions to Polio and from District Designated Funds (DDF) up to $70 Million from 2013-2018, leveraging up to $35 Million dollars from Rotarians and friends of Rotary each of these years to help reach the US$350 Million offered by their Foundation. For more information specific to Polio please visit: Historically the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation have also utilized funds from the World Fund to match contributions to Polio in order to get us closer to our goal. District Designated Funds directly to Polio (20% DDF - $32,000) 2 to 1 match by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation World Fund support and matches
MAKE ROTARY YOUR CHARITY OF CHOICE! Needs identified and implemented by Rotarians The Rotary Foundation is YOUR Foundation – make it your charity of choice! Rotarian driven projects— projects are created at the local level by Rotarians who live and see the needs of the community every day. Most other organizations are not able to see the true community need, but with 1.2 million Rotarians projects are developed that meet the true needs of the community because Rotarians on the ground see these needs daily! Diligent Oversight of Funds: Rotary funding is monitored on many different levels. Funds are overseen by Rotarians, clubs, districts and Rotary staff. Larger projects are even reviewed and audited by Rotarian professionals that work within the area of focus and can give expert guidance and evaluations. Rotarian auditors sometimes perform audits to ensure spending is being used correctly. All of these measures ensure that the funds YOU give to The Rotary Foundation Do Good In The World. Local and International Projects- Rotary helps people in need throughout the world. The SHARE system and grant model allow for projects to take place in your backyard or across the globe. The international component and ability to help those in need around the world is unique and Rotarians have made their Foundation extraordinary in its capacity to focus on needs in developed and developing countries! Rotarians = Service above Self People join Rotary and for a number of reasons. However, a common thread amongst all Rotarians is the idea and concept of putting the needs of those less fortunate first (service above self). Rotarians do this through commitment of time, expertise, coordination, and financial contributions that result in humanitarian projects, vocational training and educational scholarships. Rotarians are The Rotary Foundation. Contributing to The Rotary Foundation each and every year is demonstrating your commitment to “Service above Self” and a commitment to helping those in need. Let’s take a look at what your contributions can do… Global network of compassionate volunteers Local and international activities Diligent oversight of funds Rotarian driven
RECURRING GIVING: ROTARY DIRECT Select an amount, frequency (monthly, quarterly or annually), and contribution method that is convenient for you. Enrollment is integrated with the Foundation’s secure online contribution system and is available in multiple currencies. Efficient, convenient and secure. The Rotary Foundation will send you one annual statement of Rotary Direct contributions for tax purposes (where applicable). Safe, secure, and easy Give monthly, quarterly, or annually Enroll at
JOINING THE PAUL HARRIS SOCIETY Become a member Notify your district leaders – PDG Rich Waugh – District Chair Complete the brochure Contact Rotary staff By joining the Paul Harris Society, you are pledging to contribute US$1,000 or more to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant each year. You can join the Paul Harris Society without having any history of contributing US$1,000 or more to the approved funds. In fact, an immediate US$1,000 contribution is not even required at the time of enrollment. You can fulfill your Paul Harris Society commitment gradually over the Rotary year through any combination of giving to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant. For example, annual contributions of US$500 to PolioPlus and US$500 to the Annual Fund would fulfill your PHS commitment. To join, you can: 1) Notify your district Foundation chair, Paul Harris Society coordinator, or other district leaders and let them know of your intent to donate each year that you are financially able Complete the Paul Harris Society enrollment form (publication 099) Make your contribution at Email or call Rotary’s Support Center (email: , Phone: +1-866-976-8279), or the Rotary International office that serves your area, and ask to join
Your impact MAKING A DIFFERENCE Teacher training Clean water Scholarships Malaria prevention Peace studies Ending polio PHS gifts advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by supporting activities such as: • Providing vocational training for teachers who are establishing an early childhood education center in South Africa • Supplying water filters, toilet blocks, and hygiene training to prevent fluorosis in a community in India • Funding a scholarship for a medical professional in Italy to research treatments that minimize mortality rates among premature babies • Offering peace-building seminars to 200 teachers and 1,300 students in Uganda • Distributing treated mosquito nets and offering medical services that help prevent malaria in Mali And do not forget Rotary’s No. 1 priority: eliminating polio from the world. Imagine the number of immunizations — and the impact on hundreds of children — that you can provide by donating US$1,000 each year. Projects like these rely on ongoing gifts from compassionate donors like you.
QUESTIONS? Thank you for your time, commitment, and support. Thank you for trusting Rotary to use your contributions to make a lasting difference.
THANK YOU! As a Rotarian, I hope you feel proud about what you are helping accomplish. I hope you now understand why every gift, from every Rotarian, does a world of good. Please join ME and Every Rotarian in supporting OUR Rotary Foundation, Every Year. Thank you.