ASME / NRC Management Meetings Kevin Ennis Director, Nuclear C&S Ryan Crane C&S Project Engineering Manager ASME 2 Park Avenue New York, NY USA
Fulfills Regulators’ Expectations Meets public safety, health and environmental objectives Provides confidence in the technical integrity of the product or service Supports mutual recognition essential to international trade
Purpose To establish at the management level: (a)A common understanding between NRC and ASME of the needs of the NRC as a stakeholder in its use of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (BPV) Code (b)A communication pathway between NRC and ASME with respect to mission, objectives, or issues that may impact implementation of the ASME BPV Code in the U.S. nuclear industry
Frequency Semi-yearly teleconferences Bi-yearly face-to-face meeting at NRC Office –Boiler Code Week is held in DC in August every two years specifically for this purpose BPV III and XI officers and other committee volunteers based on topics and NRC staff –Recurring and new topics
ASME / NRC Management Briefing Discussion of administrative items: Staff monitoring and internal coordination –Confirm that ASME committees being adequately supported 10 CFR 50.55a Rulemakings Code Case final rulemaking / regulatory guides ASME Edition proposed rulemaking 2009 – 2013 ASME and NRC letters Initiative of the Code for 2025 Section XI operational plan Section III, Section XI, and NRC operational plans –Potential roadmap with NESCC
Staff Level Technical Information Exchanges Bring in applicable NRC staff and ASME committee volunteers on specific technical issues Some examples from the last meeting: Request for staff to assess NRC condition in 10CFR50.55a(a)(b)(2)(xxvi) regarding pressure testing of mechanical joints when bolting is replaced Determining corrosion rates and the expected life of encapsulations as related to fitness-for-service for buried pipe Examination of accessible portions of containment leak chase systems Code Case N-513: pressure/temperature limits and application to moderate energy piping
IWGs and NCS long-term outlook An International Working Group (IWG) accommodates participation by members in a common geographic location who would otherwise be unable to meet the attendance expectations of committees that meet principally in the U.S. and Canada Regions outside of N. America are significant markets and sources of nuclear components and heavy equipment IWGs address the challenges presented by time zones, travel constraints, and language barriers that prevent experts based overseas from participating IWGs provide additional expertise and resources to Code committees to understand identify, clarify, and address stakeholder issues arising in regions outside of N. America IWG also discuss inquiries and technical clarification prior to submitting IWGs have been established and being considered for: EU, Germany, India, Italy, Korea, China 8