Standards and regulations: Generalities 2008 Technical Advisory Service
Generalities Introduction Standards CE marking Certificates National regulations and legislations
Introduction CSTC
Generalities Introduction Standards CE marking Certificates National regulations and legislations
Standards Before, each country had his own standardization institute and published its standards Some international standards (ISO) are also published
Standards CountryInstituteStandardLogo Germany DIN DIN Belgium IBN – BIN NBN Spain AENOR UNE France AFNOR NF UK BSI BS Italy UNI UNI Netherlands NNI NEN
Standards CountryInstituteStandardLogo Poland PKN PN Russia GOST GOST Czech Republic CSNI CSN USA ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI International Standardization Organization ISO ISO
In order to uniformize the european market, and also arrive to the CE Marking, the CEN is now publishing european standards «EN» Standards These standards replace and cancel the eventual national standards, handling about the same topic
Standards Institute Standard Logo European Comittee of Standardization CEN EN European Organization for the Technical Agreement EOTA ETAG
Standards The CEN publishes different sort of standards : description of products test methods calculations methods harmonized standards for the CE Marking BUT these standards do not give indications regarding the choice and the use of different products, this stays a national competence
Standards For the glass, TC 129 «Glass in building» is the only qualified About 90 standards are publised or being edited
Standards Example: Thermal Insulation The standard EN 1279 describes insulating glazings (composition, tolerances, test …). The standard EN describes the method of measurement of the emissivity of a coating. The standard EN 673 describes the method of calculation of the U Value of a glazing. The standard EN ISO describes the method of calculation of the U Value of a window The standards or national regulations determine the U-values to be respected in building
Generalities Introduction Standards CE marking Certificates National regulations and legislations
CE Marking Represents the fact that the product correspond to the DPC requirements, as mentioned in the different harmonized standards or ETAG’s Indicates that the product has been correctly evaluated to be compatible with the CDP procedure See training «CE Marking»
Generalities Introduction Standards CE marking Certificates National regulations and legislations
The certificates In order to certify the quality and/or the level of performance of its products, AGC Flat Glass Europe has different sort of certificates: Declaration of conformity Test reports Certificate of product conformity Certification
The certificates A declaration of conformity (to a standard, a law document, a law …) is a document written by the manufacturer who declares under his responsability that it is conform to … AGC has used and still uses these documents if nothing else is needed Example: GVB declares that his Top N is conform to EN 1096
The certificates A test report is a document which gives the results of a test from a document (standard). The test can in that case, only be a part of a standard, a law … The laboratory which does this testy is often independent of the producer Example: INV tells that STRATOPHONE 33.2 is 1B1 according to EN Example: INV tells that LT of TOP N, measured according to EN 410 is about 86 %
The certificates A certificate of product conformity (to a standard, a law, a directive …) is a document where a laboratory keep a record if the tested product is accurate to the complete standard (to a law, a directive …). Generally, several test, calculations have been made Example: INV tells that the TOP N of GVB is conformed to the EN 1096 T his means for example, for pyrolithic coatings, spectrometric measures and resistance tests, to condensation, acid attacks, fog and abrasion
The certificates A certification given by a standard organization is a document where the organism keep a record of a product (or the range of all the products of a plant or a producer) is/are accurate to a regulation certification. This one is composed by test in laboratory, controls in plants and regular evaluation tests Example: BCCA gives a certification for the STRATOPHONE range of ATHUS and TEPLICE. The tests have been made by INV and SSV, controls by SECO according to the internal rules of BCCA. The certificate is 3 years valid and the certified values are indicated
The certificates The certifications are usually composed by a name and a « logo », which allow an easy identification, for example: Belgium: ATG France: CEKAL, Avis Technique Netherlands: KOMO …
The certificates The certificates (but not the conformity declaration) are given by acknowledged laboratories, for example: Germany: IFT, Melrichstadt, Ulm Belgium: CSTC, InV, ERM France: CSTB, CEBTP, CNPP Italy: SSV Netherlands: TNO Czech Republic: Ikatès … CSTC
The certificates Most of the certificates are « scanned » and available on (see, «Certificates» and «Quality»)
The certificates
Generalities Introduction Standards CE marking Certificates National regulations and legislations
National application documents of european standards are published in most of countries; they can specifiy: the choice of fire resistant glazing the acoustic insulation criterias the thermal insulation criterias the choice of safety glazings (protection against injuries, break-in …) the details for setting of glazings …
National regulations and legislations The application documents can be : Legislative (law, decree): they are lawful and then obligatory Standards Others (non lawful)
National regulations and legislations Examples of applications documents : Belgium : NBN S (STS 38) France: DTU 39 (NF P )