Digital System Design Course Introduction Maziar Goudarzi
Course Outline Course contents Course timing Teaching Assistants Verilog HDL® Design Methodology Programmable Logic Devices Course timing Will be put on the Courseware page Teaching Assistants As announced Exercise classes Sunday or Tuesday 12-13, Place: TBA 2010 DSD
Textbook and References Samir Palnitkar, Verilog® HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Second Edition, Prentice Hall PTR, 2003. Zoran Salcic, Asim Smailagic, Digital System Design and Prototyping Using Field Programmable Logic and Hardware Description Languages, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. Other references Pong P. Chu, FPGA Prototyping by Verilog Examples, Wiley, 2008. J. Bhaskar, Verilog HDL Synthesis: A Practical Primer, Star Galaxy Publishing, 1998. Chan, Mourad, Digital Design Using Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Prentice Hall PTR, 1994. Verilog HDL, IEEE 1364-2005 Standard, IEEE Computer Society, Design Automation Standards Committee, 2006. 2010 DSD
Evaluation 50% or more Assignments and Course Project 25% Midterm exam 25% Final exam 2010 DSD
Introduction to Hardware Description Languages Digital System Design Introduction to Hardware Description Languages
Digital System System Digital vs. Analog 2010 DSD
Why HDL? Evolution of Logic Design Early days 10s of logic gates 2010 DSD
Evolution of Logic Design (cont’d) A decade later 100s of logic gates Schematic design Another decade later 1000s of logic gates Structural Hardware Description Languages (HDL) State of the art 10,000s-1000,000s-10,000,000s logic gates Behavioral and Register Transfer Level HDL 2010 DSD
Evolution of Logic Design (cont’d) HDL-based Design 2010 DSD
Why HDLs? SSI (Small Scale Integration) MSI (Medium Scale Integration) LSI (Large Scale Integration) VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) Important concepts Simulation = check if design works fine Synthesis = implement the design on real hardware 2010 DSD
HDL Requirements Concurrency Timing and Delay Event-driven Design Hierarchy Implementation independence Readability (Documentation) 2010 DSD
Popular Levels of Abstraction Behavioral problem Data flow Structural Switch 2010 DSD
Popular Levels of Abstraction (cont’d) Behavioral problem Data flow Structural Switch 2010 DSD
Popular Levels of Abstraction (cont’d) Behavioral problem Data flow Structural Switch 2010 DSD
Popular Levels of Abstraction (cont’d) Behavioral problem Data flow Structural Switch 2010 DSD
HDL Examples AHDL CDL: Computer Description Language Altera HDL CDL: Computer Description Language 1965 ISPS: Instruction Set Processor Specification AHPL: A Hardware Programming Language Abel Small designs such as state machines 2010 DSD
Verilog HDL Verifying Logic Phil Moorby from Gateway Design Automation in 1984 to 1987 (absorbed by Cadence) Verilog-XL Simulator from GDA in 1986 Synopsys synthesis tool in 1988 In 1990 became open language, OVI (Open Verilog International) IEEE standard 1995 Similar to C Fairly efficient and easy to write 2010 DSD
VHDL DARPA workshop on VHSIC in 1981 VHSIC HDL: Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language DARPA workshop on VHSIC in 1981 DARPA released requirement in 1983 A language for hardware documentation VHDL 7.2 in 1985 IEEE standard in 1987 ANSI standard in 1988 For RTL design VITAL added, VITAL(VHDL Initiative Towards ASIC Library) IEEE revised VHDL & VITAL in 1993 Final review of standard in 2001 Similar to Ada (emphasis on re-use and maintainability) Very general, but verbose 2010 DSD
Hello World! VHDL vs. Verilog ------------------------------------------ -- Design Name : hello_world ----------------------------------------- entity hello_world is end; architecture hello_world of hello_world is begin stimulus : process assert false report "Hello World By Deepak“ severity note; wait; end process stimulus; end hello_world; //----------------------------------------------------- // This is my first Verilog Program // Design Name : hello_world // File Name : hello_world.v // Function : This program will print 'hello world‘ // Coder : Deepak module hello_world ; initial begin $display ("Hello World by Deepak"); #10 $finish; end endmodule // End of Module hello_world 2013 DSD Ref:
VHDL vs. Verilog All abstraction levels Designed for documentation Ada based constructs High level & system descriptor No PLI All abstraction levels Designed for hardware design C and Ada constructs Gate & structural descriptor Very powerful PLI 2010 DSD
VHDL vs. Verilog VHDL Behavioral Dataflow Structural & Gate Switch 2010 DSD
VHDL vs. Verilog VHDL, More popular in Europe Verilog, In USA, Japan 2010 DSD
Announcement اولین دوره کشوری مسابقه طراحی سیستمهای دیجیتال مسابقه دو به دو بین طرحهای سخت افزاری مسابقه طراحی شتاب دهنده برای یک الگوریتم رمزگذاری FPT’2013 Design Contest Design hardware for a Game Designs compete against one another in a live contest ModelSim Getting Started class Next Sunday (time and place to be announced) Software link will be provided Bring your laptop if any 2013 DSD