| Budget Overview FOR FY 2015 PLANNING
| Typical Revenue Sources:
| Revenue Sources: NPS Contract (WQCD-MtnGeoGeek, LLC) ($40-81k/year) REG 85 coalition data upload contracts (AFCURE & SWQC) Individual Fee For Service (FFS) On Demand $108/hour, $0.50/mile, pass-thru expenses Includes Data Formatting & Training in FFS New Organization Set-up Fees ($349/org)
| Revenue Sources:
| NPS Grant: 8 Tasks New Products/Enhancements funded either w/ amendment (Restful Web Services) or through other WQCD Non-NPS contract Total NPS contract -- $152,762 over 3 years for specified deliverables/timelines Assumptions – LT & TAC would assist or lead on tasks. Grant funded PC at 0.26 FTE PC would be funded w/ other funds to be 0.75 FTE $31,676/year would be raised by Council & go toward GRANT deliverables
| NPS Grant Purpose: Primary programmatic focus for PC was to increase the amount and relevancy of the data in the database - data management system (AWQMS), increase the number of monitoring locations with results data connected to the Monitoring Location/Exceedance Mapper (aka CDSN Google Map), and create the complimentary ArcGIS on-line GIS utility and companion GIS files.
| NPS Grant Purpose: Primary administrative focus for PC was to provide the accounting, reporting, CDSN technical website maintenance, outreach and training tools, negotiate and maintain CDSN contracts (such as those with the technology hosts, NPS contracts, etc.) and provide necessary liability insurance for their position as contractors to CDPHE WQCD for the NPS contract.
| NPS Grant Purpose: The primary administrative focus of the Leadership would be to support the mission to increase the use of CDSN and data managed in CDSN; redesign a successful organizational structure to provide long-term sustainability, resiliency, financial stability, and technological relevancy to CDSN, and implement the redesigned structure. Designing a pilot project of migrating a repository of legacy data into the CDSN was anticipated. A GAP analysis (Tasks 5 and Tasks 6) which would largely be facilitated, designed and implemented by Leadership. By mid-2012 Leadership determined that a Gap Analysis was outside of the scope and mission of the CDSN, which means that the CDSN project does not "judge" data. The appropriate scope and mission for CDSN was to increase the amount of high-quality managed data, publically available, and increase the use of that data by others who would use it for their own analyses.
| NPS Grant Purpose: In Leadership wanted to replace basin SWAPs in Task 1 with REG85 outreach to encourage dischargers to use CDSN to manage their REG85 and other data as part of sustainability strategy. By mid-2012 Leadership determined that a Gap Analysis was outside of the scope and mission of the CDSN, which means that the CDSN project does not "judge" data. The appropriate scope and mission for CDSN was to increase the amount of high-quality managed data, publically available, and increase the use of that data by others who would use it for their own analyses.
| NPS Tasks:
| NPS Grant Requirements, Source 1 is Council:
| What was funded in Grant:
| What was funded in Grant % of NPS funds allocated to each Task:
| What was funded in Grant “Cost” – sum of NPS funds and in-kind accounted for by Task
| NPS Status T8 (Admin): $ for completing final report (also doing RESTFUL project mgmt, data format meetings, REG85 meetings, pre-data call planning/meetings, on-call assistance, budget, etc. but unfunded) T7: $18,340 left – all earmarked for Gold Systems for programming web services
| NPS Match Status – over 200% match (mostly in-kind, not cash) accounted for!
Going Forward – What TASKS should we do? What TASKS do we have to do to keep our investment going? Considered COSTs of – 1. Outreach (SWAPs, Conferences, e-blasts, Other) 2. Data Call Support – compiling & submitting data batches to WQCD, maintaining close relationship & trust of WQCD 3. Mentoring & Training – really training and on-call help desk. Some of this is FFS but some is not. People/public call with questions, need fact sheets, tutorials, webinars, etc. 4.AWQMS/STORET uploads – data formatting and upload as FFS is successful. Left in FFS category. 5.Migration of USGS data repositories into AWQMS. Groups paid USGS a lot. Don’t have funds. Post-learning curve, cost for each is est. at $21, more in state. 6.Operation & Maintenance of AWQMS, Map & GIS – a lot has been invested in these. PCs troubleshoot, fix, create materials, repurpose/edit materials, update files. If this stops will we be relevant? Will products lose value? Lab Guidance effort? 7.Admin – attend meetings, communicate, maintain org docs, website, accounting, grant writing, membership, etc. 8.Fee for Service – New Orgs, Targeted Training, Data services
Rates & Suggestions to consider 1.New Org Fee increased to $435 2.Hourly rate increased to $145 3.Mileage/Lodging/Expenses for FFS is given a 10% Processing Fee to cover FA fees 4.Individual/Biz memberships -- $50/$100 5.Website Sponsorships – non-data org: $1000/year 6.Data org: annual base fee (some are defunct and won’t pay) – based on volume; number results? Or like GS – tiered, a)public/non-profit b)Local district/govt c)State govt d)Federal govt e)Coalitions (SPCURE/AFCURE/etc)
Lynn Padgett Project Coordinator, Colorado Data Sharing Network