Nathan Hale, PhD Assistant Professor (Research) Deputy Director, South Carolina Rural Health Research Center
Population based public health = Current landscape – many remain DSP 50% Family Planning 46% Immunizations 33% EPSDT 20% Managed Care (Medical Home)
Economic Recession Driven further into clinical services? Healthcare Reform Catalyst for re-examining priorities – discontinue? Transitions occurring more frequently
Two critical questions: What happens when the transition is made? o Receipt of services? o Population based health outcomes? o Different for rural communities? How do you mitigate the potential impact?
Hale, N. Smith, M, Hardin, J. Martin, A. American Journal of Public Health Apr;105 Suppl 2:S330-6
SCDHEC – State public health agency > SCDHEC 40% of EPSDT Market Mid 1990’s -> Transitioned EPSDT services Some targeted transitioning -> mostly attrition
Data Retrospective cohort of infants enrolled in Medicaid Eligibility / billing data Continuous Medicaid enrollment for 12 months Data Structure Repeated Cross-sectional Rolling Panel
Dependent Any EPSDT visit (dichotomous) Ratio of Observed to Expected EPSDT visits Independent Time (0-15) SCDHEC Market Share o High (>60%) | Average (20-59%) | Low (<20%) Rural Residence (Urban Influence Codes) o Urban o Rural
Time Invariant Maternal race/ethnicity Maternal age Maternal education Special health care needs Time Variant FQHC/RHC penetration Private sector capacity Managed Care penetration Medicaid enrollment Reimbursement
Growth Curve Models Fixed o Time | SCDHEC Market Share | Rural o Other Time-variant | Time-invariant Random o County | Time 3-way interaction (Time | SCDHEC | Rural) Stata – xtmelogit | xtmixed Predicted probabilities | Marginal means
UrbanRural Any EPSDT # of EPSDT Visits
Urban -> stabilized -> ultimately improved Primary Care Infrastructure Rural -> steady deterioration -> yet to recover Historically underserved | limited primary care Note: Rural = 10% of the study population
Rural LHDs & ACA (tough position) Increased demand + constrained supply = deeper into safetynet & direct service provision Transition may be very difficult Potential to exacerbate existing resource voids FQHC | Medical home initiatives
Retraction of clinical services = Impact Real Question – What is tolerable impact? PPACA + Recession -> Increasing demand How can LHDs really make this transition? Targeted retraction of clinical services probably the more likely scenario (ie Family Planning Study) PPACA + Recession -> Increasing opportunity FQHC | Medical Home | Population health funding
Nathan Hale, PhD. Research Assistant Professor, Dept of Health Services Policy & Mgmt Deputy Director, South Carolina Rural Health Research Center (803)