Engineering Design Tools MECE-104 Thermo I MECE-110 Numerical Methods MECE-317 Eng Meas Lab MECE-211 Strengths I MECE-203 Mat Sci w/App Lab MECE-306 Mat.


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Presentation transcript:

Engineering Design Tools MECE-104 Thermo I MECE-110 Numerical Methods MECE-317 Eng Meas Lab MECE-211 Strengths I MECE-203 Mat Sci w/App Lab MECE-306 Mat Sci w/App MECE-305 MSD I MECE-497 MSD II MECE-498 Co-Op 2 MECE-499 Co-Op 3 MECE-499 Co-Op 4 MECE-499 Co-Op 1 MECE-499 Co-Op Prep EGEN-99 Dynamics MECE-205 Engineering Mech Lab MECE-102 Fluids I MECE-210 System Dynamics MECE-320 Heat I MECE-310 BV Prob MATH-326 Statics MECE-103 Calc II MATH-182 Statistics STAT-205 Calc I MATH-181 Circuits EEEE-281 Linear Algebra MATH-241 MultiVar Calc MATH-219 Diff Eq MATH-231 Strengths Lab MECE-204 Sci Ele 1 Sci Ele 2 Univ Phy II PHYS-212 Applied II MECE-4XX Applied I MECE-4XX Ext Core MECE-3XX Ext Core or Applied 1 st yr 2 nd yr 3 rd /4 th yr 5 th yr Cont. Iss. MECE-348 All OPTIONS Floater Engineering Apps Lab MECE-301 Statics Thermo I Strengths I Typically taken

Aerostructures MECE-412 Propulsion MECE-403 ACT MECE-360 Flight Dynamics MECE-410 Aerodynamics MECE-409 Aerospace OPTION Prereqs from Required Courses 1 st yr 2 nd yr 3 rd /4 th yr 5 th yr Orbital Mechanics MECE-411 Floater Dynamics MECE-205 System Dynamics MECE-320 Numerical Methods MECE-317 Circuits EEEE-281 Statics MECE-103 Engineering Mech Lab MECE-102 Strengths I MECE-203 Thermo I MECE-110 Fluids I MECE-210 Heat I MECE-310 Strengths II MECE-350 Extended Core Menu Pick 1 Applied Menu Pick 2 Classical Controls MECE-543/643 Intr Composite Matl MECE-544/644 Mat Sci w/App Lab MECE-306 Mat Sci w/App MECE-305 Comp Fluid Dyn MECE-731 Intro to Vibes MECE-558/658 Ideal Flows MECE-738 Engineering Math MECE-601 Cont. Iss. MECE-348

Powertrain MECE-523/623 Strengths II MECE-350 Vehicle Dyn MECE-524/624 IC Engines MECE-421 Automotive OPTION Prereqs from Required Courses 1 st yr 2 nd yr 3 rd /4 th yr 5 th yr Classical Control Sys MECE-543/643 Thermo I MECE-110 Floater Dynamics MECE-205 System Dynamics MECE-320 Numerical Methods MECE-317 Circuits EEEE-281 Statics MECE-103 Engineering Mech Lab MECE-102 Strengths I MECE-203 Extended Core Menu Pick 1 Applied Menu Pick 2 ST: High Per Veh MECE-489 Alt Fuels/Engy MECE-739 Tribology MECE-752 Fluids I MECE-210 Thermo II MECE-352 Cont. Iss. MECE-348

Thermo I MECE-110 Strengths I MECE-203 Dynamics MECE-205 Fluids I MECE-210 Heat I MECE-310 Statics MECE-103 Biodevices MECE-407 Applied Biofluids MCSE-610 Applied Biomaterials MECE-557/657 ACT MECE-360 Fluids II MECE-355 Bioengineering OPTION Biology Elective Prereqs from Required Courses 1 st yr 2 nd yr 3 rd /4 th yr 5 th yr Floater Extended Core Menu Pick 1 Applied Menu Pick 2 Mat Sci w/App Lab MECE-306 Mat Sci w/App MECE-305 Numerical Methods MECE-317 Comp Fluid Dynamics MECE-731 Tribology MECE-752 Strengths II MECE-350 Cont. Iss. MECE-348

Thermo I MECE-110 Fluids I MECE-210 Heat I MECE-310 Refrig/AC MECE-401 Turbomachinery MECE-402 Renewable Energy MECE-529/629 Wind Turbine MECE-405 Energy and Environment OPTION Numerical Methods MECE-317 CHMG 131 or higher Extended Core Menu Pick 1 Applied Menu Pick 2 Prereqs from Required Courses 1 st yr 2 nd yr 3 rd /4 th yr 5 th yr Floater Thermo II MECE-352 Fuel Cell Tech MECE-710 Sus Eng Mgmt MECE-733 Alt Fuels MECE-739 Fluids II MECE-355 Cont. Iss. MECE-348

Intro Optml Design MECE- 520/620 Design of Mach Sys MECE-538/638 Robotics MECE-404 No -Option OPTION (shows ME electives not include in the options) 1 st yr 2 nd yr 3 rd /4 th yr 5 th yr Adv Solid Modeling MECE-406 Floater Dynamics MECE-205 System Dynamics MECE-317 Numerical Methods MECE-317 Circuits EEEE-281 Statics MECE-103 Engineering Mech Lab MECE-102 Strengths I MECE-203 Strengths II MECE-350 Intro Engr Vibes MECE-558/658 Engineering Design Tools MECE-104 Extended Core Menu Pick 1 Applied Menu Pick 2 No Specific Extended Core Is required Cont. Iss. MECE-348