1 NEXT ADVISORS: 2013 Business in tough times
2 So What is tough ? Not for circulation: Private and confidential Jumping from outer space 40 km above earth ? Climbing Mount Everest by teenagers / amputees / 80 year olds Crossing the Grand Canyon on Rope with no safety harness or net OR Selling Mutual Funds
3 Not for circulation: Private and confidential Winners in tough times
4 …& our summary was Business is like sports. Truly demanding Build your business like a champion sports person In these cluttered times, it is critical to stand out / do it differently Standing out is tough – requires courage and ability to stay the course Results are long lasting, enduring and get you ready for thinking harder and smarter. Not for circulation: Private and confidential
5 NEXT ADVISORS: 2014 Business in good times
6 Exponential increase in demand How to scale up to meet demand Do we have the right infrastructure to address demand Good times have their own challenges for business
7 The role of infrastructure in creating world beaters
9 India becoming world beaters in many sports
10 From Haryana Trained by father & coach Mahavir Singh at one of the best training centres in India Geeta Phogat - Gold : CWG 2010 Babita Phogat - Gold : CWG 2014 Vinesh Phogat -Gold : CWG 2014 Geeta, Babita, Vinesh…freestyle wrestling
11 Heena Sidhu.. Shooting From Patiala Trained by husband Ronak Inspired by Bindra & Rathore 5 times Gold medalist in shooting
12 Kashyap P.. Badminton From Hyderabad Trains at Gopichand Training Academy Supported by Olympic Gold Quest Gold at CWG 2014 In World Top 10
13 Vision 2020=20 medals at Olympics
14 … what has all this got to do with IFAs Indian sports Individual sports doing better than team sports. India unearthing talent from deepest corners of the country Infrastructure improving for our sports persons India starting to create world beaters Indian IFAs IFAs are individuals building their practice From across the country Improvement in infra for IFAs will get us scale, consistency and trust Indian IFAs will start creating world class businesses
15 So what is the relevance of infrastructure for our industry
16 An investor’s dilemma What am I saving for ? How long ? - Unaware investments Let me ride the rally ! - Random greed driven investments Nothing has performed! - Premature fearful redemptions Result ?
17 Happy investors <Unhappy investors
18 Your dilemma How do I … enhance investor’s experience ? become more productive ? increase my revenue ? Manage 2000 families ?
19 … the big shift required FromTo clients’ goals revenue per client long term investments planned investments happy investors returns & products revenue per transaction short term investments unplanned investments unhappy investors
20 Presents …this requires robust infrastructure
21 Your Infrastructure on Tab To reach out to “ Bhaarat”
22 Core proposition of Open architecture Your advice, your solution, your products Helps you represent your client People, process, technology & smart analytics Productivity and revenue increase Its all about clients goals, dreams and plans
23 Pre-SalesAdviceSalesPost-Sales Engagement Pings Analytics Website Client Portal Business Development On Tablet Preprinted Forms Data reporting for the ARN Data reporting for the ARN Goal based reports Portfolio based statement Portfolio based statement Execution trackers RPP Partner Portal Tools (Data–Analysis) Learning & Development Enterprise services Mapped Personnel One Stop Solution
24 …helps you engage your clients end to end
25 …helps you systematically capture client’s need
26 allow client to work around with various scenarios
27 Smart calculators
28 Join
29 To summarize… Good times have their own set of challenges Indian sports creating world beaters because of improved infrastructure Our IFAs need infrastructure as well to create Happy Investors Visit - to avail your infrastructure
30 Lets create 1 Lac Shubhchintaks by 2020