Course Materials Overview
Module 1: History and Organization of the Industry Module 2: Safety Module 3: Electric Power Generation Module 4: Electric Power Transmission Module 5: Electric Power Distribution
Module 6: Career Exploration Module 7: Hot Topics in Energy
A. History of the U.S. Energy Industry and Infrastructure B. The Energy Industry: Structure and Organization C. Energy Flow: Generation, Transmission, and Distribution
A. Regulatory/Procedural/Security B. Preparing for Hazards in the Workplace C. Hazards and Response
A. Conventional Electric Power Generation Systems B. Overview of Generation Fuel Sources C. Overview of Emerging and Alternative Generation Technologies
A. Introduction to Electric Power Transmission B. Transmission Governance, Stability and Emerging Technologies
A. Introduction to Electric Power Distribution B. Distribution Governance, Stability and Emerging Technologies C. Natural Gas Distribution
Each module is divided into units. A module’s table of contents presents the flow of the entire module in a unit-by-unit fashion. While the teaching materials vary, each unit contains the same major components in the same sequence.
Unit Overview Learner Expectations (Student learning objectives) Teaching Strategies Pacing Chart for Lesson Delivery Complete Student Text for the Unit Teaching Resources
Example Unit Sequence
In this unit you will follow Shawn and Brianna as they look for ways to reduce their electricity bill and find out how electricity is generated, transmitted, and distributed to consumers. Along the way, they’ll discover ways the utility industry has changed to become more efficient in the production, transmission, and distribution of power.
This unit traces the evolution of the power industry, from the discovery and harnessing of electricity to its status as a consumer product. We begin with a very brief look at the properties of electricity and continue with a discussion of some of the inventors who commercialized its use. Next, we examine the economic principles behind the commercialization and the economic regulation that developed from a system of investor holding companies. The unit concludes with an investigation of environmental regulations and methods for reducing toxic emissions.
Describe the process of electric metering and billing for energy consumption. Explain the flow of energy from generation through distribution to the customer.
Discuss the history of the United States energy industry/infrastructure. Discuss environmental laws and regulations that impact the energy industry (local, state, and federal) and explain importance of proper documentation to ensure compliance. Explain the role of regulatory bodies in the energy industry.
Throughout this unit and the rest of the course, students will be asked to complete short activities, worksheets, laboratory activities, and to answer a variety questions. It is recommended that they keep a spiral notebook or composition book in which they can collect data, record answers, take notes and so forth. Keeping documentation is a skill required in many jobs in the energy industry.
This unit presents many opportunities for small group discussion. Allow students to work on the Critical Thinking exercises in groups. Give them time for reflection and research, if needed. Collaborative learning allows you to work with smaller groups of students….Based on your interaction with the small groups you can determine which concepts, if any, need to be reviewed or re-taught before continuing to the next lesson. Additionally, it gives students the opportunity to develop interpersonal skills required by industry.
PowerPoint presentation with outlines Activity materials—student handouts, lab worksheets, vocabulary exercises, guided note-taking Review questions and quizzes Answer keys to activities, critical thinking exercises, review questions, quizzes Links to supplemental resources Equipment list for discretionary activities
1.Title Slide: The Science Behind Cleaner Air 2.Monitoring Particulate Air Pollution a.Many developing countries do not have air monitoring sensors, so it is difficult to estimate the amount of pollution b.Particle pollution is one-tenth the diameter of a human hair (PM2.5 = 2.5 micrometers or less in diameter) c.Suspected of contributing to millions of premature deaths around the world each year
1.Discuss the types of information found in an electric bill. 2.Describe the major components of a generating unit and the energy conversions that occur in each. 3.Describe how power plants have become more efficient over the years. 4.What is the purpose of the transmission system? 5.What does a transformer do? Why is this important? 6.What is the relationship between current, voltage, and power?
Overview of working in the energy industry (conditions, job descriptions, education requirements, links to outside resources) Career Profiles (descriptions of specific jobs within the industry) Extension Activities (activities that can be done by individual students or as a facilitated group exercise) Module 6—Career Exploration contains:
Sample Career Profile
Modules 6 and 7 (in development)are web- based
Energy Efficiency/Conservation Alternative Energy Emerging Technologies SmartGrid and Time of Use Technologies Energy Regulatory Issues