Guangxi At A Glance Guangxi Investment Promotion Agency
East longitude 104°26 ˊ — 112°04 ˊ North latitude 20°54 ˊ — 26°24 ˊ Beijing Guangxi
Geography and Climate Land area: 236,700 km 2 Length of Mainland Shore: 1,595 km Annual Average Sunshine Time: 1,539.1 hours Annual Average Precipitation: 1,692.5 mm Annual Flow of Water: bn m m acre feet Annual Average Temperature: 21.1 ℃ Frost-free Period: 284~360 days Forest Coverage Rate: 61.84%
Demographics and Education Population: million Labor force: million Educational institutions and student enrollment: - 12 postgraduate institutions with 24,905 enrollment - 70 universities and colleges with 644,200 enrollment specialized secondary schools with 822,200 enrollment - 48 skilled workers’ schools with 103,900 enrollment Number of hospitals: 1,755 Medical technical personnel: 238,2860
Infrastructure Total length of highway: 111,384 km Railroad: 3,982 km - High-speed railroad: 1550 km Airports: 6 (fly 100 plus destinations) Navigable inland waterway: 6,153 km Handling volume of ports: 292 million mt - seaports: 186 million mt - river ports: 106 million mt Electricity Total output billion kwh Communication - Line telephone subscribers 5.99 million - Mobile phone subscribers million - Internet subscribers million
Economy and Structure GDP (RMB): b ( € 205.4) - primary sector : 16.3% - secondary sector : 47.73% - tertiary sector : 35.97% - per capita: 27,220 ( € 3,880) Per capita annual disposable income of urban households: 23,305 ( € 3,329) Per capita annual net income of rural households: 6,791 ( € 970 ) Total investment in fixed assets: b ( € 170 b) Total retail sales of consumer goods: b ( € b) Foreign trade € 30 b - export € 17 b, import € 13 b Number of International tourists 3.91 million Earnings from international tourism 9.58 b ( € 1.4 b)
Guangxi’s Number Ones in China 1 . Manufacturer of sub-compact vehicles 2 . Production of cane sugar 3 . Production of gum rosin and turpentine 4 . Acreage of subtropical fruit trees 5. Production of silk cocoon 6. Mineral reserves of manganese, tin, lead, indium, arsenic, limestone, piezoelectric quartz, dolomite, clay, barytes, etc...
Guangxi’s Priority Sectors for Investment 1 . Non-ferros such as aluminium/profiling 2 . Agriculture and agri-food 3 . Automative 4 . Sericiculture/Filature/Fabric 5. Logistics 6. IT 7. Equipment manufacturing 8. Tourism 9. Health regime 10. New energy and new materials
Foreign Investments in Guangxi Investors from some 70 countries and regions Setting up more than 10,000 enterprises Accumulative FDI USD billion
Investment Scenarios Support from Government Fair Play Favorable Investment Policies Reasonable Labor Cost Unparalleled Environment Unique Location Easy Accessibility Huge Market Potential Harmonized Community
Guangxi Investment Promotion Agency Provincial government department engages in : - promotion of investments from overseas - promotion of investment from domestic - coordination of complaints from prospective and existing investors - offering investment support services, which include:
Supplying latest information Identifying and matching potential investors with business partners in Guangxi Arranging meetings, site visits Assisting investors in dealing with government departments Receiving your feedback for improvements
Contacts: Guangxi Investment Promotion Agency No. 91, Minzu Avenue Nanning, Guangxi China Division of Foreign Investment Tel : Fax :