Department of Agriculture, Bihar Agriculture Scenario in Eastern India -Review & Future Prospects New Delhi, 06 th April, 2015
Agriculture Road Map: Goals Increase in Farmers Income Food Security Nutritional Security Growth with justice On farm and off farm employment Sustainable development Agriculture Road map
Crop & Horticulture Animal and Fishery resources Cooperatives Water Resources Energy Land Management Plantation & Forest Rural Road Processing, Marketing & Storage Agriculture Research & Education Second Agriculture Road Map: Sectors Agriculture road map- Rainbow revolution
Targets: Crop & Horticulture Crop Productivity (Lakh MT) (Achiev.) (Target) Rice Wheat Maize Pulses Foodgrains Oilseeds Fruits Road Map: Thrust Areas
Crop & Horticulture: Major interventions Production and Use of quality Seed and Planting material. Organic Farming: Vermi compost, Green Manure and Bio fertilizers Farm mechanization Emphasis on productivity enhancing technologies e.g SRI, Zero tillage etc. Extension and capacity building Quality control at every step: Seed, Fertilizer, Pesticide, Soil etc.
Road Map: Fin. Requirements Financial Requirements of Road map S.No.Item Public SectorPrivate Sector Total 1Agriculture Production(Crop & Hort.) A.H., Dairy & Fishery Ajivika Mission7000 4Water Resources Minor Water resources Energy Land Resource Management6620 ….Contd. In Rs.Crores
S.No.Item Public SectorPrivate Sector Total 8Plantation & Environment Storage Processing Marketing Cooperative Approach Road Agriculture Research & Education TOTAL Financial Requirements of Road map In Rs.Crores Road Map: Fin. Requirements
Department of Agriculture, Bihar Production: Lakh MT
Department of Agriculture, Bihar Productivity: Q/Ha
Department of Agriculture, Bihar Productivity: Q/Ha RICE Productivity in Assured Irrigated Distts. ( )
Department of Agriculture, Bihar Production: Lakh MT Fruit Production
Department of Agriculture, Bihar Plan Expenditure on Agriculture Crore Rs Pre road map Post 1 st road map Mid of 2 nd road map
Bihar Agriculture: Major Challenges ahead Lack of Quality Seed & Planting Material Climatic changes : Flood and Drought Agriculture Marketing, Value addition and Storage Lack of assured irrigation particularly during summer months Small & fragmented holding Inadequate road connectivity in rural areas Department of Agriculture, Bihar
Issues to be addressed Technical Issues: SRI in rice is a high producing technique, but labour intensive. Mechanized transplantation and power weeder esp. for this technique needs to be developed. Taking into account the availability of bright Sunshine days/ year and low availability of electricity in rural areas, suitable LOW COST farming tools/techniques specially irrigation methods needs to be developed and popularized.
Department of Agriculture, Bihar Local production of Hybrid seed, particularly in rice and maize on large scale. Short duration hybrids will help, particularly in mitigating the effect of floods (starting from end of August especially in the low land ecologies). Low availability of Pulses & oilseed certified seeds. Short duration varieties for Arhar (Pigeon pea) so that at least 2 crops can be taken in a year. Technical Issues…contd.
Department of Agriculture, Bihar Provision of seed bank for contingent crop varieties including millets that can be used during adverse climatic condition. Development of terminal heat tolerant wheat varieties/ hybrids and moisture stress tolerant rice varieties. Technical Issues…contd.
Department of Agriculture, Bihar Administrative Issues: Issues to be addressed No implement testing facilities in Bihar. A branch of FMTTI (Farm Machinery Training & Testing Institute) is sought. High end Labs for pesticide testing needed- RPTL (Regional Pesticide Testing Laboratory ) Reduction in assistance from GOI in major flagship programmes viz. NFSM, RKVY etc
Department of Agriculture, Bihar Administrative Issues…contd. Issues to be addressed Road map targets for a storage capacity of 65 LMT by 2017 whereas we could reach only LMT by Much assisstance needed to fulfill the targets. Rationalization of subsidy in mechanisation schemes- Different in SMAM and BGREI/NFSM. Coarse cereal programmes to be extended to all districts. Intercropping of coarse cereals with pulses is the need of hour.
Department of Agriculture, Bihar Administrative Issues: Fertilizers Issues to be addressed Only 9.00 Lakh MT Urea is allocated for Kharif 2015 keeping 1.00 Lakh MT reserve. - Need to increase allocation to LMT LMT reserve Farmers are using more N fertilizer due to increased rate of P & K fertilizers affecting soil health - Need to rationalize the MRP of N,P & K fertilizers June – July are peak period for P & K application and July to September are peak period for N application in the State. In this period rake congestion/ restriction and unavailability of rakes badly hinders the supply plan. - Priority for fertilizer dispatches at peak periods. Barauni Fertilizer Unit should be started soon.
Department of Agriculture, Bihar Administrative Issues: Horticulture Issues to be addressed 1.Inclusion of all districts (remaining 15 districts also) under MIDH (NHM) scheme. 2.Unit cost enhancement and change of subsidy norms under OFWM scheme. 3.Inclusion of Vegetable seed replacement programme under ongoing central scheme 4.Need to establish research center for Banana in State.
Department of Agriculture, Bihar