Delivery of Family Planning Services in Rural Bihar Through ‘Surya Partners’ Irfan Khan Director, Programs Janani, India Lightning Session 2014 Global Conference on Social Franchising for Health Oct 22 – 24, 2014, Cebu, Philippines
JANANI identifies persons with desire to plan their family and provide them with the appropriate contraceptive method; AND in case of contraceptive failure provides comprehensive safe abortion services
Persons with unmet need for family planning Janani Own Clinics Franchisee Clinics At Govt. Facilities Social Marketing
Janani Service Delivery Model Means of Service Provision Issues 1)Janani Owned Clinics (Surya) Caters to town/semi urban population, Poor access for rural areas 2)Franchisee Surya Clinic Primarily situated at block level, Needs Govt. accreditation, Delay in reimbursements leads to drop outs 3)At Government Facilities Irregular service provision, Poor quality services drive clients to private providers
Situation Analysis Both Government and NGO interventions heavily focused on permanent method (esp ligation) Front Line Workers more ‘interested’ in taking clients for permanent methods Ligation services concentrated in district HQ or major towns, leaving women from rural areas out of the service net Lack of trained providers doing ligation in rural areas – reason for inadequate/no services in rural areas Preference for one type of FP service leading to non- availability of all other types of FP services in rural areas
Innovation – Surya Partners These are small clinics/private practitioners at Village level or at a Town Periphery who can provide non-surgical FP services: a)IUCD insertions b)Injectable services and c)All other Surya range of products like Condoms, OCPs, ECs, Pregnancy Test Kits, etc Win-Win Situation for Both Client & Provider Client travel to town/district ONLY when permanent method is desired ; All other services available nearby No need of Government accreditation Clinics offered entire range of Surya products at subsidized rates Janani’s network of health promoters (SHPs), ASHAs, and others refer clients
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