Protecting Forests for the Long Haul Potomac Conservancy’s approach to improving water quality through forest conservation
Strategic Goals: Water Quality: Reducing water pollutants, particularly sediment and nutrients, and preventing or reducing the impact of new pollution sources Scenic Beauty: Protecting the most significant and threatened scenic landscapes Recreation: Expanding and enhancing responsible river-based recreation
2006 Objectives: Identify the most critical watersheds for the purpose of reducing sediment and nitrogen pollution. Improve water quality by reducing nonpoint source pollution on working lands in targeted watersheds Identify and advocate for sustainable funding sources that support improvement and protection of water quality
Water Quality and Working Lands Focus on highly threatened lands critical to water quality Work directly with landowners to develop a comprehensive management plan Catalyze local leadership in targeted sub- watersheds to ensure long-term oversight of projects (e.g. forest landowners informational cooperative)
Goods from the Woods Approach Forest Stewardship Plan Restoration (funded primarily through State and Federal programs) Niche products & marketing (e.g. ginseng) Permanent protection (working forest easements)
Mt. Pleasant Farm 106-acre sheep farm 40 acres of forest, 64 acres of open pasture 1 mile of frontage on Cedar Creek Adjacent to Cedar Creek Battlefield Goals: utilize best management practices for water quality and farm efficiency, protect for future generations, attract wildlife.
Whole Homestead Management 8 acres in CREP, alternative watering source, fencing Forest managed through a Forest Stewardship Plan Purchased Easement (State, Federal and private)
Working Forest Easements Encourage landowners to continue to manage or timber their forest in accordance with a Forest Stewardship Plan Incorporation of forest management goals (e.g. maintenance of forest canopy, maintenance of water quality, enhancement of wildlife habitat) Require protection of riparian forest for water quality
Future of land conservation… Sustained, secure funding for protection of working lands Incentives for management of working forests to benefit water quality Partnership and coordination between forestry and land conservation community