© 2012 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Canadian Food Inspection Agency), all rights reserved. Use without permission is prohibited. Animal Feed Division Feed Regulatory Renewal Update for AAFCO January 2014 Judy Thompson Animal Feed Division
Presentation Outline Animal Feed Division (AFD) Update CFIA Change Agenda Update Legislation Regulatory Renewal project Inspection Modernization 2
Animal Feed Division (AFD) Update New Director as of mid-October 2013! Kaarina Stiff Telephone: (613) Internet: 3
CFIA Change Agenda In Brief The CFIA has embarked on a comprehensive change agenda to strengthen its foundation of legislation, regulatory programs, and inspection delivery Goals: 1. Legislation that is robust, flexible, and consistent with international approaches and appropriate for 21 st century 2. Regulations that reduce unnecessary compliance burden and support innovation while maintaining public safety, as well as environmental and economic sustainability 3. Inspection model that is based on common inspection activities and standard processes, and supported by a renewed training regime 4
Expected Outcomes of Modernization Feed system that is : – able to deliver better protection from food safety/animal health risks for Canadians/Canada’s livestock herds; – focused on science-based and risk-based prevention and control of potential hazards as well as robust and responsive; – transparent so consumers can play their role and so industry understands obligations; – internationally consistent and harmonized wherever possible; – enabled with best available skills tools and technology to efficiently provide regulatory services to industry; and – outcome-based whenever possible and assessed regularly to verify that outcomes are achieved and that systems are functioning well 5
1. Agricultural Growth Act Tabled by federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri- Food on December 9, 2013 Proposes to make amendments to: Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act Feeds Act Fertilizers Act Health of Animals Act Plant Protection Act Seeds Act Plant Breeders’ Rights Act Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (AAFC) Farm Debt Mediation Act (AAFC) 6 Legislation Update
2. Feeds Act Some significant amendments proposed in the Bill … Regulation-making authorities to Licence/Register establishments and/or operators Regulation-making authorities to require regulated parties to develop, implement and maintain preventive control plans Incorporation by reference Inspectors able to order n/c feeds/things removed from Canada or destroyed 7 Legislation Update
Objectives for the modernization of the Feeds Regulations Develop a modernized risk- and outcome- based regulatory framework for feeds that: safeguards feeds and the food production continuum attains the most effective and efficient balance between fair and competitive trade in the market minimizes regulatory burden 8 Feed Regulatory Renewal Project
Background – Phased Approach PhaseTimeline Environmental ScanCompleted Pre-consultationCompleted Development & Consultation on Proposed Framework January – Fall 2013 Development & Consultation on proposed User FeesFall 2013 – June 2014 Preparation and Pre-publication (CG Part I)Fall 2014 – December 2014 Final Publication (CG Part II)To be determined 9 Feed Regulatory Renewal Project
Current Situation A final consolidated framework proposal will be released for additional consultation in 2014 which will combine the above modules and integrate initial comments. 10 Proposal TitleStatus 1.Feed Ingredient Assessment and Authorization Consultation closed 2.Feed labellingConsultation closed 3.Feed Hazard Identification and Preventive Controls Under development – proposed release this year 4.Facility licensing / Enforcement approaches Under development – proposed release this year Feed Regulatory Renewal Project
1. Feed Ingredient Proposal Proposal New ingredients will continue to be assessed for safety to animals, humans and the environment Agency’s role in Fit for purpose with regards to a new ingredient approval and characterization will be re-focussed 11 Feed Regulatory Renewal Project
1. Feed Ingredient Proposal (continued) Flexibility will be introduced by: Acceptance of international approvals for feed ingredients which have been approved in equivalent jurisdictions Tiered data requirements for both safety and intended purpose (e.g. published data, company generated data, history of use, familiarity, foreign data, etc.) Identifying alternatives to retaining/maintaining an enforceable positive list of authorized ingredients outside of regulations 12 Feed Regulatory Renewal Project
1. Feed Ingredient Proposal (continued) Industry collaboration will be sought to: Review all existing ingredients listed in the Schedules for current suitability (ingredients still relevant, available; standards appropriate) 13 Feed Regulatory Renewal Project
2. Feed Labelling Proposal Current Situation All feeds must have, or be, accompanied by a label The labelling requirements generally include: Contact information Basic information about the feed (name, purpose guarantees, directions, amount) Required cautions and warnings (e.g. medications, prohibited material) Additional label information typically triggers product registration Proposal Increased flexibility (e.g., additional guarantees, allow other label information) Increased international alignment (e.g., list of ingredients, lot #) Address gaps in current regulations (e.g., compel caution statements) 14 Feed Regulatory Renewal Project
3. Hazard Identification and Preventive Controls Proposal Current Situation CFIA takes a tiered approach, in regulation and administratively, to the identification of hazards and providing guidance on maximum acceptable levels in feed Current regulations largely silent on requiring preventive controls/preventive control plans to be in place for feed manufacturing Proposal The CFIA is developing an integrated Agency inspection model. We are working to align proposal with this model. Require hazard identification and preventive control plans for feed /ingredients along entire feed supply chain 15 Feed Regulatory Renewal Project
4. Facility licensing / enforcement approaches Current Status No facility licensing for feed manufacturers. Commercial feed mills, retail outlets and on-farm feed manufacturers are inspected. Inspection frequency is based on risk. Rendering plants operate under CFIA permits as part of BSE programming. Proposal The CFIA is developing an integrated Agency inspection model. We are working to align proposal with this model. Proposal to include discussion on role/impact of sector- specific safety programs on CFIA inspection/enforcement. 16 Feed Regulatory Renewal Project
Innovative Features of New Model (iAIM) Requirements for licenses and preventive control plans Inspection oversight to be risk based - better application of intelligence to determine risk Inspection approach to be consistent across CFIA programs Single strategy for compliance and enforcement to provide consistent and appropriate response across food Systematic assessment of performance embedded in approach to ensure continuous improvement 17 Inspection Modernization
Questions? 18