Histocompatibility Bylaws Rewrite: Phase 2 Histocompatibility Committee Fall 2014
Promote transplant safety provide accountability for labs when an HLA typing error is made on a donor Promote efficient management of the OPTN clarify Bylaws governing histocompatibility and eliminate outdated Bylaws Goal of the Proposal
General Supervisor plays key role in onsite monitoring of testing OPTN does not currently recognize General Supervisor as laboratory key personnel Proposed solution: Add General Supervisor as laboratory key personnel Require labs to report General Supervisor changes to UNOS Problem # 1
Current OPTN lab director requirements mirror federal CLIA regulation CLIA lab director doesn’t require histocompatibility experience OPTN only recognizes one histocompatibility lab director Proposed Solution: recognize a “Histocompatibility Laboratory Director” Problem # 2
Laboratory Director- No pathway for M.D./D.O. if they don’t have a license to practice in the state where the lab is located Proposed Solution: Amend Ph.D. pathway to include a doctoral degree in medical science Problem # 3
Bylaws don’t recognize foreign equivalent education and experience for key laboratory personnel Proposed Solution: Recognize foreign equivalent education and experience for laboratory key personnel Create determination process similar to transplant program personnel MPSC will consult with histocompatibility accrediting agencies and make final determination through peer review process Problem # 4
Vague standards for MPSC review and oversight of HLA typing errors Proposed Solution: review a lab if: One or more HLA typing errors or reporting errors on a donor results in: An incompatible transplant Reallocation of an organ to an individual other than the intended recipient Problem #5
HLA typing error identified Histo Committee quarterly review Reports through the Improving Patient Safety Portal HLA Typing Errors
Identify HLA error Determine if it resulted in incompatible tx/re-allocation or near miss MPSC reviews case, may request performance review of lab UNOS works with histo-accrediting agencies to conduct performance review MPSC considers results of review and takes action Proposed Process for Reviewing Laboratory with Donor HLA Error
Labs must report General Supervisor changes to UNOS The OPTN will survey all histocompatibility labs verify which individual in their laboratory meet the new definition of general supervisor The OPTN will monitor HLA typing discrepancies Board Review – June 2015 If approved, implementation Date: Sept. 1, 2015 Adding a general supervisor will require IT programming What Members will Need to Do
Dolly Tyan, PhD Committee Chair Regional representative name (RA will complete) Region X Representative address Andrew Miller, Esq. Committee Liaison Questions?
Name and CV ASHI or CAP designated as review agency Describe histocompatibility laboratory coverage plan Does the individual meet the qualifications defined by CLIA? (Y/N) Describe duties Describe how qualifications meet Bylaws for three years experience General Supervisor Application