Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service U.S. Department of Agriculture National Veterinary Stockpile ** Logistics Expertise Improving Disease Response **
NVS Sensitive Material2 Background National repository of critical veterinary supplies National repository of critical veterinary supplies Homeland Security Presidential Directive 9 Homeland Security Presidential Directive 9 – Directed the Secretary in 2004 to establish the National Veterinary Stockpile (NVS) – Required the NVS to Augment local/state resources by deploying within 24 hours “sufficient amounts of animal vaccine, antiviral, or therapeutic products to appropriately respond to the most damaging animal diseases affecting human health and the economy” Augment local/state resources by deploying within 24 hours “sufficient amounts of animal vaccine, antiviral, or therapeutic products to appropriately respond to the most damaging animal diseases affecting human health and the economy” Leverage the work done by the Strategic National Stockpile at CDC Leverage the work done by the Strategic National Stockpile at CDC
NVS Sensitive Material3 Background Homeland Security Presidential Directive 9 Homeland Security Presidential Directive 9 –Reflects the nation’s concern that terrorists could simultaneously, in multiple locations, release disease threats of catastrophic proportions; thus, the need for an NVS that could provide huge quantities of critical veterinary supplies to the right place at the right time for as long as necessary.
NVS Sensitive Material4 “This disease (foot and mouth) has many useful characteristics for a terrorist creating a livestock epidemic.” Agroterrorism Disease Outbreak Scenarios and Economic Considerations for the National Veterinary Stockpile “I, for the life of me, cannot understand why terrorists have not attacked our food supply because it is so easy to do.” Tommy Thompson Former Secretary HHS The New Reality After 9/11
NVS Sensitive Material 5 Mission Deliver critical veterinary items and services to animal disease outbreaks within 24 hours
NVS Sensitive Material 6 Goals By 2011, acquire countermeasures against the first 10 of the 17 most dangerous animal disease threats By 2011, acquire countermeasures against the first 10 of the 17 most dangerous animal disease threats By 2016, acquire countermeasures against all 17 of the most dangerous threats By 2016, acquire countermeasures against all 17 of the most dangerous threats
NVS Sensitive Material 7 Disease Threats 1. High Pathogenic AI (F) 1. High Pathogenic AI (F) 2. Foot-and-Mouth Disease 2. Foot-and-Mouth Disease 3. Rift Valley fever (F) 3. Rift Valley fever (F) 4. Exotic Newcastle Disease 4. Exotic Newcastle Disease 5. Nipah and Hendra virus (F) 5. Nipah and Hendra virus (F) 6. Classical swine fever 6. Classical swine fever 7. African swine fever 7. African swine fever 8. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (?) 8. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (?) 9. Rinderpest 9. Rinderpest 10. Japanese encephalitis (F) 11. African horse sickness 12. Venezuelan equine (F) encephalitis 13. Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia 14. Ehrlichia ruminantium (Heartwater) 15. Eastern equine encephalitis (F) 16. Coxiella burnetii (F) 17. Akabane virus Zoonotic diseases: (F) fatal, (?) possible
NVS Sensitive Material 8 Countermeasure Determination Evaluates Evaluates – Threats (diseases or agents including vectors) that exist and against which the NVS may have to respond – Comparative importance of each threat – Size, location, and characteristics of animal populations at risk – Response time and duration for countering the threat
NVS Sensitive Material 9 Countermeasure Determination – Research, surveillance, epidemiology, economy issues, and policy associated with each threat – Life-cycle costs of countermeasures (i.e. costs of purchase + storage + maintenance + replenishment + shelf life extension + disposal)
NVS Sensitive Material10 Oversight and Advice
NVS Sensitive Material11 IGC Composition USDA’s Centers for Veterinary Biologics USDA’s Centers for Veterinary Biologics Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Food and Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration
NVS Sensitive Material12 Organization
NVS Sensitive Material 13 Business Processes
NVS Sensitive Material14 Countermeasures Determination Evaluates Evaluates – Threats (diseases or agents including vectors) that exist and against which the NVS may have to respond – Comparative importance of each threat – Size, location, and characteristics of animal populations at risk – Response time and duration for countering the threat
NVS Sensitive Material15 Countermeasures Determination – Research, surveillance, epidemiology, economy issues, and policy associated with each threat – Life-cycle costs of countermeasures (i.e. costs of purchase + storage + maintenance + replenishment + shelf life extension + disposal)
NVS Sensitive Material 16 Purchase Purchase, hold internally what we need immediately but may not be able to get from the commercial sector - stockpile managed inventory (SMI) Purchase, hold internally what we need immediately but may not be able to get from the commercial sector - stockpile managed inventory (SMI) – Owned by NVS – Managed by NVS Purchase, vendors hold and rotate shelf life items - vendor managed inventory (VMI) Purchase, vendors hold and rotate shelf life items - vendor managed inventory (VMI) – Owned by NVS – Managed by vendors Contract for guaranteed access to materiel - vendor managed inventory (VMI) – Owned by vendors – Managed by vendors – Accessible by NVS and other parts of APHIS Contract for service Contract for service
NVS Sensitive Material 17 Place Multiple locations essential for security and proximity Multiple locations essential for security and proximity Currently in one Midwest location Currently in one Midwest location Evaluating coastal locations to reduce risk that weather, sabotage, labor problems will prevent deployment Evaluating coastal locations to reduce risk that weather, sabotage, labor problems will prevent deployment
NVS Sensitive Material 18 Manage –Control internal and vendor inventory to ensure support –Rotate and extend to minimize costs –Kit, label, pack for rapid transport and identification in the field
NVS Sensitive Material 19 Planned Response Sets/Services Vaccines and Therapeutics Response Sets Pesticides Disinfectants Animal handling equipment PPE Tools Applicators Horse Response Sets Pesticides Disinfectants Animal handling equipment PPE Tools Applicators Swine or sheep Response Sets Pesticides Disinfectants Animal handling equipment PPE Tools Applicators Poultry Pesticides Disinfectants Animal handling equipment Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Tools Applicators Documentation supplies Facilities: tentage or mobile vans Cattle Diagnostics Services Depop, Dispose, Decon Response Support Comm, Cmd Ctrs, Pack & Ship Units
NVS Sensitive Material 20 Deploy Arrive within 24 hours Arrive within 24 hours Pack products for rapid pick & load Pack products for rapid pick & load Organize and label shipments for rapid Id by responders Organize and label shipments for rapid Id by responders Arrange 7/24 air and ground transport Arrange 7/24 air and ground transport Exercise internal and vendor deployment procedures Exercise internal and vendor deployment procedures Help fed/state/local officials plan for NVS Help fed/state/local officials plan for NVS Exercise all to confirm their readiness Exercise all to confirm their readiness
NVS Sensitive Material21 Federal, State, and Local NVS Responsibilities Request NVS Request NVS Receive NVS (and state/local) supplies, Receive NVS (and state/local) supplies, Store supplies (including temporary refrigeration where necessary) until final delivery is possible, Store supplies (including temporary refrigeration where necessary) until final delivery is possible, Stage supplies for delivery to multiple outbreak sites, Stage supplies for delivery to multiple outbreak sites, Manage inventory levels for replenishment Manage inventory levels for replenishment Distribute supplies to outbreak sites, and Distribute supplies to outbreak sites, and Recover unused and reusable NVS assets. Recover unused and reusable NVS assets.
NVS Sensitive Material22 NVS Request Process
NVS Sensitive Material23 NVS Request Key Questions 1. Is the threat serious? If yes, NVS goes on alert. 2. Are state/local resources sufficient? If no, NVS deploys after request to the NVS Director. 3. Are combined fed (NVS), state, and local resources sufficient? If no, incident command buys more commercially. 4. Are additional resources available commercially? If not, NVS deploys again.
NVS Sensitive Material 24 Help States Plan for the NVS Distributed NVS guide for fed, state, local officials, describes the NVS, recommends state actions for NVS planning Distributed NVS guide for fed, state, local officials, describes the NVS, recommends state actions for NVS planning Briefed federal, state officials on the NVS based on information in the guide Briefed federal, state officials on the NVS based on information in the guide Issue pre-scripted Q & As Issue pre-scripted Q & As Created outreach plan Created outreach plan Working on self evaluation check lists for states Working on self evaluation check lists for states Planning visits to states late 07 Planning visits to states late 07 Exercising with states Exercising with states
NVS Sensitive Material 25 Significant Events 2004 HSPD9 mandates NVS creation 2004 HSPD9 mandates NVS creation 2005 Steering committee defines threats, countermeasures, mission, and goals Steering committee defines threats, countermeasures, mission, and goals. Apr 06 Apr 06 –Program begins - Director assumes duties –Program support staff on board May 06 – Ready to deploy personal protective equipment May 06 – Ready to deploy personal protective equipment Jul 06 – NVS exercise program begins (NC 7/06, GA 10/06) Jul 06 – NVS exercise program begins (NC 7/06, GA 10/06) Oct 06 – Nov 06 – Ready to deploy AI vaccine Oct 06 – Nov 06 – Ready to deploy AI vaccine Apr 07 – Deploy within 24 hours to West Virginia for LPAI in Turkeys Apr 07 – Deploy within 24 hours to West Virginia for LPAI in Turkeys May 07 May 07 –First GAO report on NVS favorable –Outreach begins: NVS guide issued to states Jun 07 – Establish 3D (depop, decon, disposal) contract support Jun 07 – Establish 3D (depop, decon, disposal) contract support
NVS Sensitive Material 26 Current Capabilities Personal Protective Equipment Personal Protective Equipment Antivirals Antivirals AI vaccine AI vaccine AI field test kits AI field test kits Portable satellite comm equipment (voice and data) Portable satellite comm equipment (voice and data) Portable vaccine shipment / storage containers Portable vaccine shipment / storage containers Disinfectants Disinfectants 3D service contracts 3D service contracts
3D Service Contracts – –Multiple contractors: available for use concurrently – –Services: Depop, disposal, decon – –Response: 24 hours and scalable for personnel, equipment, supplies, purchase – –Pre-support contractor training: exercise and response involvement
NVS Sensitive Material 28 Future Additions Supply Chain Management System Supply Chain Management System Vaccine Vaccine Test kits Test kits Animal handling & depop equipment Animal handling & depop equipment Additional antivirals Additional antivirals Incident Command Support Units (under evaluation) Incident Command Support Units (under evaluation) Coastal logistics centers Coastal logistics centers Multiple cold storage locations Multiple cold storage locations
NVS Sensitive Material 29 Planned Response Sets/Services Vaccines and Therapeutics Response Sets Pesticides Disinfectants Animal handling equipment PPE Tools Applicators Horse Response Sets Pesticides Disinfectants Animal handling equipment PPE Tools Applicators Swine or sheep Response Sets Pesticides Disinfectants Animal handling equipment PPE Tools Applicators Poultry Pesticides Disinfectants Animal handling equipment Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Tools Applicators Documentation supplies Facilities: tentage or mobile vans Cattle Diagnostics Services 3D Response Support Comm, Cmd Ctrs, Pack & Ship Units
NVS Sensitive Material 30 NVS Summary A New Weapon to Fight Disease Science based logistics expertise: Science based logistics expertise: –Focused on disease response, –Coordinating planning before an event, –Managing on time delivery during an event, and –Reducing response costs in multiple ways –Reducing response costs in multiple ways
NVS Sensitive Material 31 NVS Summary A New Weapon to Fight Disease Critical supplies and services delivered rapidly and reliably: Critical supplies and services delivered rapidly and reliably: –Vaccines: an alternative to destroying infected and potentially exposed animals when the scale of an outbreak makes the exclusive use of depopulation unlikely. –Personal protective equipment: supports fed/state for immediate and prolonged response –Satellite communications equipment: reliable voice and data in any situation –Contractor resources: Depop, decon, disposal service contracts
Questions? Glen Garris (Director) Richard Nolan