CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE BACKGROUND This report covers the period April 2014 to June 2014 and deals with the following areas: Implementation of section 4(2) of the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Act which requires the Civilian Secretariat for Police to be established as a designated department falling under the Minister of Police Progress made with regard to the implementation of all the functions assigned to the Civilian Secretariat for Police in terms of section 6 of the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Act Progress made with regard to the establishment of Provincial Secretariats and the alignment of Provinces with that of the Civilian Secretariat for Police The functioning of civil society Reference Groups/Forums as required by section 6 (2) (a) (v) of the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Act The functioning of Provincial Forums aimed at aligning work and ensuring cooperation between the Civilian Secretariat and Provinces Cooperation with the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) A quarterly progress report with regard to the performance of the Civilian Secretariat for Police against its agreed Annual Performance Plan targets for 2014/15 and A breakdown of the expenditure of the Civilian Secretariat for Police during the first quarter of 2014/15. 2
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE IMPLEMENTATION OF SECTION 4 (2) OF THE ACT During the first quarter the following activities have taken place in order for the Civilian Secretariat for Police to be able to function as a designated department: An MOU was developed and signed by the SAPS CFO and the Secretary of Police The CSP has been registered with SARS in terms of PAYE, UIF and SDL. The CSP has been registered on GEPF. All financial and supply chain policies have been approved and are being implemented. All the necessary BAS and PERSAL information has been captured. Training on BAS has taken place. The BAC Committee has been appointed. Assets verification has occurred and by the end of December 2014 all assets will be officially transferred from SAPS. The CSP has finalised with National Treasury the budget for the MTEF cycle 3
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE PROGRESS ON PROVINCIAL ALIGNMENT Four of the nine provinces have finalised their establishment of Provincial Secretariats. – The Western Cape – Gauteng – KwaZulu Natal – Free State It has been agreed that it may not be possible to have a one size fit all Provincial Secretariats Uniform Budget Structure is being developed with Provinces, CSP and National Treasury Sector Indicators have been developed and are currently being reviewed National Monitoring tools have been developed HoD Forum chaired by the Secretary of Police meets quarterly 4
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE IMPLEMENTATION OF OTHER SECTIONS OF THE ACT The CSP has taken over the monitoring of the DVA from IPID The CSP held a Complaints Dialogue in 2013/14 and arising out of this dialogue is now working on a complaints protocol The CSP has two civil society reference groups that meet regularly. – Policy and Research Reference Group – Reference Group on the implementation of the DVA and Child Justice Act The CSP has developed a reporting format for MINMEC and assists in the facilitation of MINMEC meetings The CSP has established a compliance forum of SAPS, IPID and the CSP to monitor the implementation of all IPID recommendations The first IPID Consultative Forum was held in The forum during the first quarter was rescheduled due to FOSAD meeting and the next forum should sit in September
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE Programme 3: Intersectoral Coordination and Strategic Partnerships 6
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE SUB PROGRAMME: INTERGOVERNMENTAL, CIVIL SOCIETY & PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS Programme Indicator1 st Quarter Target Actual Performance in 1 st Quarter Reason for variance Number of established Working Groups arising from agreements 11 Number of Community Safety Forums Assessed CSFs assessed in the following provinces: 3 Limpopo 3 Eastern Cape 3 KZN 4 Gauteng Number of National CSF Working Group meetings facilitated 11 7
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE SUB PROGRAMME: COMMUNITY OUTREACH Programme Indicator1 st Quarter Target Actual Performance in 1 st Quarter Reason for variance Number of public participation programmes 20 Due to the change in administration the programmes were placed on hold pending a briefing with the Minister of Police Number of assessment reports on social crime prevention programmes implemented 22 Total number of provinces implementing the CPF guidelines 29 All provinces implementing community policing forum guidelines Number of Provinces assessed implementing CPF training programmes developed by the Secretariat 22 (KZN and Limpopo) 8
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE Programme 3: Legislation and Policy Development 9
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE SUB PROGRAMME: POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH The White paper on the Police was finalised in February 2014 and awaiting a final workshop with SAPS before being signed off by the Minister. Drafting has also begun on the White Paper on Safety and Security and the framework for the Paper is been developed at JCPS cluster level. During the first quarter the policy development process also began on two policies. – The first is the policy on the Identification of Serial Rape and Murder and this policy should be completed during the third quarter. – The second is the Policy on Reducing the Barriers to Reporting Crime on Gender Based Violence which will be completed during the third quarter. – Work on the White paper of Safety and Security has also continued during this first quarter Sub-programme Indicator1 st Quarter Target Actual Performance in 1 st Quarter Reason for variance Number of reports on research projects produced 11 (IGR Anti-Gang Strategy) Research Information Centre maintained 11 10
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE SUB PROGRAMME: LEGISLATION In addition to the above the Legislation sub programme has also undertaken the following work: – Finalisation of the Diagnostic of the SAPS Act – Finalisation of the Firearms Control Act Amendments. The Firearms Control Amendment Bill will be published for public comment during the second quarter. – Preliminary drafting of the Critical Infrastructure Bill. This process will be finalised once the Critical Infrastructure Policy has been approved. Programme Indicator1 st Quarter Target Actual Performance in 1 st Quarter Reason for variance Number of Regulations related to number of Acts passed 10 The DNA regulations have been drafted but will only be finalised after the Board has reviewed them. 11
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE Programme 4: Civilian Oversight, Monitoring and Evaluation 12
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE SUB PROGRAMME: POLICE PERFORMANCE, CONDUCT AND COMPLIANCE MONITORING Programme Indicator1 st Quarter Target Actual Performance in 1 st Quarter Reason for variance Number of oversight visits to police stations conducted per year Ten additional stations were visited during the 1 st Quarter Number of Police Station Trend Analysis Reports 10The report is currently being finalised Number of SAPS Budget Programme performance assessment reports 11 Number of reports on SAPS implementation of IPID recommendations 11 Number of audit reports on DVA Act finalised for parliament per year 11 13
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE SUB PROGRAMME: POLICY AND PROGRAMME EVALUATIONS During the first quarter the evaluations plans for 2014/15 were developed and finalised. Two evaluations commenced during the first quarter and will be completed in quarters three and four. Both evaluations will focus on the implementation of the Criminal Procedure (Forensic) Amendment Acts of 2010 and of – The first evaluation will be of the DNA Database aspect of the Act and, – The second evaluation will be on the implementation of the finger print aspect of the Act. 14
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE SUB PROGRAMME: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT The first of phase of the Information Management System Tool was completed in the first quarter of The first phase allows for the electronic capturing of the Tool and for certain analytical functions of the National Monitoring Tool to be electronically generated. Phase two of the Tool will be completed in the second quarter and third quarter. This second phase will focus on the electronic capturing of DVA compliance assessment. 15
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE EXPENDITURE NOTES Although the Civilian Secretariat for Police spending for the first quarter is at 18% which is below the threshold recommended by National Treasury the following factors need to be taken into consideration: The Compensation costs for the Firearms Appeal Board have been included in the budget of the Civilian Secretariat for Police but had not by the end of the first quarter been transferred to the Civilian Secretariat for Police by SAPS. The compensation costs of the Appeal Board will be transferred to Civilian Oversight, Monitoring and Evaluation Programme The salary notches for staff for the 2014/15 financial year will come into effect during the end of the second quarter and this will impact on the overall compensation budget of the Civilian Secretariat for Police The office of the DPCI Judge was established during the 1 st quarter but most of the staff in the office will only commence their employment during the second quarter of the year and this will impact on the spending of the Legislation & Policy Development Programme going forward The Civilian Oversight, Monitoring and Evaluation Programme will be implementing phase two of the electronic information management systems during quarter 3 and 4 and this will impact significantly on the expenditure of this programme The budget of the Civilian Secretariat for Police for 2014/15 included additional posts granted by National Treasury and these posts are currently being job evaluated so that staff can be appointed in the next two quarters. 18
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE END Enkosi Thank You Dankie Ngiyabonga 19