County Background Baringo County covers an area of 11,015.3 km2 of which 165km2 is surface water comprising of 4 Lakes, Baringo, Bogoria, Kamnarok and lake 94. The County has a population of 555,562 with a high annual growth rate of 2.9% p.a (KPC, 2009). Over 80% of the population dwell in rural areas and has high poverty levels estimated at 58.7%.
Background cont’ Baringo County is a unique with regard to climate. It has huge variation in altitude. 45% of the county is too steep! Due to their varied altitudes, the sub-counties receive different levels of rainfall (500 to 1500mm). The fragile natural and agro-ecosystems are severely exposed to harsh climatic conditions. This threaten food and livelihood security and sustainability of natural resource use. The situation is aggravated by effects of climate change , population explotion including erratic weather patterns and occupation of fragile ecosystems
Context The Constitution of Kenya 2010 provides for a two tier governance system The National government and 47 County governments are distinct in functions but interdependent in execution of its mandates. Executive plays administrative roles and delivery of service to citizens while the County Assembly offers legislative and oversight of all county public institutions. The executive is working harmoniously with both arms of government and National Government and the County Assembly in delivery of its mandate There has been Increased human conflicts arsing from natural resources scarcity, i.e. water, pasture and boundary disputes Population increase has led to cultivation of fragile ecological zones and steep slopes
Map of Baringo County
Baringo County Government Achievements Great progress in delivery of services to the citizenry, Instant implementations of projects, Responding to needs and challenge of the public Increased allocation public and social services Protection and Management of environment
Challenges facing the new county government A lot of expectation from the public Transition to county government challenges Limited resources both financial and not financial High poverty levels Land and environmental degradation Conflict and Insecurity
Climate change related challenges Prolonged dry spells/ drought in East Pokot Baringo south and Baringo North sub counties Extreme floods in the lowlands around Lakes Baringo and Bogoria Landslides in the highlands during the rainy season especially the long rains season. destructive winds
SOIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RELATED CHALLENGES Erosion by water Erosion by wind Hydrological effects of Land Poor Infrastructure Limited water resources Flooding and drought Environmental degradation Poor marketing system and limited access to financial credit services Information and communication technology Unemployment Insecurity Land tenure system
Mitigation measures Investment in alternative energy sources - improved cook stoves and biogas units Training of stakeholders; youth, women and charcoal Producers associations Promotion and utilization of Early Warning Systems Development of the County contingency plan Formation of County climate change advisory committee comprising of key departments and community forecasters. Promote education and awareness on climate change issues in the county Encourage integrated approach on Climate Change among the sectors Participate in resource mobilization for CC issues Create platform of sharing knowledge and packaging of information on CC for dissemination to other stakeholders and public Identify the Climate Chane challenges, interventions, adaptation process and mitigation measures Promote collaboration/networking with institutions on CC Integration of the use of Indigenous/Traditional Knowledge in climate change issues. The KMS team works hand in hand with other technical staff and community forecasters to disseminate information on weather and climate change. The indigenous knowledge and meteorological forecasts are integrated into a unified message
Impact These disasters have occurred causing; loss of lives (drowning, landslides, human wildlife conflict, cattle rustling ) Loss of livelihoods ( destroying crops and damaging property).
Agriculture related Developing County policies and legislations Increasing Agricultural Growth Reducing Food Insecurity and Poverty Building of dams and water pans and de- silting of old ones Support in the provision of seeds and fertilizer for planting Support in food relief, water and livestock feeds Livestock off-take during severe drought Provision of medicine and vaccination to prevent disease outbreaks and Evacuation to safer grounds in case of floods Tree planting campaigns (3 million seedlings earmarked for planting this season) Promotion of soil conservation measures in the farms Reseeding of denuded lands Promotion of water harvesting techniques Promotion of early land preparation and timely planting of crops Exploration of geothermal energy
Photos: Rivers Molo and Perkerra
Photos: Flooded road to Lake Bogoria geysers, loss of biodiversity; Acacia trees, Flamingoes reduced populations
Photos: Soi Lodge and Roberts Camp flooded
Gullies at Kerio Valley Kui Kui Village
Plans for Action Baringo County has planned to increase its forest cover of 29.9% through; Planting 2.9 million tree seedlings in 2014 through green schools program where 135 schools will be supported. Promotion of farmer managed natural regeneration (FMNR) Undertaking Aggressive Agroforestry Protection of forest blocks through community scouts Fire tower Investment in alternative energy sources - improved cook stoves and biogas units Training of stakeholders; youth, women and charcoal Producers associations
Plans for Action Soil erosion control through check dams, terracing and gabions construction Building of dams and water pans and de-silting of old ones Support in the provision of fertilizer for planting to increase food security Support in relief food and water tankering Promotion of water harvesting techniques Promotion of early land preparation and timely planting of crops
Plans for Action Re-introduction of traditional high value crops Promotion and utilization of Early Warning Systems Development of the County contingency plan Formation of County climate change advisory committee comprising of key departments and community forecasters.
Plans for Action Promotion of Education and awareness on climate change issues in the county Integrated approach on CC among the sectors Participate in resource mobilization for CC issues Create platform of sharing knowledge and packaging of information on CC for dissemination to other stakeholders and public Identify the CC challenges, interventions, adaptation process and mitigation measures Promote Collaboration/Networking with institutions on Climate Change
Plans for Action Integration of the use; Indigenous/Traditional Knowledge in climate change issues. The KMS team to work hand in hand with other technical staff and community Disseminate information on weather and climate change.
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