Accreditation & Validation The Markfield Experience A Presentation by Iqtidar Karamat Cheema
Difference between Accreditation and Validation ? Accreditation is the process whereby an institution without its own degree awarding powers is given wide authority by a HEI to exercise powers and responsibility for academic provision. HEI remain ultimately responsible for the quality and standard of the award(s). Validation is the process whereby a HEI judges that a programme of study developed and delivered by another institution or organisation is of an appropriate quality and standard to lead to an award of the College and University
Accreditation a New Scenario UKBA as New Regulator British Accreditation Council Tier4 Licence MIHE’s Experience
New Accreditation Requirements BAC Accreditation becomes irrelevant QAA Review of Educational Oversight UKBA Highly Trusted Status MIHE’s Experience
Validation by University of Gloucestershire Representation to Executive by Dean Due Diligence investigation Finance and Planning Minuted record of business rationale at Executive Level Executive Authorisation Formal notification by Officer of Executive to Registry Proposal to Academic Development Group by Faculty Dean via PA1/PA2 Initiation of Institutional Approval (Registry) Proposal passed to ASQC COPC informed via ASQC minutes
Responsibilities University of Gloucestershire (UoG) Markfield Institute of Higher Education (MIHE) Visits/formal contact√ Annual Monitoring√√ Periodic Review√√ Academic regulations√ Course documentation √ Enrolment of students√√ Support for teaching √ Observation of teaching √ Staff development√√ External examiners√ Setting and running assessments √ Marking and double marking of assessments √ Boards of Examiners√ Assessment procedures (including assessment offences, mitigating circumstances and students with disabilities) √ Recording and communicating assessment results √√ Appeals and complaints √√ Validation Roles & Responsibilities
Validation Challenges Highly Specialised Course ‘academic standards of all awards made under the collaborative arrangement should be both equivalent to those of comparable awards for programmes delivered by HEI itself and compatible with any relevant benchmark information recognised within the UK’ Minimum Cohort Numbers and Financial Aggregate Assessment and Marking External Examining
Credibility Diversification & Specialism Research Degrees Possibility of Degree Awarding Powers