One Health Workforce Project
Kikwit, 1995
2011, Minneapolis Public Health Institute Mayor (Dr) Cyrille Kiyungu
Each civil society needs the capacity to defend itself Exemplified by UMN and MDH The strength is in prevention and early detection
One health workforce project Prior: RESPOND 5 yr subaward from DAI in the EPT1 program 5 year project supported by USAID in the EPT2 program (and GHSA) Focused on central Africa and southeast Asia Focused on creating skilled capacity to prevent and stop epidemic pandemic threats University driven – community focused
One Health Central and Eastern Africa Jimma University Mekelle University University of Kinshasa Lubumbashi Veterinary School University of Nairobi Moi University National University of Rwanda Umutara Polytechnic Muhimbili University Sokoine University Makerere University
Hanoi School of Public Health Chiang Mai University Mahidol University Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Institut Pertanian Bogor Universitas Indonesia Universitas Gadjah Mada Universiti Putra Malaysia Hanoi Medical University Hanoi University of Agriculture Southeast Asian One Health University Network
Details EPT1 3 Cooperative agreements –Predict – UC Davis –Prevent – AED –Respond – DAI Subaward to UMN - $55 Million ceiling ($13M realized) IGO’s and NGO’s Mission-based activities
Lessons Learned USAID (global health) has specific cultures and rules –Eg J-1 visas, C&C USAID contractors have specific cultures and rules –Eg J-1 visas, allocations, ICR’s, publication Coag’s have varying definitions State department has various points of “input” –Extremely risk averse
EPT-2 3 Co-ags Predict – UC Davis Preparedness and Response – DAI One Health Workforce – UMN –50% subs to networks –Tufts University other subawardee –$50 Million ceiling $7.86 first year –Competitors University of Washington, Michigan State, Tulane, Johns Hopkins
Lessons learned (so far) Risk averse –Subaward oversight the major focus –Needed to employ an outside admin consultant Command and control expectations –Technical plan worth 35% in evaluation Transparency is an oddity Country missions are a new challenge
New funds - GHSA Emergency funds – not subject to competition, ceilings etc $312 M to EPT2 Realignment of funds –Subject to pipeline and burn rates –“Ebola preparedness” More at CDC, USDA etc
Why UMN? Cultural –Long history of international engagement –Often under-estimated Personal Dedication Interdisciplinary Flexible Land grant mission