Mayor and Local Authorities Stakeholder Group
Progress against Commitments Advocate for strengthening the role and functions of local governments Promote capacity building for local governments, especially to mainstream risk assessment in spatial and local planning and implementation Promote peer-to-peer learning amongst cities and local governments Promote and extend the campaign of “My City and Town are Getting Ready”, and translate the Handbook for Mayors into local languages for better usage Work with local government associations to facilitate transfer and up scaling of good local DRR practices Improve with community for risk assessment, local planning action for DRR and implementation Involve youth in planning and implementation of DRR programs Trainings for LGs in measuring DRR and developing resilience action plans (Nepal, Korea, Philippines, Central Asia) More than 20 LGs undertake the LG-SAT cycle (Indonesia, Iran, Japan) Some cities start using the City Disaster Resilience Scorecard
Challenges Great difficulties in engaging/maintaining Mayors/Local Government Authorities as a stakeholder group Divers issues: strengthening capacity of local governments, urban DRR, enhance community resilience Need support from many partners vs. one coordinating agency Need to on existing networks, programmes and initiatives
Proposed Ways Forward Establish a Technical Advisory Group comprising of voluntary experts and agencies to Support/advise UNISDR Asia-Pacific and IAP to strengthen local/urban risk reduction and the delivery of AMCDRR commitments Strengthen advocacy and political commitment Engage local government, national government, LG association and other stakeholders, facilitate dialogues and support the coordination of their actions. Initial strategic focus: Promote communities voices at WCDRR (The Road to Sendai by ADRRN) Explore local partnerships and promote local platforms for DRR (Indonesia leads?) Engage and empower Local Government Associations (UCLG ASPAC, other countries?) Develop national and local champions/advocates Strengthen capacity of cities and local governments to apply the Making Cities Resilient Campaign tools (LG-SAT, Resilient scorecard) and other tools (Other partners?)
Voluntary Commitments CSO Task Force, IAP Convened by ADRRN
Progress on Voluntary Commitments IAP Meeting Reports Organizatio n Activity Reports Campaigns Membership: Over 130 organizations participated. Active members: JCC 2015 Secretariat, Asian Dalit Rights Forum, Member organisations of ADRRN & GNDR CSO Task Force: Composition & Methodology for tracking commitments *Inputs from organizations are not solicited. Their voluntary reports are included.
The commitments Promote community centred DRR approaches Make science, information, technology and innovation accessible Promote and strengthen local capacity building Call for greater investments in DRR Pro-actively track and report on progress on AMCDRR outcomes.
The commitments - and progress Promote community centred DRR approaches – Outcome of the 6 th AMCDRR was shared with the wider civil society in the region, as well as globally (PrepComs, World Humanitarian Summit) Make science, information, technology and innovation accessible – Documentation of some of the practices cross border collaboration with communities residing on flood prone areas for larger promotion in the region Promote and strengthen local capacity building – “Road to Sendai” campaign launched. The campaign aims to collect HFA1 success stories and raise awareness on HFA2 process and inputs Call for greater investments in DRR – Participation in private sector meetings on CSR; new partnerships being developed based on principles of “shared value” Pro-actively track and report on progress on AMCDRR outcomes. – Methodology of tracking outcomes of 6 th AMCDRR developed
Initiatives & Next Steps: 1.Research project on Loss & Damage methodology. (Action Aid, ADRRN & CANSA) 2.Local level awareness campaigns – Road to Sendai 3.Accountability & social audit training to local CBOs 4.Publication on Fukushima nuclear disaster 5.Documenting people-based trans border cooperation on early warning. 6.…. Challenges remain: a suitable convening platform for CSOs ?; partnerships with governments at national level not clear;
PROGRESS ON COMMITMENT TO 6 TH AMCDRR Voluntary Commitment 1 PROGRESS Expanding programs and areas for implementing child and youth centered DRR and CCA Programme Cooperation Agreement with the SAARC Disaster Management Centre – UNICEF Aim to advance child-centred DRR strategies among SAARC member states Launched Phase 2 of Asian Safe School Initiative- with ASEAN Sec. & ASSI partners (Plan International, Save the Children, World Vision and Mercy Malaysia)
PROGRESS ON COMMITMENT TO 6 TH AMCDRR Dissemination of research Hosting events Advocating for inclusion and meaningful participation of children and youth in DRR, policy development, PIME processes Voluntary Commitment 2 2nd Asia Pacific Youth Summit – IFRC Designing “Youth-led and National Society owned projects, especially in DRR and safe schools Research on understanding children’s risk and agency in urban areas (mega-cities: Dhaka, Kathmandu, Manila and Jakarta ) - Plan International; (secondary cities: Da Nang, Vietnam; Kulna, Bangladesh; Malolos, Philippines) – Save the Children) Research on impacts of invisible disasters on education sector (Manila, Jakarta) – Save the Children Child-centered risk assessment - UNICEF and DRR Working Group (Myanmar) Child-friendly cities Project – UNICEF and World Vision (Indonesia) PROGRESS
PROGRESS ON COMMITMENT TO 6 TH AMCDRR Sharing of technical resources, good practices, model policies, etc. on safe schools Voluntary Commitment 3 Resource and Needs Assessments of DRR in Education/school safety materials – ACSS Public Awareness and Public Education (PAPE) Key Messages – IFRC DRR and Resilience Assessment of Schools in urban context– World Vision Development of Templates for School Disaster Management Guidance – ASSI Guidance on Limited Use of Schools as Temporary Shelters – Save the Children IIEP-UNESCO Self-Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism Questionnaire - UNESCO PROGRESS
PROGRESS ON COMMITMENT TO 6 TH AMCDRR Coordinating and promoting adoption of the CSSF Voluntary Commitment 4 Continued engagement with the Asia Pacific Coalition for School Safety (ACSS) and the Global Alliance on DRR and Resilience in the Education Sector (GADRRRES) Endorsement of CSS Framework by Southeast Asia Ministers of Education Organization Promote the implementation of three pillars of Comprehensive School Safety Framework in South East and South Asia Region Promotion of Comprehensive School Safety Framework in the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development Held in Nagoya, Japan last November 2014 Presented in side event and cluster workshop PROGRESS
PROGRESS ON COMMITMENT TO 6 TH AMCDRR Coordinating and promoting adoption of the CSSF Voluntary Commitment 4 Regional Consultation on Education and Resilience in East Asia and the Pacific: Developing Guidance for Programs and Policies that Promote Social Cohesion and Comprehensive School Safety Held in Quezon City, Philippines, 4-7 November 2014 Education in Emergencies Regional Workshop – UNESCO Manila, Philippines, 2-3 November 2014 Representative from ACSS Support to World Initiative for Safe Schools” (WISS) - to be launched in March 2015 in Sendai – UNISDR, ACSS and ASSI PROGRESS
WAY FORWARD #1 Expanding programs and areas for implementing child and youth centered DRR and CCA Implementation of global and regional commitments. Finalize 3 year Strategic Plan of ACSS. Consistent engagement with ACSS, ASSI, GADRRRES – promotion of CSSF; build new partnerships; share tools, expertise, facilitate & promote peer-to-peer approach Developing multi-sectoral/multi-hazard model for RCRC engagement in school safety to be piloted in Thailand and Myanmar Exploring ways to scale up engagement of Youth and Volunteers in School Safety Expanding reach of in-country school safety projects. Evaluate and refine guidance materials and tools, engaging key stakeholders in validation and adaptation processes Build formal partnerships with governments & other key stakeholders #2 Dissemination of research; Hosting events; Advocating for inclusion and meaningful participation of children and youth in DRR, policy development, PIME processes Expand mass reach of ACSS to facilitate information dissemination Collaborate with C&Y Stakeholder group in representation at WCDRR in 2015, and follow- up Continue to support regional consultative events.
WAY FORWARD #3 Sharing of technical resources, good practices, model policies, etc. on safe schools Regional framework, standards and guidance for school safety – ASSI Contribute to harmonization of tools, models, frameworks #4 Coordinating and promoting adoption of the CSSF Facilitate development of global M&E targets and indicators for comprehensive school safety – GADRRRES with W.I.S.S Facilitate development of M&E indicators and framework for comprehensive school safety by MoE in Asia Pacific – UNISDR, World Vision, SEAMEO, with ACSS Regional support to comprehensive school safety agenda and Children and Youth Stakeholder group engagements in Sendai World Conference on DRR Country level sensitization – for formal recognition/adoption of CSSF and joining the Worldwide Initiative for Safe Schools Advocate (& support) key stakeholders to engage key stakeholders at national & school level – process led by host government with technical support of all stakeholders
Progress Updates on Voluntary Commitments of Asia-Pacific Stakeholder Group on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in DRM and Regional Resilience Building Abdul Shakoor Sindhu ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP), Bangkok, 2-4 December, 2014
[Key] Specific Actions taken by the group on commitments since 6ACDRR As part of the group: Follow up discussions held. The SAARC Disaster Management Center (SDMC) and Duryog Nivaran developed and submitted to SAARC Governing Board a concept note titling ‘Piloting gender disaggregation in data collection in 3 countries in South Asia’. The Japanese Women’s Network for DRR is preparing a project proposal on training to be submitted to JICA, World Bank and ADB; it is also working in consultation with the Govt of Japan (GoJ) for leading a side event (with GoJ) at the WCDRR on ‘Women as Leaders in DRR’.
[Key] Specific Actions taken by the group on commitments since 6ACDRR Duryog Nivaran and other members provided specific and detailed inputs to the Prep-Com 1, with the AMCDRR outcome documents on the theme of women as leaders in DRR. Duryog Nivaran represented the Stakeholder Group at the Prep-Com 2 at Geneva in it’s capacity as the representative of the Major Group ‘Women’, co-led the group and contributed in a variety of ways. Duryog Nivaran has dedicated its upcoming biennial South Asia Disaster Report (SADR) to Gender Dimensions and Devolution in Disaster Risk Management. The draft of the report has been prepared and is being adjusted to capture new developments in this theme
Impacts created In recognition of the work done, the Asia Pacific Stakeholder Group has become part of the Women’s Major Group which is one of the nine Major groups of the WCDRR process The Group has actively contributed to the HFA2 drafts (including in Prep-Com 2) to ensure the key messages on the theme to be adequately reflected. Detailed input has been provided on HFA2 zero draft, some of the indicators that were developed in the Background document for Key Area 4 and by the Stakeholder Group at 6AMCDRR are been taken for consideration by the Informal Group working n Targets and Indicators for HFA2; particularly the one of disaggregated data, and gender responsive budgeting
Future Plans The group will continue to lobby with relevant stakeholders, especially the country delegates/institutions/ministries for endorsement of the group’s messages and input to HFA2 Zero Draft in the next steps of the negotiations of the HFA2. In this regard the members of the group will be encouraged to hold meetings in their countries with the said stakeholders. DipECHO has launched a call for South Asia. Duryog Nivaran is taking the lead negotiating with relevant organizations/networks to apply for this call to pursue the capacity building commitments made by the Stakeholder Group. SAARC Disaster Management Center, as part of the Stakeholder Group, promptly developed a concept note in September and presented it to the SAARC Governing Board. Once approved it will be a major achievement of the group, with the scope to reach out to 8 countries through the actions of the IGO Turning the commitments into action on the theme Women’s leadership role in DRR in HFA2: strategizing the response of the Stakeholder Group on Women and Gender issues for HFA2 implementation: mobilization of human and financial resources; partnerships.
IAP Day 1 PM: Progress in voluntary commitments - Private Sector
Overview: Private Sector commitment 6AMCDRR ActionTargetsBreakdown of indicatorTime frame I. Improved collabora tion of the private sector in DRR Qualitative improveme nt “Long Term” Quantitativ e increase # of private sector participants # of events with private sector by AMCDRR 2016 # of relationships with governments # of relationships with CSOs # of relationships with academia “Long Term” # of new members 20% by WCDRR % by AMCDRR 2016 # of guidance and examples # of strong ambassadors by AMCDRR 2016 Improved risk informatio n sharing # of risk information sharing examples 2 by AMCDRR 2016
Overview: Private Sector commitment 6AMCDRR ActionTargetsBreakdown of indicatorTime frame II. Increase knowledg e and capacity in among the private sector Reduce business failure related to disasters method to monitor business failure reduction of business failure by AMCDRR “Long Term”, i.e …by building the capacity of SMEs in BCM/BCP # of BCM/BCP case studies by AMCDRR 2016 # of local governments approached “Long Term”, i.e …by building capacity of SMEs in basic business planning # mentorships on business planning # of case studies of above “Long Term”, i.e # mentorships in BCM/BCP …via toolkits# new translations of APEC toolkit # further adoption of above toolkit by AMCDRR 2016 “Long Term”, i.e # new toolkits“Long Term”, i.e # companies mentorships in BCM # associations mentorships in BCM (not indicated)
Overview: Private Sector commitment 6AMCDRR ActionTargetsBreakdown of indicator Time frame III. Promote standards and reporting for resilience Develop standards and certification 1 hotel certification programme by WCDRR baseline studyby AMCDRR 2016 Inclusion of DRR in business reports reporting guidelines for SMEs (not indicated) # of DRR mentions in reporting “Long Term” We have two targets to fulfil by WCDRR 2015 increase in number of PSP members launch of Hotel Resilient certification programme
Progress – increase in membership … with HQ in Asia-Pacific among 67 global DRR- PSP 6AMCDRR: 14 companies Commitment Target: by WCDRR 2015: 20% increase in A-P membership = 3 new A-P companies Numbers are met We now have additio nal 5 new companies from Asia-Pacific InterRisk Research Institute & Consulting Inc. Japan Conservation Engineers Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) Mitsubishi Research Institute Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance However, sector/ country representation needs improvement
Progress – Hotel Resilient Programme Joint effort from UNISDR, GiZ/GIDRM and PATA Worked with a range of stakeholders, including governments, tourism and disaster management authorities and hoteliers Clear support for the program Commitment Target by WCDRR 2015: Market Survey on hotel needs to be presented We are now at Development of governing mechanisms (Steering Committee) Implementation plan to develop standards Market Survey in Thailand A certification scheme for hotels and resorts to reduce climate and disaster risks and strengthen resilience across tourism destinations in the Asia-Pacific region. This programme will focus on the development of a set of standards and guiding principles
Concluding remarks Many targets have been set for timeframe To meet these targets, work is underway to… Formalizing and linking Global and Regional PSP structures Organizing a Private Sector Engagement Strategy for the Asia- Pacific regional PSP. In the meanwhile: Concrete ideas from AMCDRR commitments supported Major Group Business & Industry’s input to HFA II, and were reflected in Zero Draft, Member States’ statements and suggestions.
Parliamentarians Asian Advisory Group of Parliamentarians for DRR
Progress in Delivering 6AMCDRR Commitments Commitments made 1.Promote, articulate and adopt policy framework that adds coherence and mutual reinforcement of DRR, response to climate change and sustainable development 2.Strengthen legislative framework to enable risk sensitive development and building resilience 3.Ensure that governments in Asia set certain percentage of national budget allocation and local governments set higher percentage of locally generated income for disaster and climate risk management 4.Initiate institutional reforms toward disaster resilient development including working with governments to create regulatory and incentive mechanisms for private sector to invest in disaster risk management 5.Strengthen legislative and policy oversight What has been achieved? Nepal: the Parliament’s States Affairs Committee discussed DRR and how it would work on the DRM Act. The Speaker of the House expressed interest to engage in WCDRR Laos: Preparation of DRM-CC Law initiated ASEAN: AIPA committed to continue addressing DRR including in its 36th General Assembly (chaired by Malaysia) Member of AAGP joined PrepCom and committed to support the “Road to Sendai” Chair of AAGP has been elected as IPU President. IPU has agreed to hold a full day session at WCDRR with MPs. His advocacy has resulted in the Globe now includes DRR in its agenda Philippines: Senator Legarda strongly advocates for legislation enforcement
Challenges, Future Plan and Collaboration Opportunities Need to engage more parliaments/MPs in the region Stronger support from HFA focal point and in-country partners required More awareness raising and sensitization of MPs on DRR Provide AAGP members with country data/information and technical support Promote Parliamentarians’ commitments at WCDRR and in HFA2 implementation MPs to be part of country delegation to WCDRR Initiate dialogues in parliaments on improvements in legislation, policy and institutional framework and budget regulations Provision of study results,
Progress of Asia STA [Science Technology Academia] Stakeholder Group Rajib Shaw Professor, Kyoto University President, AUEDM Co-lead, Asia STA Stakeholder Group Asia STA: Co-lead: AUEDM and IRDR Context and Activities Focus areas Challenges Partnerships and collaboration with other stakeholders Link to global and regional initiatives in the context of WCDR and beyond
Survey on Potentials of Higher Education November 2014: survey with university partners of AUEDM [Asian University Network of Environment Disaster Management] 18 out of 29 universities responded from 11 countries South Asia [10]: Bangladesh [2], India [3], Nepal [2], Pakistan [1], Sri Lanka [2] Southeast Asia [6]: Indonesia [2], Malaysia [1], Philippines [1], Thailand [2] East Asia [2]: Japan [1], South Korea [1]
Focus Areas Education focus: Variation of courses – Master in DM, Diploma program in DM – Specialized modules in other related courses [Geography, Geology, Science, Civil Engineering, Agriculture] – Bachelor program in DM Research focus – Community resilience [urban, coastal, mountain] – Science into decision support [risk assessment] – Policy, legal and institutional dimensions – Sector based impacts [health, agriculture, water] – Information technology and its usage – Trans-boundary research – CCA-DRR linkages
Challenges Lack of trained faculty members in DRR Long and time consuming curriculum development process Balance of formal curriculum [MS or BS course] and informal training [short term certificate course] Lack of availability of research grants [e.g., JICA- JST SATREP project in Bangladesh] Mindset change of higher education management and local stakeholder involvement
Knowledge product from Partnership with Stakeholders Disaster Management and Private Sectors: Challenges and Potentials Takako Izumi Rajib Shaw To be published in WCDR, March 2015 Published in January 2014
Asia STA Voluntary Commitments Short term [2016] – 5 countries, 2 universities DM course [AUEDM] – 5% increase of science funding [IRDR] – Link to AXA research fund [AUEDM] – Upgrade existing observation network [WMO] Medium term [2020] – 10 countries, 2 universities DM course [AUEDM] – Support development of minimum standard of graduate program [AUEDM] – Enhance quality of higher education [AUEDM] – 15% increase of science funding [IRDR] – 20% increase of existing monitoring network [WMO] Long term [2025] – 15 countries, 2 universities DM course [AUEDM] – Institutional efforts on demand of trained professionals [AUEDM] – 25% increase of science funding [IRDR] – Accuracy and coverage of EWS [WMO]
Link to Global Initiatives [1] UN Major Group: Science and Technology ICSU [International Council of Scientific Union] is the key body IRDR and AUEDM is close collaboration with ICSU Presence in Prep Com 2 in Geneva – Plenary statement of ST Major group – Focus on higher education and local universities – Five key areas: 1) Communication and engagement 2) Capacity building, 3) Assessment, monitoring and review, 4) Science advice, and 5) Actionable research
Link to Global Initiatives [2] Link to Future Earth Program of ICSU Science based global research fund Asia hub in Kyoto [RIHN] Strong focus on disaster issues for Asia Partnership with RIHN, AUEDM and IRDR
WCDR Event Science and Technology high level meeting Public Forum on 16 th March, 2015 from 9:00 to 12:00 in Tokyo Electron Hall Miyagi 401 – Role of Higher Education Institutions [HEI] in DRR Lessons from AUEDM: Rajib Shaw Lessons from Periperi U Consortium: Ailsa Holloway Lessons from European University: Dilanthi Amaratunga Lessons from APRU: Takako Izumi Lessons from South America University consortium: TBC Lessons from UNEP: Marisol Estrella Lessons from UNU: Srikantha Herath Lessons from PARR: Hassan Virji Lessons of IRDR: Rudiger Klein 5 university networks 4 international organizations Collaboration with NHK and ABU On Media forum
IAP Meeting 2-4 Dec 2014, Bangkok IAP Meeting, 2-4 Dec 2014 Bangkok Presented by: Indira Kulenovic, Resilience Coordinator, IFRC, Asia Pacific Zone Office, DMU Voluntary Commitments of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Stakeholder Group UPDATES ON IMPLEMENTATION
RCRC Commitments at the 6 th AMCDRR The IFRC committed to continue to invest in strengthening community resilience to natural and man-made disasters at the local level and ensure our programs bridge the gap between development and humanitarian work through sustainable, accountable and participatory approaches that integrate disaster risk reduction, public health, safe shelter, livelihoods and climate change adaptation strategies
IFRC (National Societies together with the Secretariat), committed to take the following actions: 3.1 Enhancing Resilience at the Local level 3.2 Improving Public Investments in Disaster & Climate Risk Management to Protect & Sustain Development Gains To take actions to reduce climate change related economic and social damages 3.3 Private Sector Role – Public & Private Partnership for Disaster Risk Reduction To increase and deepen our partnerships with the private sector to reduce disaster risk
Updates for 3.1 Community Based Interventions 9 th Asia Pacific Red Cross Red Crescent Conference (Beijing 22-24) October The 3 rd International Conference on Small Island Developing States –SIDS (1-4 Sept, Apia, Samoa) Global Resilience Forum, (4-7 Nov Cali- Columbia)
Updates for 3.2 Disaster Risk Reduction Platform in Lao PDR Joining Grassroots Campaign “Road to Sendai” in partnership with ADRRN and UN ISDR Increasing technical co-operation with ASEAN DRR Law and IDRL support in Myanmar, Laos, Indonesia and
UPDATES FOR 3.3 Building Community Flood Resilience in Indonesia and Nepal – Global Partnership between IFRC and Zurich Insurance