John Cabot By Carson Blietz
John is a famous English explorer John is a famous English explorer. He is famous for discovering Canada and the rest of the continent North America for the English.
Cabots sponsoring nation was England Cabots sponsoring nation was England. The king of England was King Henery the XII. King Henery only one small ship with 17 sailors.
John Cabots route to Canada was to first sail north of Ireland then west across the Atlantic Ocean. Finally on June 24, 1497 John Cabot and his crew of only 17 men reached the “new” continent North America.
When John Cabot reached Canada he did not know he was in a continent unknown to the English. He thought he was in the Western Indies.
John Cabot went on two voyages to North America.
John Cabots main motivation for discovering Canada was trying to discover a better trade route to Asia.
A few of John Cabots many impacts were claiming land for England and spreading information about his discoveries.
Nobody knows what happened to John after his 2nd voyage but one thing is clear he died soon after. Some say he died in a ship wreck while coming home from his 2nd voyage but others say he died soon after he arrived in England
Bibliography. Social Studies Alive Bibliography Social Studies Alive! Palo Alto, CA: Teachers’ Curriculum Institute, 2010 pg.60.