1 1.Introduction 2.TIM Fundamentals and Terminology 3.Notification and Scene Size- Up 4.Safe Vehicle Positioning 5.Scene Safety 6.Command Responsibilities 7.Traffic Management 8.Special Circumstances 9.Clearance and Termination Tabletop Exercise Outdoor Situational Awareness Activity Professional Capacity Building : SHRP2 N ATIONAL TIM R ESPONDER T RAINING C OURSE O UTLINE Professional Capacity Building : SHRP2 N ATIONAL TIM R ESPONDER T RAINING C OURSE O UTLINE
SHRP2 Traffic Incident Responder Course Implementation Goals by December 2014: Executive level engagement & support for national deployment Implementation Plans in place & being executed in every State At least one Train-the-Trainer (TtT) in every State Conduct at least 75 TtT Train over 2,500 State/local instructors Train over 50,000 in classroom training by December 2017: Train 125, ,000 in classroom training Train many more through eLearning version and, over the next decade, reach over a million responders 2
: By December 2014: Train the Trainer (T-t-T) Course in every State plus DC &PR Conduct T-t-T sessions Train 3,000 – 4,000 State/local instructors to deliver classroom training 50,000 Trained…but being Challenged to Double This 3 Professional Capacity Building : SHRP2 N ATIONAL TIM R ESPONDER T RAINING P ROGRAM G OALS Professional Capacity Building : SHRP2 N ATIONAL TIM R ESPONDER T RAINING P ROGRAM G OALS
42 States Actively Training 96 Total Number of TtT Sessions Conducted 2 New State has a TtT Session Scheduled 47,439Total Number Trained WA AK OR CA NV ID UT HI NM AZ ND MN IA SD NE MT WY CO KS OK TX WI MI IL AR MS AL PR SC NY NC MO LA IN OH FL GA TN 3 KY ME VT NH MA RI CT NJ 2 DE MD WV VA DC Conducted TtT and/or TIM Training in Progress TtT Session Planned No TtT Scheduled To Date PA Professional Capacity Building: SHRP2 N ATIONAL TIM R ESPONDER T RAINING I MPLEMENTATION P ROGRESS - A S Professional Capacity Building: SHRP2 N ATIONAL TIM R ESPONDER T RAINING I MPLEMENTATION P ROGRESS A S OF M AY 31, 2014 ( UPDATED ) A S OF M AY 31, 2014 ( UPDATED ) Y 31, 2014 (U PDATED )
43,599Number of Responders Trained (Not Including TtT Session Participants) Professional Capacity Building: SHRP2 National TIM Responder Training Implementation Progress As of May 31, 2014 (Updated) - As Professional Capacity Building: SHRP2 National TIM Responder Training Implementation Progress As of May 31, 2014 (Updated) y 31, 2014 (Updated) Conducted TtT and/or TIM Training in Progress TtT Session Planned No TtT Scheduled To Date 2, , ,217 1, ,015 1, , ,932 2,219 1,534 1, , , ,
National TIM Responder Training Program Implementation Progress - Total Trained By Discipline P ROFESSIONAL C APACITY B UILDING : SHRP2 A TTENDEES ’ D ISCIPLINE B REAKDOWN P ERCENTAGES P ROFESSIONAL C APACITY B UILDING : SHRP2 A TTENDEES ’ D ISCIPLINE B REAKDOWN P ERCENTAGES - A S OF M AY 31, 2014 Public Work, Transportation Maintenance & Safety Service Patrols Want the SHRP2 L12/32 Traffic Incident Responder course, but are often forgotten as target audiences.
TIM Classroom Training: The Next Big Push New goal- Train over 100,000 in classroom training by December 2014 Expansion to LE beyond State Police – Develop relationship with SACOP leadership – Develop strategy to quickly engage individual state associations – Session at National Sheriffs Association Conference in June – May need leadership support from Colonels in some States – What else? Institutionalization of the classroom training – Increased use in LE and Fire academies – Post-certify curriculum and integrate into academies – May need leadership support from Colonels in some States – What else? 7
Super-sized TtT at National Fire Academy (NFA) June at NFA campus in Emmitsburg, MD Focused on increasing #s trained from Fire Service and underrepresented trained responder markets Equivalent to regular 10 TtT sessions 280 new instructors to be trained 170 identified through Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Association & North American Fire Training Directors Plus 70 from law enforcement (state, sheriffs, municipal police), 10 non- Fire EMS, 10 towers, and 10 local transportation agencies/public works departments Need help with increasing awareness & connecting new instructors into existing regional teams Attendee travel and lodging provided by FHWA/NFA Watch for another similar session to be held in Emmitsburg, MD early in the next FFY 8
9 Professional Capacity Building: SHRP2 L32B- Web-Based e-Learning Tool – NHI-Hosted Sample Course Page-- -Source:TRB/UMD
SHRP2 Project L32C Post-Course Assessment and Reporting Tool for Trainers and TIM Responders Using the SHRP 2 Interdisciplinary Traffic Incident Management Curriculum
E-Learning Based on in-person Same learning objectives Dispatcher module Pilot completed Roll out in a few weeks Approximately 4 hours to complete Project L32C Demonstration
Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Learning Evaluation Project L32C Demonstration
Critical Success Factors and Data Sources for Assessment LevelsCritical Success FactorsData Sources 1 - Reaction Need to be done immediately after the training ends Trainees 2 – Learning Need to be done before and after the training Trainees 3 – Behavior Need to allow time for behavior changes Trainees must be allowed the right work environment to implement behavior changes Peers and/or immediate supervisors must be able to observe the behavior changes Supervisors Peers Trainees 4 – Results More time will likely be needed to obtain organizational results Management support is a must Need pre-training and post-training results for comparison Ability to determine what improvements are due to training efforts as opposed to other organizational initiatives Management TIM Performance Measures Project L32C Demonstration13