Setting up the Domestic MRV System of the Philippines: “National Integrated Climate Change Database Information and Exchange System (NICCDIES)” Ms Sandee G. Recabar Climate Change Office Climate Change Commission Telefax: (+632) 735-3144 or 735-3069 Email: Website: LECB Global Meeting and MRV Training Workshop October 14-16, 2014
What is the NICCDIES? It is a database – an organized collection of climate change data mainly focused on GHG inventory Mitigation actions Climate finance (MRV of support) It is a source of information – data that has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to the user
What is the NICCDIES? It is an exchange system – sharing of data and information It is integrated– accessible by collecting and gathering the data and information at a “single location” It is “national in scope”
Why is it Important to establish the NICCDIES? Needed in the establishment and/or Institutionalization of the National GHG System Integrated collection, calculation and archiving system Needed in the formulation of Mitigation Actions Derived from plans, programs, projects and policies To ensure that Mitigation Actions are coherent and that there would be no overlapping/duplication of efforts Needed in monitoring of climate finance Needed in the development of an MRV System for effective coordination mechanisms and synergistic approaches
The Database Keepers – Proposed Role Define the scope of the CC-related databases and information that will be covered by the consolidation and information exchange and services; Formulate specific guidelines for the consolidation and integration existing databases and information; Review and recommend on the design and implementation plan for the establishment of the NICCDIES; Formulate the specific guidelines for the information exchange and services for the NICCDIES; Recommend policies and specific security requirements on the access and proper use of the data and information
The Database Keepers – Proposed Role Recommend tools, techniques and services adequate to meet information needs and demands of users/clienteles; Review and recommend on the design and implementation plan for the establishment of an integrated info exchange and service system that will utilize the DBMS; Recommend strategies and activities that will improve, expand and sustain the operation of the system; Recommend and implement a program that will strengthen the capability of the CC Database Keepers; and Resolve any issues concerning the establishment and operation of the system. Each institution-member shall be a party to a MOU/MOA for a mutual commitment and joint collaboration for the establishment of the NICCDIES.
INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF THE GHG INVENTORY SYSTEM IN THE NICCDIES Consolidated GHG Database NGHG Inventory Guide to Mitigation Actions ???? NAMAs INDCs (?)
Activities for the MRV System Set Up Activity Sector Lead Agency Funding Source MRV for REDD+ Forestry Forest Management Bureau (FMB) BMU through GIZ (REDD+) UN REDD EC LEDS through B+WISER (USAID) Government Funds Integration of GHG Data in existing reporting systems Industry – integrate GHG data to SMR (EMB) Agriculture – ALU software Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) with Climate Change Commission (CCC) Phil. Statistics Authority (Agri Stats) LECB (EC, Germany and Australia through UNDP) Government funds LECB and SEA GHG (UNFCCC and US Government) Framework for the MRV System Multi-sectoral CCC LECB Government Funds (CCC, etc) Capacity Building – MRV architecture and systems Information Matters (BMU thru GIZ) LECB EC-LEDS, LEAD (USAID) Budget tagging of Government expenditure for CC Department of Budget and Management (DBM) with CCC Government Funds (CCC and DBM) CPEIR (World Bank) M&E of NCCAP BMU through GIZ (Support to CCC - RBMES) Hardware and software for the MRV System EC LEDS (USAID)
Status Developed the framework for the NICCDIES Defined the roles of Database Keepers (DBKs) and the Database Keepers Committee (DBKC) Conducted an initial survey on the type of CCM-related data and information that agencies keep or maintain Under the Information Matters Project conducted 2 workshops MRV 101 Climate Data Management for the NICCDIES Conducted two (2) Focus Group Discussions/workshops with technical and IT experts from AWIT-FE sectors NICCDIES framework, DBKs and DBKC Database-readiness of DBKs DBMS 101 Coordination meetings with Development partners (LECB, EC LEDS and Information Matters) and stakeholders
WAY FORWARD Development of the guidance document and manual Inter-agency meetings Finalization of the Executive Order for the National GHG Inventory Coordination with different development partners Finalization of the NICCDIES and the Database Keepers Committee
LECB PHL PROJECT SUPPORT The CCC thru the LECB PHL Project is procuring the services of an IT Expert to develop and establish the NICCDIES. The Expert shall: Identify data available, data gaps, data formats, and data readiness for electronic transfer, organizational capacity needs assessment and other relevant information and technology applications in the focus sectors; Assess information needs of climate change database users, implementation issues and recommend priority actions on data requirements, data access points, electronic access issues, etc. Design of a web-based, GIS-enabled NICCDIES among Project stakeholders at the sectoral and national levels linked through a website via the Internet.
LECB PHL PROJECTS SUPPORT The Expert shall: Implement database development and/or upgrade depending on the needs of stakeholders at the sectoral and national levels Assist in the implementation of sectoral Integrated Climate Change Information Exchange Website, which can be expanded and linked electronically to the national level system. Assist in the establishment or organization of the Database Keepers Committee (DBKC) including the forging of an agreement by all members for the purpose. Set-up and test the computer hardware and software systems for the NICCDIES both at the sectoral and national levels
Thank you!