Basic Terms in Media Planning and Buying
Rating A rating is the percentage of individuals or homes exposed to an advertising medium. The percentage of a given population group consuming a medium at a particular moment Rating = # of homes or ind.who are watching that program or channel / total population Home 1Home 2 Home 3 Home 5 (Not viewing) Home 4 Rating of Kiraz Mevsimi: 2/5= 0,4% Rating of program Sungurlar: 1/5= 0,2% Rating of Kertenkele: 1/5= 0,2% Kiraz Mevsimi Sungurlar Kertenkele
How are ratings measured? Kantar Media started to measure ratings in Turkey in 17 September AGB Nielsen Media Research (AGB Anadolu) was the company which measured the ratings in Turkey since The measurement system has started in Britain in The measurement company is controlled by TIAK (Türkiye İzleme ve Araştırma Kurumu) which consists advertisers, advertising agencies, and TV channels since 1992.
TV Panel Currently there are approximately 3600 households in the panel in 40 different cities. (People meters are put in each television set in a house) These households resemble S.E.S groups in Turkey according to 2012 S.E.S research. (The panel represents 51 million people living in Turkey) The ratings of these channels are reported:
Peoplemeter System 1- Database research 2.Panel 5. Data production software 3.Peoplemeter Data transfer 7.Client... And special remote control 6.Program, advertising database
People Meter System Frequency Determinator - assembled to the TV set - determines which channel is being watched Meter - records the time of viewing, who is watching and which channel is being watched - reminds the households to press the button in every 9 min. and each time they change the Tv channel Main Computer - the viewing information on meters are transferred to the main computer via modem each night. - this information is combined together with the demographic characteristics of each person in the panel here. Remote Control - works different than an ordinary remote control. -every button is assigned to an invidual in the family. each individual presses his/her own button
20-26 October Week Highest Ratings Source: ONMEDIA Weekly 43.Hafta) Target Audience: Total Individuals/AB All Day
Who use rating data? Media Owners (TV Stations) and Producers: – How to reach audience? – Which programs attract more audience and which attracts niche ones? – How to maximize ad revenue from the TV Programs? Advertisers: – Where (which channel/program/time) to put my ad most effectively for my brand? – Which target audience? When & where to reach them? – How to maximize the Ad Budget? – How to compete my competitors’ ad? Advertising and Media Agencies: – Which medium can be used most effectively (deliver the objective at an efficient budget)?
Gross Rating Points (GRP) Gross Rating Points are the sum of ratings delivered by a given list of media vehicles.
Share Home 1Home 2 Home 3 Home 5 (Not viewing) Home 4 Share of Kiraz Mevsimi: 2/4= 0,5% Share of Güllerin Savaşı: 1/4= 0,25% Share of Yetenek Sizsiniz: 1/4= 0,25% Kiraz Mevsimi Güllerin Savaşı Yetenek Sizsiniz It states what percentage a program, or station, has of the total viewing/listening audience Share = # of homes or ind.who are watching that program or channel / total # of homes or ind. who are watching tv at that time
20-26 October Highest Shares Target Audience: Total Individuals Source: ONMEDIA Weekly 43Hafta
REACH Reach is the percentage of number of different individuals (or homes) exposed to a media schedule at least once within a given period of time Sana commercial in 4 different programs, 100 homes in total 40 HOMES OUT OF 100 WATCHED OUR COMMERCIAL 40% HAVE SEEN OUR COMMERCIAL AT LEAST ONCE
FREQUENCY Frequency is the average number of times individuals (or homes) are exposed to advertising messages. 40% saw the commercial at least once 1+ 23% saw the commercial at least twice 2+ 12% saw the commercial at least for 3 times 3+ 5% saw the commercial at least for 4 times 4+
EFFECTIVE REACH The number of individuals (or homes) reached by a media schedule at a given level of frequency. EFFECTIVE FREQUENCY Level or range of audience exposure that provides what an advertiser considers the minimal effective level, and no more than this optimal level or range.
COST PER RATING POINT (CPP) CPP is the cost of purchasing one rating point. COST PER RATING POINT PER SECOND (CPP/SEC.) The figure that indicates the cost of advertising exposure to one percentage of the target group, audience, or population per second.
AVERAGE TIME SPENT (ATS) Average time spent states how much time an individual in a target audience spends while watching television, reading newspaper...
COST PER THOUSAND (CPT) CPT indicates the cost of advertising exposure to a thousand household or individuals. It is also a comparison that shows the relative cost of various media or vehicles.
SHARE OF SPENDING (SOS) Percentage of all competing product spendings in a certain category. Share of spending in baby care sector 2009
RATECARD A printed listing of advertising rates for a single media vehicle. Arka Kapak Kapak İ ç leri 3. Sayfa 4+5 Sayfalar 6+7 Sayfalar Orta 2 Sayfa Insert AUTO SHOW EKONOMİST HAFTA SONU HELLO SEDA MAGAZİN TEMPO
SHARE OF VOICE (SOV) Percentage of all competing product messages in a certain category within a market. Share of voice in baby care sector Total GRP:
Top 20 Advertisers in Radio Jan-June 2007 SHARE OF VOICE (SOV) Koç SOV Sec. Jan-June 2007
SCHEDULE A chronological list of advertisements of a brand in a specific time according to the media where the advertisements will be published or broadcasted.
FLOWCHART A table which shows the flow of media spendings of a brand for a specific time. It also includes the GRPs, reach and frequency figures.
Sample Flowchart
Circulation and Net Sales Circulation: # of prints of a newspaper or a magazine Net Sales: Sales of newspapers after distribution
Basic Terms Impression: Page view Cost per mille (CPM): Cost per 1000 impression Cost per view (CPV): Cost per one impression Unique visitor: # of visitors who see the web page/advertisement for min. one time Online Media
Basic Terms Click Cost per click (CPC): Cost per one click Click through rate (CTR): Ratio of clicks to total impressions Online Media
Basic Terms Cost per acquisition (CPA): Cost per online sales Cost per lead (CPL): Cost per member Bounce rate: Rate of visitors who close the web site straight away Conversion rate: Ratio of clicks to targeted actions Online Media
CLUTTER Excessive amounts of advertising or editorial material carried by media vehicles. The amount may be excessive both in terms of the total advertising time and space and in terms of its scheduling.
Choose a brand from the list of advertisements from the instructor determine its target audience (demographic, psychographic, buying behaviour and media consumption) and follow up its advertising campaign in all media till 31st December Take notes about where/when you see the advertisement in detail. Write a report for one page about the media strategy of the brand. Assignment
Work in groups (3 students) Each group should choose a different campaign. Deadlines: – Groups and brands should be determined by the 14th Nov 2014, latest. – Reports about media strategy and follow up should be handed in by the 5th January 2015, Monday, latest. Assignment
Assignment for International Students Write a report (1,5 space, times new roman, max words) on your countries’ media environment which introduces general frameworks and structure. The following issues are some examples of what you should cover in your report: –Media ownership –Mainstream media (television channels, newspapers, magazines, radio etc.) –Alternative media –Media contents –Media consumption habits –Contemporary media trends –Important numbers and analysis on media Deadline: 5th January 2015, Monday, latest.
PROBLEMS IN MEDIA PLANNING Insufficient media data Lack of objectivity Time pressures External influences Pressure to produce creative media plans Institutional influences on media decisions Measuring advertising effectiveness