Harnessing Renewable Energy & Solar Mission of Indian Railways
ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION- Key Statistics of IR consumed 17.5 billion units- 1.8% of the country’s power generation. -15 BUs for traction BUs for non traction Total annual bill was Rs.11,300 crore - Rs.9650 cr. for traction - Rs.1650 cr. for non traction Peak requirement of power – 4000 MW Average cost of power – Rs.6.50 per unit (ranging from Rs.4.11 to Rs.8.38 per unit)
Solar Mission of Indian Railways IR envisages to source 10% of electrical energy from renewable sources by Budgetary pronouncement to harness solar energy by utilizing roof top spaces and land including PPP mode.
Renewable Energy
Railway Energy Management Company (REMC): REMC, a JV of RITES and MoR, set up to renewable energy projects Activities mandated to REMC Harnessing Green Energy Undertaking power trading activities to reduce electricity bill. Developing power projects to economise electricity tariff. Co-ordination with regulatory authorities to obtain relief on increased electricity tariff. Efficient Power evacuation from captive power plants to TSS Initiative taken so far : Setting up of 25 MW wind mill in Rajasthan Pilot projects for procuring power at a lower tariff through bi- lateral arrangements (a) from Gujarat for Maharashtra and (b) From DVC for Delhi Kanpur Section of NCR. Further planning to set up MW wind mill plants for Railways
(a)Railway’s funding : (i)Capacity Installed : 10 MWp solar energy being harnessed at LC gates, stations, office buildings, hospitals etc.. (ii)Sanctioned Works: Total 7.82 MWp of solar plants - SOLAR ENERGY MISSION- SN InitiativeCapacity A Under IR’s funding 1 Provision of solar plant at Katra station, NR 1 MW 2 Provision of solar PV modules at rooftop - -10KWp x 200 stations -100KWp x 20 Offices -45KWp at RDSO -500 KWp x 5 buildings 6.55 MW 3 Provision of solar PV modules at 2000 LC gates and office buildings 1.28 MW
(b ) Under PPP- IR’s Solar Mission: Total 1000 MWp in next 5 years with Viability Gap Funding (VGF) support from MNRE. SOLAR MISSION OF RAILWAYS SNInitiativeCap. a Phase- I: 200 MW through tariff based bidding process for the states of Maharashtra & AP where the cost of power is high, without subsidy 200 MW b Phase-II:50 MW on Rooftop with Central Financial Assistance (CFA) from MNRE through tariff based bidding process by ZR/REMC. In principle approval of MNRE for Rs.60 Cr subsidy received. 50 MW
SNInitiativeCap. c Phase-III: 500 MW with VGF support under National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF) on tariff based bidding process through REMC ( Ground mounted ). 500 MW d Phase-IV:100 MW on Rooftop with Central Financial Assistance (CFA) from MNRE. 100 MW e Phase-IV:150 MW with CFA support from MNRE. ( Ground mounted ). 150MW SOLAR MISSION OF RAILWAYS
500 MWp Ground Mounted solar plant MODALITIES: Policy issued vide letter dt REMC will select the developer, identify the sites/states, interact with DISCOMS for wheeling of power, co-ordination with Railways for signing of PPAs, payment mechanism etc Priority in States having higher tariff & declared Solar Policy Power generated will be fed to the grid & utilised at railway end. Developer will set up the solar plant at its own cost. Zonal Railways to sign Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for getting power at a fixed tariff for next 25 years. VGF support upto Rs. 1 Cr/MW from MNRE will be passed on to developer.
DISCOMsTotal energy consumed (mil Kwh) Total energy bill paid in Crores. Average cost Rs/Kwh APTRANSCO BSEB CSEB DVB DVC GEB GRIDCO HVPN JSEB KSEB KPTCL MPSEB MSEB TATA NTPC PSEB RSEB TNEB UPPCL WBSEB UPCL CESC G.TOTAL States having declared Solar Policy;
GREEN ENERGY INITIATIVES- Wind Mills SNInitiativeCapacityAction by Target AUnder IR’s funding MW wind mill installed in Tamil Nadu 10.5 MWSRTender scheduled to open on B.Under JV/PPP-Total MW 2Setting up of wind mill in Rajasthan through REMC 25 MWREMC NWR Contract awarded. To be Commissioning - Oct MW-wind mill in Gujarat & Maharashtra MW REMC WR, CR Load points and States to be firmed up by Jan 2015