October 28, Text features of informational text Ho mework: R eview your notes Objective I can recognize and evaluate text features in informational text and analyze how they enhance a text. Wa rm Up: T urn in blue Literature book to pg. R3 (in the back). Copy the definitions of informational text and text features into your notes.
Informational text writing that provides factual information.
Text features design elements of a text that indicate its pattern of organization or otherwise make its central ideas and information understandable. titles sub / headings boldfaced type bulleted and numbered lists graphic aids - charts, graphs, illustrations, photographs, diagrams, maps and timelines. questions captions
title or main heading id entifies the topic
subheadings ( aka section titles) h int at the main idea or topic of the section that follows.
questions m ay be used to focus your understanding of the text
a bulleted list s hows items of equal importance
graphic aids in clude things like maps, photographs or timelines.
captions pr ovide information about a graphic aid
The Pyramid Builders 1. What is the second subheading following the title? 2. What is a dynasty? 3. Which text feature tells you about the structures shown in the photograph?
Strategies for reading informational text
Graphic aids vi sual representations of verbal statements that make complex information easy to understand. They are often used to organize, simplify and summarize information for easy reference.
Graph a drawing that shows the relative values of numerical quantities.
circle (pie) graph shows the relationship of parts to a whole. The entire circle equals 100% and the parts of the circle represent percentages of the whole
line graph shows changes in numerical quantities over time and can be used to present trends such as global temperature change.
bar graph vertical or horizontal bars are used to show or compare categories of information. The lengths of the bars indicate quantities.
diagram a drawing that shows how something works or how its parts relate to one another.
schematic diagram lines, symbols and words are used to help readers visualize processes or objects they wouldn't normally be able to see.
chart presents information, shows a process or makes comparisons, usually in rows or columns.
table a specific type of chart that present a collection of facts in rows and columns and shows how the facts relate to one another.
map v isually represents a geographic region, such as a state or country. It provides information about areas through lines, colors, shapes and symbols.
political map shows political features, such as national borders.
physical map shows the landforms in an area.
road or travel map shows roads and highways.
thematic map shows information on a specific topic, such as climate, weather or natural resources.
timelines s hows events in the order in which they occurred. Event are listed along a horizontal or vertical line and are usually labeled with the year in which they happened.
1. According to the circle graph, is more glass or plastic recycled?
2. For how many years did the average global temperature decrease?
3. According to the bar graph, what was the approximate are of Babylonia?
4. How many chambers did the Great Pyramid of Khufu contain?
5. What did the coil in Archimedes' water-lifting device do?
6. Use the chart to find the name of the Roman god of the sea.
7. According to the train schedule, if you took the 7:25 A.M. train from Crawford Square, when would you arrive at Quincy Station?
8. What Australian desert is partially below sea level?
9. According to the thematic map of Australia, what part of the country has the highest risk of desertification?
10. Use the information in the timeline to make a prediction about what might happen in May 1861.