Empire of the Rising Sun Imperialistic Expansion
Hirohito Became Emperor in 1926 Japanese believe he is a living god No one could look at his face or even mention his name. Private man that preferred the study of marine biology over politics.
Hirohito Emperor merely approved the policies of his ministers. His role in Japanese expansion is unclear – Did he encourage Japanese military aggression? – Did he actively participate in the military aggression?
Liberal Changes of the 1920s Moved toward greater democracy Political parties grew stronger and elected members to the Diet – the Japanese parliament all adult men had the right to vote. Japanese women gained some rights but remained subordinate to men – Got the right to vote in 1947
Economic Growth During WWI – Japan expanded: – Economically with exports to the Allies – Territorially over East Asia Business leaders gained influence by donating money to political parties – Pushed for international trade and own interest In the Spirit of World Peace: – Agreed with U.S.A. and G.B. To limit the size of its navy and to reduce military spending.
Serious Problems Economic growth slowed – rural peasants didn’t share in prosperity of urban workers Underpaid factory workers were attracted to the ideas of Lenin and Marx. More socialist were elected to the Diet. Young people began rejected traditional Japanese values for western individualism
The Nationalist Reaction Great Depression struck Japan hard. Trade suffered because other nations couldn’t afford Japanese exports Unemployment soared in the city and rural peasants faced starvation.
A Worsening Reaction Economic disaster fed the discontent of the military and ultranationalist Military upset about Japan’s agreement with western demands to stop expansion Japan upset at racial policies in Canada, U.S., and Australia – Treated as second class citizens
A Worsening Crisis Nationalist demanded renewed expansion New territory could supply much needed raw materials Set sights on Chinese province of Manchuria
The Manchurian Incident Japanese army blew up a Japanese owned railroad line. – Blamed the Chinese In “self-defense” the Japanese army attacked the Chinese forces Without informing their government, the military conquered all of Manchuria
Traditional Values Revived Ultranationalist won the fight for expansion and fight against western powers. Civilian Government is dominated by military Ultranationalist: – Cracked down on socialist – Ended most democratic freedoms – Revived warrior values – Built a cult around the Emperor
Traditional Values Revived To spread its nationalist message: – Focused on schools – Criticized the adoption of western ideas – Taught “the way of subjects” - absolute obedience to the Emperor
Renewed Expansion Japan took advantage of China’s civil war to increase its influence – Plan to conquer it within a few years World War II breaks out
Questions to Ponder What liberal changes occurred in Japan in the 1920s? How did nationalist deal with the Great Depression in Japan? What goals did Japanese militarist pursue at home and abroad?