Distance Learning In Minnesota ABE Tom Cytron-Hysom & Renada Rutmanis
Prior to 2010 – Scattered DL in a few Minnesota ABE programs – Growing awareness at state level that DL was increasingly important – Emerging interest at the program level Minnesota designates 3% of state ABE funds for Supplemental Services grants – projects that build capacity statewide
St. Paul received first Distance Learning Supplemental Services Grant, to: – Convene and support services to foster the development and use of effective Distance Learning – Begin developing distance learning content for occupational prep courses – Provide technical staff support
Comprehensive online survey of Minnesota ABE programs Extensive report summarizing DL in ABE nationwide, with recommendations regarding Best Practices for Minnesota Creation of Virtual Task Force, to make policy recommendations to state ABE office
Grant renewed annually DL hours have grown significantly – over 181,000 last year. Steady growth each year since the first grant.
Professional development – Project IDEAL’s DL 101 and 102 – Summer Institute – DL strand – Regional and other trainings – Development of self-paced online courses, “Distance Learning Basics” and “Integrating Digital Literacy in the ABE Classroom”
Policy recommendations and vetting of DL platforms for proxy hours, through VTF Communication -Comprehensive website, responding to requests from the field statewide, etc. -Development of promotional materials -Collaborating with other statewide initiatives Digital literacy – now seen as intrinsically related to DL -Northstar -PD (see above)
Data development and improvement -MABE – development of DL reports, naming conventions, etc. - It has been challenging to obtain accurate statewide information because of local differences in how contact hours are tracked and categorized, as well as inherent limitations on the reports we could run. -There has been substantial improvement over the past year in both areas.
Effectiveness – Students in integrated classroom/DL programming do better in terms of NRS attainment than those in just one or the other – Most ABE learners do not do well as ‘pure’ DL learners; and not all ABE learners do well with DL even in a hybrid setting – Teacher screening, orientation, and ongoing support for DL students is essential – DL cannot be done effectively on the cheap – it does not ‘save money’
Metro North ABE sites… – Level Gains :Adults enrolled in DL approx. 76% – Adults not enrolled in DL approx. 50% Rosemount/Apple Valley/Eagan ABE… -Adults enrolled in DL or hybrid had 13-14% more level gains than adults not enrolled in any DL
Digital literacy (basic computer skills, information literacy, etc.) is a key part of DL – Northstar Digital Literacy Benchmarks - development and adoption as statewide standards – Best taught when integrated into classrooms, rather than as stand-alone computer classes
Bottom-up perspective increases acceptance and use of DL – VTF – the field feels sense of ownership – Broad approach to vetting of DL platforms for proxy hours important But – support at the state level (financial, policy, etc.) is also crucial
Minnesota allows use of many DL platforms, as approved by VTF, based on applications from the field This fosters buy-in across the state
State supported: i-pathways; Skills Tutor Free platforms: Core Skills Mastery; Mindquest, USA Learns Fee-based platforms: A+dvancer; Apex Learning, Inc.; Crossroads Café; Easy ESL; GED Academy; KeyTrain; Learner Web; My Foundations Lab/Accuplacer; Novanet; Plato Learning Environment; Putting English to Work; Reading Horizons Elevate; Rosetta Stone; Teach Me English in ESL
PD is key – Lack of PD leads to poor DL implementation, which can lead to lack of support for DL instruction – Must be comprehensive and embedded
Greater Metro -St. Paul (DL 101/102)...1,828 DL learners generating 52,298 hours -Minneapolis (no PD)...43 DL learners generating 2,257 hours Minnesota Cities -Mankato (DL 101/102) learners generating 5,179 hours -Duluth (no PD)...49 learners generating 252 hours -Rochester (no PD)...15 learners generating 440 hours Minnesota Regions -SW ABE Marshall (DL 101/102) learners generating 9,224 hours -Northwest Service Coop (no PD)...61 learners generating 929 hours -AEOA (no PD)...52 learners generating 905 hours
Adequate resources are important – Technology infrastructure - Computers and other equipment – Additional time for teachers – Managerial support and direct knowledge – Involvement and support among state ABE staff – Funding for statewide coordination, policy development, etc.
DL is essential for students – Expectations of familiarity and comfort with technology and DL on the job and in Higher Ed. – Particularly important in career pathways and transitions programming
WIOA strengthens and expands technology expectations - how will this be implemented? Alignment with CCRS (College and Career readiness) standards and ACES (Academic, Career & Employability Skills)
Development of new platforms which dynamically match resources to students present challenge to proxy hour model Student preference for/access to mobile devices vs. lack of compatible content from publishers Alignment of specific DL curricula, platforms, etc. to ABE target areas – GED, adult diploma, ELL, etc.
Moving beyond Early Adopters and making DL expertise an expectation for ABE instructors and managers Need for financial resources to support DL – computers and related infrastructure
Designated funding is needed Obtain buy-in at the state staff level Listen to the challenges and needs of local programs On-going communication is important Show how DL can enhance learning for ABE students Offer PD and other supports
Contact info – Tom Cytron-Hysom – – Renada Rutmanis – Website: