Lungs: o WW 1000 to 1500HU o WL -600 to -700HU Mediastinum, Hilum: o WW 350 to 500HU o WL 30 to 50HU
CT scan of chest showing the mass lesion in the anterior segment of right upper lobe with smooth lobulated margins. Enhanced CT scan of the chest shows large, septated anterior mediastinal mass containing fat and bony elements.
Adenocarcinoma of the lung: Axial CT scan of the chest with contrast reveals a lung mass with speculated borders in the left lower lobe of the lung abutting the left major fissure. Spiral-CT shows a huge mass occupying the entire right hemi-thorax. The mass is inhomogeneous with areas of necrosis visible. There is slight compression of the superior vena cava.
CT scan showing bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia. A CT scan confirmed bilateral pneumonia associated with disseminated necrotizing lesions (arrows).
Computed tomography (CT) scan showing black areas at the upper most part of the lungs representing emphysema.
Axial CT scan in with malignant melanoma shows multiple round nodules and masses of varying sizes in both lungs, consistent with metastases. There are also small bilateral pleural effusions.
57-year-old man presenting with dyspnea and black-colored sputum diagnosed with endobronchial metastasis from melanoma. Non-enhanced CT of the chest. Axial CT images at a mid level in the chest in (a) lung window and (b) soft tissue window show a hyperdense mass (arrow) in the left main bronchus with post obstructive collapse and leftward mediastinal shift. (c) Axial CT image of a lower level in the chest demonstrates an additional hyperdense lobulated left lower lobe mass (arrow). (d) Coronal CT image shows a lytic lesion in a thoracic vertebra (arrow).
Axial CT images show three fractures involving the sixth, seventh, and ninth ribs (arrows), while the bony thorax and rib fractures are also displayed in 3D volume- rendered images.
Serial rib fractures which did not heal well (ribs 7-11 on the left side).
Enchondromas: benign medullary cartilaginous neoplasm. Transverse cut of CT scan showing large intrathoracic bony lesion compression lung parenchyma.
Standard axial image from a contrast- enhanced CT scan showing what appears to be an oval-shaped descending thoracic aortic aneurysm, appearing to measure as much as 8.0×5.2 cm in diameter (arrows). B, Three-dimensional reconstruction in a left anterior oblique view of same CT scan demonstrating that the descending aorta is tortuous and was consequently cut off- axis (dotted arrow) on axial CT image. The true maximal diameter of this aortic segment was only 5.6 cm (solid arrow).
The CT scan will show the true and false lumens associated with dissection. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is another way of visualizing the aorta and is highly sensitive and specific for detecting dissections.