DLW procures nearly 7000 items annually and floats more than 6000 tenders for this. 100% procurement through E-tendering. All tenders are floated on IREPS platform. Details of all purchase orders are provided on DLW’s website. 2
Helpdesk for vendors – DLW’s website provides helpdesk numbers to resolve problems of vendors related to tender matters. The website of CRIS also provides helpdesk numbers to resolve issue related to submission of offers against e-tendering. To ensure more transparency and competitiveness, the concept of reverse auction has been started. Details of all PO’s placed by DLW are displayed on DLW’s website. 3
Read the Tender Conditions carefully and understand them well. Provide information on all manufacturing and QA facilities available with you. Provide information on your financial capability. Provide information on your experience in similar products. In case of Developmental Tenders, submission of Earnest Money is a must. Developmental Orders normally don’t attract LD in case of delayed supplies. However, unless you supply against old orders, new orders may not be placed. 4
New sources are usually considered for upto 5% of Net procurable Quantity in a tender. Mention desirable quantity required if there are strong reasons stating those reasons. Your rates must be competitive for getting a Developmental Order Need to have close liason with Design Deptt/RDSO until prototype is cleared. Payment will be released only after prototype clearance and supply as per PO’s terms 5
For RDSO Controlled Items, prior clearance from RDSO is required unless it is a Developmental Tender There are set procedures for supply, submission of bills, passage of bills and getting payment. Please get acquainted with the these procedures for helping us getting you your payment faster. Rejected materials must be removed from DLW premises within specified time limit. 6
Facilities to MSE sources due to them as per policy of Govt. of India is being given. Similarly, facilities due to domestic manufacturers of electronic products as per policy of Govt. of India in this regard is also being ensured. No Earnest Money / Security Deposit (Except safety Items) from approved Vendors. Bulk Quantity Orders on Approved Vendors. 7
Ensure submission of offer against tenders in time Provide all information as asked for in tenders with your offers Must supply as per Production requirements Keep us informed on supply status. Please inform in advance, if not able to supply in time. All supplies to be marked as specified for tracing and linking with orders 8
Supply of quality materials complying with ordered specification/drawing Provide necessary inspection and other documents with supplies Quick response against rejection of materials, if any. Timely settlement of warranty issues 9